The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 1368: It feels like a month away

   Chapter 1368 Feels like a month away

   When she lifted her feet and stepped out, she didn't have any effort at all, as if she was flying lightly in the sky.

   If humans want to fly in the sky, they must use spiritual power, but she doesn't need it right now.

   "Hey, you, the beginning, the heart, you, the freedom, the freedom?" Jiao Huayu couldn't believe it, how could Shengchu Xin be able to move forward?

   "I...I didn't feel, felt, restricted, restricted."

   Sheng Chu's words were half-hearted, and he felt that his body was heavy, and he couldn't speak.


   She herself was confused.

   Bei Ye looked at her coldly, and Jiao Huayu stared at her incredulously.

   "This, is, how, what, back, thing?" he asked.

   "Heart, remember, get, you, once, scripture, mention, rise, pass, have, one, seed, formation, method, call, meditate, think." Bei Yehan reminded.

   The so-called meditation is a strange formation left over from ancient times. In this formation, one can move freely only when thinking hard, otherwise every part of the body will be restricted.


   Hearing the words, Sheng Chuxin nodded heavily.

   "I, just, only, just, thinking, speaking, meditation, thinking, formation, law."

   Hearing their words, Jiao Huayu immediately closed his eyes tightly, thinking about something in his heart, and after a while, he opened his eyes again.

   "Sure enough, the body is a lot lighter. This array, method, can, real, strange, strange."

   could only say half a sentence, and then returned to the original state.

   "I, we, one, side, meditation, thinking, one, side, going, forward, walking." Bei Yehan said.

"See, see, that, one, place, square, here, we, we, then, toward, toward, that, block, stone, head, go." Sheng Chuxin raised his hand with difficulty and pointed to a place, said.

   Bei Yehan and Jiao Huayu nodded at the same time.

   Next, the three of them ignored the other, each thinking about what was in their hearts, and the pace under their feet was much faster.



  I don’t know how long the time has passed. Only the night pearl illuminates the seabed, but there is no sunlight. I don’t know if it is day or night, but what they can be sure of at this moment is that they have really walked for a long time.

   "I feel like I've walked for ten days."

   This is the feeling of Shengchu's heart, she wailed in her heart, why can't the stone that seems to be close at hand, but can't get there?

   "This emperor feels... huh, it's been a month." Jiao Huayu breathed heavily.

   This is the longest and hardest road he has walked since he was born, and he has to think about some things that he can't figure out in his daily life.

   "I feel that the spiritual energy in my body has increased a lot." Bei Yehan said something human.

   Although he didn't know how many days he had gone, the spiritual power in his body had risen, but it was certain, and he had already noticed it before.


   Sheng Chuxin heard his words and quickly detected his spiritual power, and it really increased.

   "Really, it seems that these places where the power of God is buried are here to increase the cultivation of those who take it."

   she said.

   "Yes." Jiao Huayu responded.

   "It's for you."

   glanced at Sheng Chuxin, and he added another sentence.

   Holy Beginning Heart: "..."

   She silently turned her head and glared at Jiao Huayu.

  What is meant for her? Does that mean her cultivation is too poor?

   "Stop talking nonsense, where is the forbidden area?" she asked.

   They have all walked out of the meditation formation, but there is still nothing in front of them. Where is this forbidden place, did Long Feet run away?

   (end of this chapter)

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