The Heroine Eavesdropped on My Voice Heart

Chapter 102: Villains prepare drama for protagonist Hajime and his harem

It was a few minutes before Yue and the others knew Qin Tian was doing something to Hajime.

The three-headed giant dog that was one of Qin Tian's dharma manifestations swung its sharp claws at Hajime. There was a huge explosion and part of the floor of Hajime's workshop was damaged. Hajime himself luckily managed to dodge the attack from the giant dog. He gnashed his teeth angrily, as the man named Qin Tian could not be convinced to make peace. He could only fight now!

Hajime whose body was still controlled by Ehit now took out many weapons from his inventory. Many advanced weapons flew behind Hajime and started acting to shoot. Not only using magic, but he also used Ehit's shrewdness to strengthen the attack power of his weapons.


The attacks from Hajime's various advanced weapons that numbered approximately one million were now unleashed. Various colorful attacks illuminated Hajime's backside and now all the attacks flew towards Qin Tian and his dog at high speed.

Qin Tian naturally didn't stand idly by as many attacks capable of destroying a city with a single charge headed his way. He immediately ordered his dog to do something, even though he himself could do it but he felt like doing something similar to a pokemon master; "Dog, swallow all those attacks."

"Wupwup (Can you at least give me the right name?)

The three-headed Dharma dog stared at its creator flatly, but it immediately did what its creator said. The dog opened its jaws wide and a powerful suction force came from inside its mouth. All of Hajime's attacks were automatically sucked into the dog's mouth and disappeared without causing any damage.

Hajime clicked his tongue. "Damn, that dog's ability is very cheating."

All his attacks had been swallowed by the giant dog and he had to use other means to deal with Qin Tian.

Since ranged attacks wouldn't be effective, he took out one pistol and a dagger whose power clearly surpassed normal weapons. Actually at this moment Hajime had already taken over his own body because Ehit deliberately gave him control.

Although Ehit was a God, in battle he mostly relied on his subordinates and used ranged attacks. His melee combat ability was only slightly above the average A rank adventure in Tortus. So he deliberately gave control to Hajime because he knew the man was better than him in combat ability, be it in ranged or melee combat.

Putting aside his greed, Ehit thought of his safety first and let Hajime fight that man named Qin Tian! He even lent his divine power to Hajime to increase his chances of victory.

Hajime's body glowed with red and white aura, he felt his magic energy and Ehit's divine energy strengthening his combat power dozens of times.

He looked at Qin Tian coldly, as the other party seemed to want to kill him. He definitely wouldn't go easy on his enemy.

Hajime knew it was also his fault for provoking the man named Qin Tian by trying to kidnap his friends, although his actions back then were influenced by Ehit's soul but he was the one who did that.

Even so, he didn't let others beat him up so easily. His pride which had improved a lot since his adventures in Tortus could not let others trample on him.

Hajime walked calmly towards Qin Tian while gripping his pistol and dagger.

"Hooh. You want to do close combat? Alright..." In close combat, as usual Qin Tian preferred to create silver swords using his Qi.

"Wupwup..." His dog dharma also seemed to want to do something.

Qin Tian looked back and said. "No, you stay here and be a good spectator."

The dog nodded, retreated backwards and lay on the floor with all its red eyes fixed on its creator.

Seeing that the giant dog was completely obedient despite its terrifying appearance, Qin Tian began to consider keeping dogs in his villa.

Seeing Qin Tian glancing at the dog, Hajime naturally seized this opportunity to attack.

"Supersonic Step."

Mentioning the name of his skill, he moved in supersonic speed and immediately appeared beside Qin Tian as if teleporting while aiming for his neck with a dagger that was of the strongest metal and already enveloped by the poison of the most poisonous monster in Tortus.

Just getting Qin Tian scratched by the dagger was enough to ensure his victory!


The clang sound came from Qin Tian's sword blocking Hajime's dagger. Qin Tian looked at Hajime indifferently as he said. "Only that?"

