The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 1367: don't listen to your orders

   Chapter 1367 I don't listen to my own orders

   It is estimated that Beiye Xingchen is alone.

   "That's what he's willing to bring, who's to blame?" Bei Yehan's thin lips curled slightly and said.

  The son only mentioned one sentence, he didn't act like a spoiled child or stalk him, so the father agreed, so what can be done.

   Obviously he wanted to take it with him, so they just followed his wishes. Could he still disagree?

   "Come on, let's not talk about this, let's take you to a place." Jiao Huayu didn't have the heart to be with the grandparents of Di Shitian and Bei Ye Xingchen, and spoke to Sheng Chuxin.

   "Aren't you looking for the power of God, there are two in my Jinjiao clan."

   Hearing this, Bei Yehan looked at Sheng Chuxin.

   Sheng Chuxin nodded.

   "Although I don't know if it is in the Jinjiao clan, Xiaoyu'er said that there are two places of divine power outside the South China Sea, and two places outside the North Sea, which are called Dinghai."


   "It's for Dinghai, so naturally you can't take it out casually, but it's okay to go and have a look first, so you can familiarize yourself with it later." Sheng Chuxin knew what Bei Yehan was thinking, so he said.

   If you really take out the two divine powers in the Golden Flood Clan right now, then everything overseas will be turned upside down by the sea.

   "Hua Yu, we have to go to Beihai."

   "Yes." Jiao Huayu responded.

   "From now on, the emperor will go wherever you say."

   Whether in the North Sea or elsewhere, this divine power is always to be found.


   Jiao Huayu took the two of them to a place they had passed by before, which was the forbidden area of ​​the Golden Jiao tribe that Jiao Huayu said he had never set foot on, located in the deepest part of the sea.

   "This place, if you don't have a little cultivation, you probably won't be able to come down." Sheng Chuxin said quietly.


   Jiao Huayu nodded.

   The deep sea is not something that anyone can come down with, at least human beings who have a shallower cultivation base will not be able to come down.

   "Let's go in, but be careful."

   He exhorted, and took the lead to walk towards the forbidden area.

   I don't know, I just walked a few steps, my feet seemed to be frozen, and I couldn't move, and my body, arms, and head didn't listen to my commands.

   Clicking his head, he turned to look at Shengchuxin, and it took a while.

   "Beginning, heart, this, is, how, why, back, thing?"

   asked Sheng Chuxin word by word.

   "Should, should, be, formation, method, prohibition, technique." Sheng Chuxin replied.

   "Yes, yes, solution?" Bei Yehan asked.

   In such a place, if they want to go to the forbidden area and find the power of God, how much time will it take?

   "I, use, god, heart, stone, test, test."

   Sheng Chuxin said, while he had already taken out the God's Heart Stone, and wanted to put in the formation that controlled them, but found that the God's Heart Stone miraculously failed in this place.

   "No, have, use, see, get, come, rely on, oneself, oneself, come."

  Since it's a formation or a forbidden technique, it's easy to handle. Who made her born to study these.

   "You, you, first, sit, get down, come, I, look, look."

   Just a few words of dialogue, they felt that a century had passed, and they had to quickly crack the formation.

   Gritting her teeth, she lifted her foot and turned around to check the surrounding environment. Although her body was restricted, her mind was still functioning well, and she was no longer dull.

   Soon, she saw strange rocks on the left and right, standing alone.

   She thought to herself: Could it be that these two rocks are still weird?

  Thinking, she slowly moved her steps, wanting to walk in the direction of a rock, but...

   (end of this chapter)

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