The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2385: "Xiu Xian" Qingmei VS "Aojiao" Bamboo Horse (35)

   Chapter 2385 "Xiu Xian" Qingmei VS "Aojiao" Bamboo Horse (35)

   "Susu want to try it?"

  Leng Su: "..." What to try? Try the hand-to-hand kill?

   "Thank you, I don't need it." Leng Su glanced at a scheming man who rubbed his nose on his face.

   Looking at Leng Su's calm face, Lu Shaoning couldn't help but flash a hint of frustration in his heart.

   Still useless?

   Looking at the back of Leng Su leaving, Lu Shaoning couldn't help but took out his mobile phone and called his good brother for help.

   "Don't you eat this set of ordinary girls?"

   "That can only mean that the person you like is not an ordinary girl!"

  Lu Shaoning: "..." I want you to talk nonsense!

   "Hurry up and think of a way for me." Lu Shaoning said in frustration.

   "How about you try to cry, make trouble and hang yourself?"

   "Go away!!!" Lu Shaoning growled with a black face.

   "It really doesn't work, then you will be more drunk than her when you eat, how about cooking raw rice directly?"

   "Give you three seconds, if you don't want to die, you'd better be serious!"

   "Oh...boring." The person on the other end of the computer pouted and said with a look of disgust.

   "Aren't you always worried that you are separated now, afraid that she likes someone else."

   "In my opinion, don't hide it, just confess to her tonight."

   "Anyway, the little girl liked you before, and even if she really wanted to let go, she wouldn't be able to let it go so quickly. If I didn't guess, she should still have you in her heart now."

   "Instead of wasting each other's time in such an ambiguous manner, you might as well have a talk with her."

   "Admit where you should be wrong, be sincere where you should be sincere, and be sincere where you should be honest. Girls like creatures are relatively soft-hearted."

   "As long as you buy a miserable one and cry with tears, I promise you that she will definitely forgive you with a soft heart!"

  Lu Shaoning: "..." Haha!

   Facing Lu Shaoning's silence, the man on the other end of the phone couldn't help trembling, and quickly restrained his playful heart.

   "Okay, okay, I know that you, Lu Dashao, are a manly man and don't shed tears."

  Someone said so, but the thought in his heart was like this... When your sweetheart turns to the arms of others, I guarantee that you will be crying with snot and tears!

   "Anyway, you should talk to her frankly and honestly, and tell her all that you care about her."

   "In this way, even if she can't accept you all at once. At least in the short term, her mind will definitely be occupied by you, and she will definitely be unable to pay attention to other men and be attracted by other men."

   Hearing this, Lu Shaoning breathed a sigh of relief.

   He's not afraid that Leng Su doesn't like him temporarily, because he never thought of giving up, he'll stick to it and make her fall in love with him again and fall in love with him.

   But he was also afraid...

   Now, after all, the two of them are separated from each other, and they no longer get along with each other every day as before.

   He was afraid, afraid that in these days when he was not by her side, she would be attracted and confused by other boys.

   After all, she is so beautiful, her grades are so good, and she is so good.

   A long time ago, he knew that there were many boys in the school who liked her, and they wrote love letters to her, and most of them confessed to her face to face.

   He still remembered that she had always been the most popular flower in the school.

   Not only is he beautiful in appearance, but also has a particularly good temperament, and his grades and performance in all aspects are top-notch.

   PS: [Daily Tickets]

   There are also updates, writing, wait a moment



   (end of this chapter)

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