"Tch, of course not!"

Hajime raised his other hand quickly and pointed his gun towards Qin Tian's head before pulling the trigger. The red-colored energy ball from Hajime's gun flew towards Qin Tian's head. Since it was released at such a close distance, Hajime was sure Qin Tian wouldn't be able to dodge his attack.


A sizable explosion occurred just because of one attack from Hajime's gun. The moment the explosion occurred Hajime had already jumped back several meters, his cold gaze fixed on the smoke produced by the previous explosion.

Before he confirmed that his enemy was dead, he would not relax his vigilance.

But he was surprised to see that the person he shot in the head seemed to be fine. That person was not even injured at all!

Qin Tian waved his hand to blow away the smoke around him, although he was very confident in his physical defense, he didn't received Hajime's attack on his face. So earlier at the time when Hajime's attack was about to hit him, he blocked it using a small Qi barrier around his head.

But from Hajime's point of view, the white-haired man didn't seem to notice it at all.

Seeing that Qin Tian was fine, Hajime put on a completely serious face now. This man he was fighting was definitely the most powerful opponent he had encountered so he had to go all out if he really wanted to win against him.

Without saying much Hajime chose to take a risk by using a skill that would multiply all his stats by five times.


The pressure emitted from Hajime's body grew stronger, red-colored lightning moving around his body. Hajime at this moment felt like he could throw his strongest attack as many times as he wanted until the duration of his skill was over.

He had to start attacking now!

"Deny All Existences."

This was his strongest spell. A "Concept magic" created by him, through Evolution magic, that overwrites the other person's information from "Existence" to "Non-existence". He combined this with his Transmutation and created some ultra-thin chains that imparted magic on contact. Anything the chains touched would feel immense pain, even if it normally wouldn't, and were quickly cut into smaller and smaller pieces until there was nothing left.

Many chains emerged from the void behind Hajime and charged towards Qin Tian. Hajime didn't stay still either, he ran towards Qin Tian at a faster speed than before while attacking him with his pistol and dagger.

While dodging and blocking Hajime's attacks, he saw cracks appear on his sword as it collided with Hajime's chain. He was quite surprised to see this and began to analyze what power the chain contained.

He then nodded while repairing the cracks on his sword using his Qi every time he blocked an attack from Hajime's chain.

"Your chain contains an interesting concept, Hajime, but it's a pity that I will only feel bitten by ants if the chain actually hits my body."

"Hah! You're bragging! If you're so confident in your physical endurance, then let my chain touch you. Don't block it."

Hajime sneered while continuing his attacks which Qin Tian kept dodging and blocking. Qin Tian also made attacks with several slashes at him and it was very difficult to avoid the other party's extremely fast sword slashes. Even after his senses were strengthened using "Overload", he really had trouble seeing the trajectory of Qin Tian's sword slashes.

Several scratches were created on Hajime's body and he winced feeling the foreign energy in his scars that hindered his super regeneration.

"If you say so. Then I'll show you."

Qin Tian caught one of the chains that was about to hit him with his hand. He felt the sensation of being bitten by an ant at that very moment. Then he started catching all of Hajime's chains that were about to hit him one by one, because of their thin size he could grasp all of them with one fist.

And she was still fine after all that. If it was someone else, that person would have already felt immense pain and would have been torn to shreds just from the slightest touch from Hajime's chains.

Hajime almost stumbled seeing that Qin Tian caught all his chains with his bare hands and he was still fine!

What the hell!

This man is so abnormal, right?

At least make a little expression of pain...

Hajime felt a bit sad that all his attacks on Qin Tian so far were basically in vain.

Hajime even began to doubt his own power. Unlike in Tortus where he was the strongest, in this world it seemed like he was very weak compared to other supernatural beings.

He wondered how many people had power as strong as Qin Tian in this world? If there were that many, wouldn't it be dangerous if he accidentally provoked those people like he did Qin Tian?

