The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 320: an urge to curse

   Chapter 320 An urge to scold your mother

   "This, this is..."

   Mrs. Xing was frightened by the dragon and hid behind the head of the Xing family.

   "Patriarch, did someone cause trouble for the family?" she asked with a trembling voice.

   Hearing this, Patriarch Xing really wants to throw her out, can he hope that he will be better? This mouth, he is really speechless.

   "It seems that we came here by accident, is this the head of the Xing family?"

   I saw a man and a woman jump off the dragon, and the woman smiled at him.

"You are……"

  Xing Patriarch's gaze turned around the woman a few times, and then looked at the man wearing the mask beside her.

   "You are Master Mo Shang, I've been listening to Mu'er mentioning you all the time. It's a blessing to see you today."

   He politely spoke to Bei Yehan.

   Bei Ye's cold eyes glanced at him, but he held Sheng Chuxin's hand and did not speak.

   "I'm sorry, Patriarch Xing, Master Mo Shang has always been bad at words, I hope Patriarch Xing will not take offense."

   Bei Yehan completely ignored the Xing Patriarch, and in order to ease the embarrassment, Sheng Chuxin hurriedly laughed along with him.

   He put Ding Ding into the Five Intentions Spirit Realm Ring, and the little hand held by Bei Yehan slightly tugged, signaling Bei Yehan not to be rude to the existence of the Xing Patriarch.

   After all, in the Northland, the existence of the Xing Family is very prestigious.

   "I don't know if Xing Liao Muke is at home?" she asked.

   They have to hurry to set off for the extreme cold purgatory, which has been delayed for several days.

   "Mu'er he..."

   "It's all because of you that my Mu'er went to the ghostly place of the extreme cold purgatory. If there is something wrong with Mu'er, can you afford it?"

   Xing Patriarch hadn't spoken yet, when Mrs. Xing rushed out from behind him.

The    dragon was taken away, and she had nothing to fear.

   Especially when she heard that they were looking for her son, and that the head of the family called the man in front of her Master Mo Shang, she was very angry.

   Originally, his son was in Qinglong Academy, and it was this Master Mo Shang, who had to let him go to some kind of extreme cold purgatory. Don't they know how dangerous the extreme cold purgatory was?

   "Shut up the head of the house!" Head of the Xing family yelled at Madam Xing angrily.

   Even the nine clan masters suffered losses in front of Master Mo Shang, will Mo Shang take his Xing clan seriously?

   Now that Liao Mu can have a relationship with them, it is a blessing for their Xing family, why doesn't she understand?

   "Patriarch, I'm not mistaken, they were the ones who encouraged Mu'er..."

"To shut up!"

  Patriarch Xing's warning eyes were already spitting out flames, and he glared at her fiercely.

   "Go back to your inner courtyard!"

   "Patriarch..." Madam Xing saw Patriarch Xing's terrifying eyes, and her eyes turned red again.

   "It made the two laugh. The lady of this family has no knowledge. Please don't blame the two of you."

  Xing Patriarch ignored Madam Xing and smiled awkwardly at Bei Yehan.

   "Oh, that's right, Mu'er, Mr. Qiong, and two brothers and sisters surnamed Shui, have set off into the extreme cold purgatory a few days ago, saying that they want to find the whereabouts of Cui Moyu."

   Holy Beginning Heart: "..."

   Hearing the words of Patriarch Xing, she was so shocked that her jaw dropped to the ground.

   "What? They entered the extreme cold purgatory?!"

  Damn, who can tell her, how could she have the urge to scold her?

   "What happened, why didn't you stop them, Master Xing?"

   That's an extremely cold purgatory, where being able to get in doesn't mean they can survive, so they went in so recklessly?

   (end of this chapter)

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