The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 319: how can i live

   Chapter 319 How can I live

   Suddenly, the monster showed a row of teeth, and one or two drops of saliva flowed onto the snow, making a 'chichi' sound.


   Beidi Xing Family, Xing Family Master and Xing Madam are in the front yard.

   "It's okay, don't cry."

  Xing Patriarch glared impatiently at the wife who was crying non-stop in front of him, her thick eyebrows knitting together.

   "What's there to worry about, Mu'er's affairs, you should take care of it in the future."

   Madam was so surprised, when will his eldest son grow up and take on the important responsibility of the Xing family?

   Mrs. Xing secretly glanced at Patriarch Xing, raised her hand and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes with Jinpa.

   "Can I not worry, that is the extreme cold purgatory, few people can come out alive, Patriarch, please send someone to find Mu'er."

   She has been thinking for the past few days that her son is obviously at home, so why didn't he come to greet her mother.

  How could he have imagined that this child would be so bold and go to the extreme cold purgatory.

   Today, she also just learned the news, so she hurriedly came to tell the owner of the house, anyway, send some people to find her son, she is just such a son.

   "What are you looking for, do you think Mu'er is still a three-year-old baby?" Xing Patriarch glared at her.

   "I... the owner of the house, that's our son."

   Mrs. Xing cried even more when she saw that the head of the house was unmoved, as if the head of the house would not send anyone, so she would not leave.

   "Patriarch, I beg you, Mu'er can't be in trouble. If something happens to him, how can I live?"

  If something happened to her son, her status in the Xing family would definitely plummet.

   Hearing her words, Patriarch Xing gritted his teeth, and his voice came from the gap between his teeth.

   "Madam, can't you just hope that your son will be better?"

  Whatever words came out of her mouth, none of them were good.

  The son's going to the extreme cold purgatory is obviously an excellent opportunity to experience, but in her eyes, why is it no different from going to death?

   "The owner of the family trusts Mu'er, and he will return safely."

   When the child is old, he should let him go and let him become a talent, instead of blindly holding it in his hand and raising him like a baby forever.


   "Also, there will be less contact with those from the Jiu family in the future. It's not your turn to be a woman in the inner court to decide Mu'er's marriage!" The head of the Xing family interrupted what she wanted to say and warned.

  She didn't have a good impression of the Jiu Family at first, and she never promised the Jiu Family Master anything.

   And that Jiuqi has a reputation outside, how could he not have heard of it?

   "Homeowner, this..."

   Mrs. Xing's face turned green as she looked up at the head of the house in surprise.

   "Mu'er and Qi'er's marriage, didn't you agree?"

   This is a fact that many people know, why did you change your mind now?

   "When did the head of the house agree? You shouldn't talk nonsense about the head of the house." Head of the Xing family gave her a cold look.

   "Hmph, that girl Jiuqi, the owner of the family doesn't have the fortune to be her father-in-law."

  His son, even if he took a daughter-in-law home on the street, he was a hundred times stronger than Jiu Qi.

   "You give the owner some peace of mind, don't go out and be ashamed."

   "Yes, I understand." Mrs. Xing replied softly, biting her red lips.

   "Go back to the inner courtyard if you have nothing to do, don't..."

   Before he could finish speaking, he saw a giant dragon flying towards this side from the sky, and the place where he was standing suddenly became black and pressed, and all the light was blocked.

  He looked up and looked at the sky.

   (end of this chapter)

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