Hajime: 'Damn, this is all your fault, Ehit! If it wasn't for being influenced by you, I wouldn't have gotten into trouble like this!'

Ehit: '....'

Ehit chose to remain silent and did not reply.

Hajime clucked his tongue, he was about to think of another way that might be effective against Qin Tian, but suddenly his body froze and the dagger that was about to strike Qin Tian stopped moving.

"Okay that's enough playing around. I won't kill you, at least for now, but you'll have to pay the price for provoking me."

Qin Tian destroyed all of Hajime's chains using Houshoku Haki, not only destroying all the chains. But he also made Hajime unable to move and feel dizzy from being hit by his Houshoku Haki. He also added pressure from his cultivation base and locked Hajime's body from moving.

"You... What are you..." Hajime's face looked pale after being hit by the Houshoku Haki earlier, even Ehit also felt the impact even though he was a soul and did not have a physical body.

Qin Tian ignored Hajime's question and began to place one finger on Hajime's forehead. Black Qi condensed from Qin Tian's finger and entered into Hajime's body.

Hajime cried out in pain, he was in excruciating pain. Not only the pain on his physique, but also on his soul. Ehit naturally felt the same pain as Hajime, he even wanted to get out of Hajime's body so that he wouldn't have to feel the pain, but when he was about to get out of Hajime's body, he felt there was a wall blocking him to escaping.

Qin Tian smiled coldly, the pressure from his cultivation base enveloped Hajime's body and it also served to keep the other people's souls in Hajime's body body from escaping.

Hajime knelt on the ground while holding his head with a cry of pain continuously coming out of his mouth. In the process, Hajime forced himself to stare at Qin Tian with eyes full of hatred, even though he was still in excruciating pain, he opened his mouth to ask. "Why? Why are you doing this to me? I didn't mean to target your people. My actions to carry out the kidnapping were influenced by the Ehit soul inside my body..."

Qin Tian burst out laughing while looking down at Hajime who was kneeling on the ground with an expression of pain.

[Why am I doing this to you? Hahahaha! Is this protagonist Hajime Nagumo stupid? I don't care about your reasons or anything. You dared to try to kidnap and harm my woman. You will of course have to pay the price for what you've done!]

"But it was still you who did it using your toy, right? Even if your actions were influenced by Ehit, you still have to take responsibility for your actions. It's also your fault because you didn't seem to realize that your mind was being directed by Ehit before I revealed his existence inside your body."

Hajime gritted his teeth, even though he knew it was his fault, but his desire for revenge on Qin Tian flared up in his heart.

He swore in his heart that someday he would take revenge on this man named Qin Tian once he was strong enough to fight him of course.

Seeing Hajime's hateful gaze directed at him. Qin Tian sneered, this Hajime protagonist must be eager to take revenge on him someday.

But alas, that opportunity would never come, because after he managed to reduce Hajime's destiny points to lower than his own. At that point there was no reason to let Hajime live any longer.

Sensing the arrival of several people from outside the door of Hajime's workshop using his Qi Sense, Qin Tian grinned as the heroines had finally arrived!

That way the process of cutting off Hajime's destiny value would be done immediately!

He dispelled his dog dharma before squatting down and hitting Hajime's neck to stun him, then he immediately summoned others inside Hajime's body.

"Ehit, take over Hajime's body right now or I will destroy your soul. I have a good offer for you."

Hajime's body that collapsed on the floor suddenly jerked, Hajime's eyes had a gold-colored cross pattern which meant that Ehit was now in control of Hajime's body.

Ehit looked nervously at Qin Tian, there was a look of pain on his face due to the effect of the dark Qi that Qin Tian put into Hajime's body earlier.

"Wh-What is it?"

Qin Tian grinned, he started to say something to Ehit that he would most likely find hard to resist.

Ehit who heard what he said had greed in his eyes and nodded vigorously.


