The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1346: Miss Gangster VS Sick Brother (19)

   Chapter 1346 Miss Gangster VS Sick Brother (19)

   Facing Leng Ze's mournful tone, Leng Su instantly felt like a modern Chen Shimei!

   "Don't think nonsense." Leng Su said angrily.

   "You forgot what I said before? No matter what happens in the future, my sister will never abandon you. The most important thing for you now is to calm down and prepare for the college entrance examination."

   After listening to Leng Su's words, Leng Ze was not comforted...

   She just said that no matter what the future is, she will not abandon him.

   But she didn't say she wouldn't get married, wouldn't get married...

   In other words, will she still marry and be with other men?

  Thinking of this, Leng Ze couldn't help thinking of the pile of love letters today, and the man who was beaten to death by him but still slurred and shouted that he liked Leng Su.

   As soon as she thought that she might marry someone else in the future, might have a skin-to-skin kiss with another man, and have children, Leng Ze felt that there was a anger in her chest that had nowhere to vent.

   "Sister, I'm sorry..." Leng Ze muttered.

   "What?" Leng Su asked in a hurry.

   "It's nothing, sister, don't worry, I'm fine." Leng Ze suddenly changed his tone of sorrow before saying.

   "Are you really okay?" Leng Su asked.

  Leng Ze reluctantly let go of her, nodded with a smile: "I'm fine, sister, don't worry."

   "By the way, sister, you said before that you would take me on a trip after my college entrance examination. Where do you want to go?"

   Seeing that Leng Ze was deliberately changing the subject, Leng Su couldn't help looking at his expression, and after confirming that it was all right, she only talked about travel.

   "I've been busy with gang affairs for the past few days, and I haven't decided which country to go to." Leng Su said.

   "Since elder sister has no idea, why don't you leave this matter to me?"

   "Yes, but the premise is not to delay your college entrance examination review."

"it is good."

After the    agreement was reached, Leng Su began to question Leng Ze's injuries.

   "I ran into a mad dog when I was just going out..."

  Leng Su: "..." Damn, do you think she is blind?

   Is this injury done by a dog?

   "Sister, I'm sleepy."

   "Then go to sleep." Seeing that he didn't want to say more, Leng Su didn't bother.

   Hearing Leng Ze mentioning traveling just now, she couldn't help thinking of his life experience...

   Father Leng's side is afraid that they can't hide it. According to Father Leng's temperament, once he knows that he has been wearing a green hat and still helps others to raise children, he is afraid that Leng Ze's life will not be guaranteed.

   Why don't you let him take the college entrance examination and take it out of the country?

   That night, Leng Su and Leng Ze didn't sleep, both of them were thinking about each other's thoughts.

   However, the plan can't keep up with the changes after all...

   The next day, Leng Su and Leng Ze came to the school together. Leng Su was still in class, and as a result, he received news from his subordinates that Leng Ze was missing! ! !

Depend on!

  Leng Su ran out of the classroom on the spot and called a group of brothers to find someone.

   Is it Father Leng or the old guy from the Mo family! ! !

   Unlike Leng Su, who was in a hurry, looking for people all over the world, Leng Ze was plotted against in the school's men's bathroom.

   When he woke up again, he found himself in a luxurious room, and a white-haired old man was standing beside his bed watching him.

   After seeing Leng Ze wake up, the old man looked at him up and down, left and right, and said sarcastically, "That **** is quite powerful!"

   (end of this chapter)

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