The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1345: Miss Gangster VS Sick Brother (17)

   Chapter 1345 Miss Gangster VS Sick Brother (17)

   Looking at Leng Ze's serious review, Leng Su temporarily put aside those thoughts in her mind, she went to the utility room to rummage through and finally appeared in front of Leng Ze with a lot of information.

   "Here are some notes and review materials from last year's college entrance examination, you can take a look."

   "Okay, thank you sister."

   "Well, then you review first, I'll go to help and deal with things first."

"it is good……"

   Looking at the back of Leng Su's departure, Leng Ze's hand unconsciously squeezed, and the paper in his hand was gradually deformed and finally crumpled into a ball.

  Sister, wait for me, no matter where you go after the college entrance examination, I will definitely accompany you.

  Thinking, Leng Ze lowered his head and opened the information in his hand, but at this moment, a pink letter suddenly appeared in his eyes...

  Leng Ze's eyes dimmed, he hurriedly took the other materials and rummaged through them all.

   Looking at the pink letters on the coffee table, the air pressure around Leng Ze's body was constantly decreasing.

   At this moment, he turned his eyes quickly and looked at Leng Su's one-shoulder backpack on the sofa.

  Leng Ze got up, opened the zipper and turned the entire backpack over...

  Books and books fell to the ground, and at the same time, several pink letters fell from the books and books...

  For Leng Su, she has done so many tasks and experienced so many worlds, and her studies are easy for her.

   Therefore, she doesn't need to study at all, she just needs to go to the school to hang out and get a full score in the presence test.

   She didn't even look at the chocolates, love letters, etc. that the boys stuffed into her drawer.

   She didn't even read these books and books, so she didn't know the existence of these love letters.

   "Sister, you are mine!" Leng Ze's voice was low and hoarse, revealing a sense of madness.

   He sorted out all those love letters, opened them one by one, and read them word by word.

   He silently wrote down the names of those men, then took out the lighter from the drawer and lit those love letters directly on the coffee table...

   Here, it was past ten o'clock in the evening when Leng Su returned to the villa after dealing with the gang affairs.

  It is strange that someone who should usually be studying in the living room has disappeared today...

  Leng Su moved the entire villa up and down, and searched inside and out, but found no one.

   After asking the brothers at the door, she was told that she had just left on the front foot, and Leng Ze went out on the back foot...

   Haven't been back for so long?

  Thinking of this, Leng Su quickly took out the mobile phone in his arms and called Leng Ze.

   At this moment, a familiar ringing sound came from not far ahead.

After hearing   , Leng Su quickly clenched his phone and trotted over.

  Under the dark tree, a familiar voice was leaning on the ground in embarrassment. Under the light of the mobile phone flashlight, the scars on his face looked particularly penetrating.


   Leng Su was so frightened that he rushed to Leng Ze's side and subconsciously held his wrist to check the pulse.

   After confirming that this guy only suffered some skin injuries, and the others were not serious, she breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Ozawa? Ozawa?"

  Leng Su tentatively shouted a few words, and found that this guy seemed to have fallen asleep. In desperation, he had to carry the other party on his back with difficulty.

   Fortunately, the original owner is in good health. Although the girl is weak, she has practiced martial arts since she was a child. Although it is not easy to carry a big man, it is not as difficult as she imagined.

   However, what Leng Su didn't know was...

   PS: [Still writing, there will be an update today, please wait a moment, okay, this is today's chapter 5 update (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~]



   (end of this chapter)

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