On the other hand, the sound of explosion after explosion could be heard from outside the door of Hajime's workshop. It was caused by Yue, Shea, and Tio who were now trying to forcefully break down the door in front of them using their magic. The defenses of Hajime's workshop were very strong and they only managed to make a few cracks in the door. Remia who had no combat skills, could only watch as the three women continued to throw various attacks to destroy the door of Hajime's workshop.

Just as the three women started sweating after using their magic heavily, two women suddenly ran towards them. It was Kaori and Shizuku who had just come hurriedly to Hajime's house after hearing Qin Tian's inner voice that seemed to be doing something to Hajime.

"Bakaori, use your Apostle mode to cut this door. And Last boss, you can also do it with your sword technique which is said to be able to cut through anything."

"Mou... Yue, can you not mock me at a time like this? Even without your orders, I know what to do!" Kaori complained at the vampire loli and immediately morphed into her Apostle form. Her black hair turned silver and her eyes turned blue. Her clothes changed into a combat outfit with a winged helmet on top of her head. There were two swords that seemed to glow with divine light in both hands.

"Who's Final boss? Just call me Shizuku, okay?" Shizuku sighed, wasting no time she took out her katana from her magic storage and took a position in front of the door of Hajime's workshop.

The five women now began to attack the door in front of them simultaneously and a huge explosion occurred. Remia covered her ears when it happened.

The door of Hajime's workshop was successfully destroyed. All the women immediately went in to check on Hajime.

Their eyes widened when they saw a lot of debris inside Hajime's workshop making it difficult to clearly see the entire area inside.

There were some explosion marks on the walls, obviously there was a battle going on here before they came.



Or maybe the fight is still going on?

Kaori who had met Qin Tian was worried about what the villain would do to Hajime.

From Qin Tian's inner voice that she heard before, it seemed like Hajime did something bad to his woman that made the destiny villain angry.

When he found out about this, he couldn't believe it and doubted whether Hajime really did that?

Doing something evil like kidnapping?

"Everyone, over there! I see Hajime-san and someone are fighting. Let's go there immediately to help Hajime-san!" Shea with her giant hammer was about to rush towards Hajime's location, but her shoulder was suddenly grabbed by Kaori making her unable to move.

The other women also saw this and wondered why Kaori stopped Shea.

"I think we should watch the fight from a distance first. I wonder what conflict made Qin Tian and Hajime fight." Kaori said to the womans.

That womens were stunned.

"Uh, Kaori-san? Y-You, how did you know the person who was fighting with Hajime was Qin Tian?" (Shea)

"Bakaori... How did you know?" (Yue)

"Hmm... Could it be that I'm not the only one who can hear..." (Tio)

"Kaori, you can hear it too?" (Shizuku)

"Oh my, it seems like all of us..." (Remia)

Kaori nodded, she had actually suspected since a few days ago that it wasn't just her who could hear inner voices. The other women in Hajime's harem could also hear hearts!

Because Qin Tian said Hajime was the protagonist. That meant the women in Hajime's harem were heroines. Kaori had known for a long time that she was the heroine since the incident with Issei, but she didn't expect that Yue, Shea, Tio, Remia, and Shizuku were also heroines just like her.

And sure enough, judging from their reactions, it seems like they can really hear the inner voice.

"Yes, I can also hear the inner voice and you all seem to be the same. I think it's because we're all heroines that we can hear Qin Tian and the other protagonists' inner voices." Kaori said.

"But why can't we hear Hajime's inner voice? Qin Tian said from his inner voice that Hajime is also a protagonist..." Yue said in confusion.

Kaori shook her head. "I don't know why we can't hear Hajime's inner voice either, Yue... Maybe there's a limit to how many people's inner voices we can hear."

"That makes sense. There must be a limit to listening to those inner voices. It's a pity we can't hear Hajime's inner voice. If we could maybe we could find out why Hajime's attitude towards us has become so cold and indifferent." Shizuku said with a bitter smile on her face.

