The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 1435: Talented female professor VS "liar" male classmate (3

   Chapter 1435 Genius female professor VS "liar" male classmate (30)


   Good gas!

   Good heart!

   So jealous!

   I really want to hit someone!

   Facing the suddenly **** girlfriend next to him, those men couldn't help but have an impulse in their hearts.

   Desperately grabbing his girlfriend's shoulder, shaking it a few times, and asking them how "timid and cute" are related?

   Naturally, Leng Su couldn't have been unaware of the complicated gazes of the couples beside him, he just didn't take it to heart.

   As soon as he got out of the haunted house, Leng Su touched Qiao Mo's head in his arms, and said with a doting face: "Okay, we have already left the haunted house."

   Hearing this, Qiao Mo reluctantly raised his head from Leng Su's arms.

   He blushed, looked at Leng Su in embarrassment, then bent down and kissed Leng Su's red lips, shyly said, "Teacher is so nice."

  Teacher's embrace is very comfortable, warm and soft.

   Teacher's embrace is very fragrant, warm and safe.

  Leng Su gave this guy an angry look...

  Don't think she doesn't know, maybe this guy was really a little cowardly at first.

   But then, this guy is just pretending.

  MMP, if he was really afraid, he wouldn't have the leisure to make trouble on her, kissing her neck and provoking her.

   If it wasn't for the darkness in the haunted house, Leng Su said that she would definitely slap this guy away.

   "Teacher, it's lunch time, what do you want for lunch?" Qiao Mo asked.

  Leng Su just wanted to speak, but the sudden ringing of her phone interrupted her.

"Jingle Bell."

   Her face stiffened for a moment, then she took out her mobile phone from her bag. After seeing the caller above, a flash of clarity flashed in her eyes quickly.

   With the temperament of the original owner, few people would contact her except for the cold father and the cold mother.


   "Susu, your dad is leaving in the afternoon. Come back at noon for lunch. Mom cooks your favorite tomato scrambled eggs." Mother Leng's warm voice came from the other end of the phone.

  Leng Su hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay...I'll bring a friend with me."

   "Friends?" Mother Leng on the other end of the phone was startled.

   "Well, once he's gone this time, I don't know how many years it will take to come back. Although Qiao Mo and I have just established a relationship, let's take it to him to have a look."

   Father Leng's project this time, although Leng Su didn't know the specifics, she heard her vaguely mention it from Father Leng before.

   If the project goes well, it will take two or three years. If the project does not go well, it may take five, six, seven or eight years.

  Although we broke up yesterday, but no matter what, they were the parents of the original owner.

   Moreover, although she and Qiao Mo have just established their relationship, she knows in her heart that their souls have long recognized each other.

   "Okay...Then mother will cook a few more dishes. By the way, what does the child like to eat?" Mother Leng asked cautiously.

   Hearing this, Leng Su secretly sighed and said, "Do whatever you want, he is not allergic to anything."


   The call was over, Leng Su looked at the phone display with a slightly dazed expression.

   After all her troubles yesterday, this family has finally changed.

   Thinking of this, Leng Su's heart couldn't help but sigh... In this world, as expected, crying children have candy to eat.

   A stuffy gourd like the original owner, who swallowed his own grievances when he was wronged, who would know and care about you?

  Some things have to be said after all, and only then will they realize their mistakes.

  Leng Su didn't think about it anymore, but looked at the slightly nervous man beside him and said, "Would you like to go home with me?"

   PS: [The end of the sixth shift, good night, what is it (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~]

   Thank you [Diamond] [Falling Love] [Ronin] [Wei Suqing] and other four little fairies for their reward and support, Momoda, pen refill, love you (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~



   (end of this chapter)

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