The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 249: It turned out to be pulled!

   Chapter 249 It turned out to be a pull!

   "You asked me to be their master?" Sheng Chuxin raised his eyebrows.

   So, she really picked up two big bargains for nothing, but I wonder if those people in Qinglong College would want to pinch her to death when they learned that she had picked up these two big bargains?

   "Please, little girl." Yixie Taolong begged her sincerely.

   Hearing the words, Sheng Chuxin rubbed his palms and looked at the two baby dragons with bright eyes.

   "Hey, how am I going to take them down?"

  Suddenly, she thought of a big question, the web that looked very much like a spider's web to her, was definitely not an ordinary product, right?

   wanted to ask the Evil Evil Dragon, but when she turned her head, she found that it had closed its eyes and was not breathing.

   Holy Beginning Heart: "..."

   She really doubted, if she was so late for another day, would she see the corpse of the Evil Evil Dragon?

   "No." She shook her head.

  Evil Evil Dragon's vitality is extremely tenacious, and it will never take its last breath until what he wants to do is not complete.

   It must be supporting life, right?

  Thinking of this possibility, Sheng Chuxin sighed lightly, squatted down and patted Yixie Taolong's body.

   "Don't worry, I will take good care of Ding Ding and Dang Dang."


   After two hours of hard work, the 'spider web' in front of him did not move at all, and the two baby dragons inside were still hanging like this.

   Sheng Chu had an urge to curse in his heart.

   "What the **** is this, why is it harder than a ghost corpse?"

   The fire continued to burn, and the water did not melt. She was struck by lightning, but she remained motionless. What do you want her to do?

   pursing her red lips, she counts the time, it seems like it will be almost a month, right?

   If she doesn't pick up these two little guys, she will have to go out alone.

   "No, think of another way!"

   Be sure to take these two little guys out, she has already agreed to the Evil Evil Dragon.

   was really helpless, she grabbed a little guy with both hands, clenched her teeth and pulled down hard, this is really no way out.

   But she didn't want to, who told her that she had already used the Absolute Spirit Sword.


   screamed, the whole person fell to the ground with the strength of his back, and rolled back a few times.

   Fortunately, it was on the body of Yixie Taolong, otherwise, he would have been hit in the head and bloodied.

   But she didn't have time to pay attention to her embarrassment, but stared at the baby dragon in her hands.

   "That's it... It turned out to be a pluck!"

  I knew earlier that she didn't have to spend so much energy just now, she spent a lot of spiritual power, but in the end she tried it out. It only worked if she used brute force.

"Wasting my time!"

   put the baby dragon in her hand into the holy jade bracelet, she stood up and walked towards the other baby dragon, pulling him down.

   However, when she settled the two baby dragons, she was speechless.

   "Next, who will tell me where is the Bodhi Fruit of Ten Hearts?"

   She made it to the tenth floor, and the most important purpose was not the two gluttonous dragon babies, okay, but the Bodhi Fruit of Ten Hearts.

   looked at the alien evil gluttonous dragon, which had no breath, and really wanted to wake it up.

   But she doesn't have that ability!

   "How do I get out?"

  This is a closed place, even the evil gluttonous dragon can't get out, let alone her?

   (end of this chapter)

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