All the women understood and agreed with what Shizuku said. Too bad they couldn't listen to Hajime's inner voice.

Remia suddenly accidentally coughed and said. "I know you guys are having fun chatting, but when are we going to check on Hajime and Qin Tian's fight?"

All the women were then dumbfounded, they had embarrassed expressions on their faces and immediately walked over to the area where Qin Tian and Hajime were fighting.

They then stopped behind the debris of Hajime's toys. All the women were secretly peeking at the fight from quite a distance, but they could see and hear Qin Tian and Hajime clearly because they were all not ordinary people.

But instead of looking at Hajime first to make sure he was alright, their gazes were all subconsciously attracted to the figure of an extremely handsome man with an indifferent face while fighting with Hajime. He had long black hair like a woman, but that didn't make him look feminine because of his tall athletic-looking body. Instead, he looked manly and very masculine.

All the women in Hajime's harem who were seeing Qin Tian for the first time now looked dazed and their cheeks involuntarily blushed even though they quickly calmed their emotions.

So that's Qin Tian?

The villain whose inner voice they had often heard all this time?

While they didn't feel comfortable as they subconsciously started comparing the appearance of Hajime and Qin Tian in their minds.

But they all admitted in their hearts that Qin Tian was much more handsome than Hajime thus making them want to look at him longer.

They felt that Qin Tian was very pleasant to look at.

The one who came back to her senses the fastest after seeing Qin Tian's enchantment was Yue before being followed by the others. They then glanced at Hajime and they were stunned because his appearance looked tattered with many scars on his body.

"Hajime- Mmmphh! Mmmph!" Yue immediately removed a hand that was covering her mouth and glared at the culprit with her bloodshot eyes.

"Kaori, what do you mean? We need to help Hajime right now."

"Stttt! You fool, did you forget what I said before? Do you remember anything else Qin Tian said in his inner voice besides Hajime turning out to be the protagonist?"

The other women began to realize what Kaori meant and they became hesitant to help Hajime as they wanted to confirm something first.

"What? What do you mean about Hajime trying to kidnap and harm Qin Tian's woman? You really believe Hajime would do something like that? Kaori, you seem to trust that villain named Qin Tian more than Hajime." Yue looked at Kaori with a hostile gaze.

That's right. Kaori was a bitch who would be mesmerized by another man who looked better than Hajime.

Although Yue did have a slight dislike for Kaori before, but now that dislike was getting stronger.

The other women who saw this sighed, why did these two women always easily fight every time they came face to face?

Kaori's lips twitched, she felt angry at Yue's words that basically said she favored Qin Tian over Hajime. She wanted to deny his words, but remembering Hajime's cold and indifferent attitude somehow made it difficult for her to say anything at this point. And actually the thing that angered her the most were Yue's words that said Qin Tian was a villain as if he was a bad person. Although it was true that Qin Tian was a villain, but from his inner voice all this time and her first meeting with Qin Tian before. She knew that Qin Tian wasn't really bad, although he wasn't a good person either but at least she knew that he wouldn't do anything bad to innocent people.

And the reason why Qin Tian fought with Hajime. It was most likely Hajime who provoked Qin Tian first so Qin Tian didn't hesitate to take revenge.

If it was the Hajime of old, he really wouldn't believe what Qin Tian said about what Hajime had done to anger him. But the Hajime now had indeed undergone many changes to his personality and she felt that the Hajime now really might do what Qin Tian said.

Looking at Kaori who seemed to have a complicated expression and did not say anything to refute her words. Yue sneered and looked at Kaori coldly.

She was about to say something rude to Kaori, but her voice was interrupted by the conversation of Hajime and Qin Tian who were fighting.

She naturally chose to listen to the conversation between the two of them well because she was curious. The other women also did the same, they began to focus their listening on Qin Tian and Hajime's conversation.

