The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1434: Talented female professor VS "liar" male classmate (2

   Chapter 1434 Genius female professor VS "liar" male classmate (29)

  In the playground where someone comes and goes in the imperial capital.

  Leng Su looked at Qiao Mo beside him with a black face, and said speechlessly, "You took me to the playground for a date?"

  Qiao Mo took out his mobile phone, typed a line and handed it to her.

   "Together we make up for each other's missing childhood."

  Leng Su: "..." What the **** is a sudden warm heart.

  Leng Su wanted to say that she was not the one who lacked childhood, but looking at Qiao Mo's earnest eyes next to her, she finally smiled and said nothing.

  Jomo took her hand and walked into the playground in front of her. They played from roller coasters, merry-go-rounds to coffee cups and Ferris wheels.

   When playing in the haunted house, Leng Su's expression was very calm, but Qiao Mo's reaction was a bit beyond Leng Su's expectations.



   "Teacher, help!"

  Leng Su: "..." Are you still a man?

  How dare a gentleman be so small?

   Tucao in his heart returned to Tucao, but Leng Su still stretched out his hand and hugged Qiao Mo's body, patting his back lightly.

   "It's okay, these are fake."

   "Really, really?"

   "Well, it's fake, it's all a lie." Leng Su said calmly.

   Hearing this, Qiao Mo couldn't help turning his head to look at the ghosts.

   "Quack..." The ghosts rushed towards Qiao Mo while shouting.


   "Teacher help!"


  Leng Su: "..."

  Leng Su lowered his head with a black face, looking at Qiao Mo, who was holding her tightly like a koala.

   To be honest, this is the first time she has seen such a cowardly, so worried and so low male protagonist.

  Leng Su groaned while hugging someone in his arms tightly and dragging him towards the exit of the haunted house.

   Along the way, Qiao Mo's wailing never stopped, and even directly covered up the frightened sounds of those little girls.

   When Leng Su dragged him out of the haunted house, Qiao Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

   He looked at Leng Su with an embarrassed expression, his eyes dodged...

   On the side of the couple who came out with them, the women looked at Qiao Mo and Leng Su with amusing, and the men looked at Qiao Mo with contempt and ferocity.

  Who made Qiao Mo ruin their good deeds...

   Originally, when they first entered the haunted house, their girlfriends were all afraid, and they were all drilling into their arms.

   But when Qiao Mo came in, everything changed.

  Qiao Mo's screams attracted the attention of everyone in the haunted house. Although everyone couldn't see clearly, they couldn't help but subconsciously looked towards the source of the screams and walked away.

   Slowly, those girls subconsciously forgot their fear.

   Instead, because Qiao Mo was so scared, he was curious about the ghosts, and couldn't help pulling his boyfriend to get close to the ghosts to see how realistic they were acting...

  That's it, because of Qiao Mo's appearance, those boys lost an excellent opportunity to have a kiss.

   Not to mention the good beauty is pregnant, they have to endure Qiao Mo's wailing along the way.

   The most unacceptable thing for them is that the attention of the girl next to her was unknowingly attracted by the cowardly man.

   After this haunted house, after seeing Leng Su beside Qiao Mo, those men despised and envied Qiao Mo even more.

   How can such a timid man have such a beautiful girlfriend! ! !

   Look at the sister paper beside them, they are all out of the haunted house, and they are still staring at the man.

   Some are still whispering "so handsome", "timid and cute"...

   (end of this chapter)

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