The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 248: you have the power to protect yourself

   Chapter 248 You have the ability to protect your own

   But this is a combined seal. If it is sealed for a long time, it will gradually weaken the spiritual power of the sealed beast. This seal will kill people.

"then you……"

   "Little girl, the deity looks at you with a kind face. I must be a kind-hearted person. In the future, I will be able to treat these two children well. The deity will die soon." Yixie Taolong said quietly.

   Staring at the two dragon eggs, the tears in the eyes of the Evil Evil Dragon couldn't help falling down.

   But Sheng Chuxin listened to it, but this is not the case. This is to let her raise children for him. Why does she feel that she has not grown up yet?

   "No, I... I can't raise children." She pointed to herself with trembling hands.

   There are many, many things waiting for her to do next, how can she do such a thing of raising children for others?

   This is unreasonable.

   "After the deity dies, they will die here, do you have the heart?" Yixie Taolong asked her.

   Holy Beginning Heart: "..."

   This has nothing to do with being unbearable, right?

   Even if she can't bear it, she can't take them out and raise them with **** and piss?

   "Look, I haven't grown up yet, I'm only fifteen."

   She deliberately emphasized the word 'fifteen' to indicate that she was really young.

   "They're bigger than you."

   Holy Beginning Heart: "..."

   She took a deep breath and really didn't know how to respond.

   "Little girl, don't you want the ten-heart bodhi fruit? As long as you promise to accept them, the ten-heart bodhi fruit will be yours." Yixie Taolong said.

   "Ten Heart Bodhi Fruit?"

  In an instant, Sheng Chuxin's eyes lit up.

   It turns out that the Bodhi Fruit of Ten Hearts is actually in the hands of the evil gluttonous dragon? Doesn't that come with no effort?

   However, the excitement is only a momentary thing, she suddenly frowned.

   "Then I'm in even more trouble."

  Although everyone in Qinglong Academy didn’t know that the Ten Heart Bodhi Fruit was obtained from the Yixie Taolong, someone must know.

  The Evil Evil Dragon can guard these two babies here, so it can be seen that there must be someone outside who wants to get these two babies.

   If she really took these two babies out, wouldn't it be a big trouble?

   "Are you sure I'm going out with them, no one will smack me in the first place?"

   She raised her right hand and wiped her neck, asking.

   "Not sure, but I'm sure you have the ability to protect yourself." The Evil Evil Dragon said.

   Naturally, if she protects herself, she protects the two babies.

   Holy Beginning Heart: "..."

   Does she have to thank Yixie Taolong for looking down on her so much?

   "Okay, I'm just talking to you, I'll help with this." With a high five with both hands, she agreed.

   "Thank you." Seeing her answer, Yixie Taolong thanked her.

   "Little girl, in fact, it is considered that you have picked up a lot of money. The light-type gluttonous dragon, I am afraid that there is only Ding Ding."

   "Ding Ding? Light?" Sheng Chuxin raised his eyebrows.

   Isn't it a ghost clan, it even has a light element? Is this as rare as her?

   "The purple dragon egg is called Ding Ding, and it is of the light type, and the golden one is called Dangdang, and it is of the thunder type." Yixie Taolong replied.

  Because there are very few demon beasts in the ghost clan with light and lightning elements, they will become the target of human snatch.

   Those who do whatever it takes to get them, contract them.

   And he can only wait for them until now.

   (end of this chapter)

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