"Damn, Qin Tian! Didn't I already say that I didn't intentionally target your people! Isn't it enough to beat me up like this? None of your people died anyway. They only have minor injuries and I haven't even done anything worse to them." Hajime said while looking at Qin Tian with hatred in his eyes. Hajime's gaze now was exactly the same as when he was going through the path of revenge in his adventure in Tortus.

The women in Hajime's Harem realized that and they were dumbfounded because of what Hajime said. It seemed like it really was Hajime who had provoked Qin Tian first by doing something bad to the people Qin Tian cared about.

Qin Tian swung his sword, to the ground beside him to splash Hajime's blood that stuck to his sword. His face was still indifferent and looked at Hajime coldly.

"Tell me, Hajime. I'm actually curious for what reason do you want to kidnap the group of devils in Kuoh city? If you satisfy my curiosity. I'll consider stopping here and just ask you to make a soul agreement contract with me. You know it's to prevent you from doing something stupid again so as to provoke me or other powerful beings who probably won't be as good as me since I didn't kill you."

Hajime released his fighting stance and sighed. "Actually, the reason I planned the kidnapping was to obtain the high-class demons that came from the 72 pillars of the devil clan in the underworld. After I captured them, I wanted to extract their devil power and special abilities into my body to strengthen my own power. But unfortunately that failed because of someone..." Hajime sneered as he said the last while looking at Qin Tian, because he was the one who foiled his plan.

The women who were eavesdropping behind the rubble were dumbfounded, they didn't expect Hajime to actually intend to commit such evil acts because of his greed.

The way they looked at Hajime changed, Hajime now looked like a stranger. They wondered why Hajime turned into a villain like this?

Subconsciously their liking for Hajime dropped after knowing this.

Qin Tian got many notifications from the system and he laughed out loud in his mind.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for bringing down heroine Kaori Shirasaki's favorability to protagonist Hajime. You get 300 destiny points.]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for bringing down heroine Shizuku Yaegashi's favorability to protagonist Hajime. You get 300 destiny points.]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for bringing down heroine Tio Klarus's favorability to protagonist Hajime. You get 300 destiny points.]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for bringing down heroine Shea Haulia's favorability to protagonist Hajime. You get 300 destiny points.]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for bringing down heroine Remia's favorability to protagonist Hajime. You get 300 destiny points.]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for bringing down heroine Yue's favorability to protagonist Hajime. You get 100 destiny points.]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for bringing down heroine Kaori Shirasaki's favorability to protagonist Hajime. You get 200 destiny points.]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for bringing down heroine Shizuku Yaegashi's favorability to protagonist Hajime. You get 200 destiny points.]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for bringing down heroine Remia's favorability to protagonist Hajime. You get 200 destiny points.]

Qin Tian clucked his tongue, when only a few hundred points again he could surpass protagonist Hajime's destiny points!

But he was calm because this was just the beginning, with his Qi Sense he sensed the heroines who were eavesdropping behind the rubble began to look at Hajime with unfavorable gazes.

The least affected by Hajime's evil actions was Yue, from the destiny points he got from her alone he knew that the loli vampire was the most difficult to conquer.

But Qin Tian didn't care about conquering her or anything, because his goal was to get as many destiny points as possible from provoking the heroines' relationship with Hajime.

By the way Qin Tian didn't forget to add rewards to himself by complaining in his heart and accumulating rewards from the complaint system.

[Ahem! So this is Hajime's protagonist? He seems to have fall and started leaning towards being a villain rather than a protagonist. I originally wanted to kill him, but I'll give him one chance. I considered this because Hajime didn't kill in the previous abduction, of course it was because he failed to do so before trying due to my appearance back then. Well fortunately a destiny villain like me is sensible and has his own considerations in punishing the people who provoked me.]

Of course it was a lie, Qin Tian actually wanted to kill Hajime, but while complaining using the grievance system. He felt uncomfortable to be too honest in expressing his true thoughts.

So he deliberately adjusted the words when using his complaint system, depending on the situation of course.

Qin Tian then immediately asked Hajime to make a soul contract with him to prevent him from doing something like revenge or kidnap people close to him. The white-haired man was also forbidden from performing evil acts such as extracting or performing other evil acts on innocent people. Hajime gritted his teeth with a reluctant expression, but he made that soul contract with Qin Tian and made him unable to break his promise.

Qin Tian was satisfied with that. He immediately turned around and opened a void portal to leave Hajime's workshop. Now the rest he just had to wait for Hajime- *cough* Ehit to do the rest.

The heroines in Hajime's Harem stared at Qin Tian's departure with disappointment because they couldn't talk or at least get acquainted with him.

Hearing Qin Tian's inner voice earlier, their impression of Qin Tian became even better. Yue was the first to realize, she immediately ran towards Hajime with a worried expression.

But just as she was about to touch Hajime to check his wound, her hand was slapped by Hajime.

Hajime looked at her coldly and there was a look of disgust on his face.

"Do not touch me with your filthy hands carelessly, Vampire."

"E-Eh. H-Hajime, I'm just worried about your wound... Why are you treating me so coldly... Not even calling my name..." Yue had a sad expression on her face. Her red eyes glazed over as she wanted to cry. The other women who saw this immediately pulled Yue to move a little away from Hajime. They glared at Hajime as the man became increasingly rude to the woman who loved him so much like Yue.

Except for Yue, all the women there looked at Hajime angrily.

"Hajime-kun, I don't know why your attitude has turned into this. But whatever it is you should apologize to Yue immediately, right now." Kaori glared at Hajime sternly in her combat mode.

Hajime sneered. "Heh, if I don't want to do it. Are you going to force me with your power, Kaori? You have entered your Apostle form as if you are preparing to attack me at any time."

"No, Hajime-kun. You misunderstood. I-I just forgot to cancel this form after destroying your workshop door because we were worried about the loud explosion sounds that kept being heard here." Kaori explained hurriedly as she did not want Hajime to misunderstand that she would resort to harsh means to force him.

She was about to cancel her Rasul form to dispel Hajime's suspicions, but before she did that. She heard the trigger being pulled and she reflexively crossed her two swords over her chest.

An explosion occurred and Kaori was pushed back several meters due to the impact of the blast.

She stared at Hajime who was pointing a smoking gun at her in disbelief.

If she hadn't blocked the attack. She would've had a huge hole in her chest and most likely died.

"Hajime-kun, Y-You why did you attack me like that. Why did you..."


Shizuku, Yue, Shea, Tio, and Remia immediately came to Kaori with worry.

They also didn't expect Hajime to be so cruel to attack his own woman as if he was going to kill her.

Hajime looked at them coldly, actually the one controlling his body right now was Hajime himself. But his actions were driven by the negative emotions that filled his mind after being beaten by Qin Tian and there was also Ehit who made his negative emotions even worse. For some reason he felt like destroying everything in front of his eyes, especially the women who looked annoying and were so noisy that it made him so upset that he wanted to kill them.

Hajime could not think clearly now. Actually it wasn't just because of his anger at Qin Tian and Ehit's influence on his mind, but there was also another factor affecting his mind and that was something Qin Tian did secretly to him without him realizing it.

"I'm in a bad mood right now. Can you guys let me shoot and make a few holes in you guys bodies to vent my anger? Well... I don't need your guys permission actually. I'll do whatever I want."


Author Note

Please don't worry, there won't be any heroines killed there. I didn't plan to have them killed by Hajime. It's all just for the drama that will destroy Hajime's relationship and his harem. The next few chapters will look forced because my brain is twitching with lack of ideas. By the way, sorry yesterday I didn't release a chapter because I was busy doing something in the real world so I couldn't write a daily chapter. I could have done it but I was tired and chose to rest that day.

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