The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 385: What are you afraid of?

   Chapter 385 What are you afraid of?

   "Just bite here, there's a lot of meat."


   A few laughter came into her ears, and she glared at the guys watching the show angrily.

   Qiongqi and the others quickly covered their mouths and only dared to laugh secretly.

   "You..." Yue Qingxue was so angry she gritted her teeth that she was about to rush forward.

   Just before he moved, he was stopped by Jiu Yan's sharp eyes.

   She shuddered, lowered her head and retreated behind Jiu Yan, daring not to speak any more.

   "This prince really never thought that being the dog beside the fourth prince of Beiye would make his heart so happy." Jiu Yan's eyes darkened.

   He knew that it was impossible to catch Sheng Chuxin today, even if he could beat Bei Yehan, Sheng Chuxin could escape his arrest with the magic weapon in his hand.

   It's just that he is not easy, and Bei Yehan can't think of it.

  Unfortunately, after hearing the obviously provocative words, Sheng Chuxin smiled undeniably.

   "You don't have to worry about whether this girl is a dog, it's just..."

   Her eyes swept back and forth between Yue Qingxue and Yue Qingyan, and her words were deliberately long.

   "I just don't know, who of those dogs around you will be the next month?"

   Hearing the words, Yue Qingxue's complexion changed, instantly pale.

   has been with the master for some time, and she has long understood how cruel the master is.

   If she does things that are not pleasing to her master, she will soon become the face of the second month.

   "Sacred Beginning Heart, don't try to sow discord. The master is the greatest master in the world, and my loyalty to him will never change."

   She roared at Shengchu Xin to show her loyalty.

   Hearing this, Sheng Chuxin just sneered.

   She didn't know whether it was true or false, but the controlled Jiu Yan in front of her was only because there was a wisp of the soul of a ghost who used the soul-controlling technique in her body.

  If the soul leaves the body, Jiu Yan……

   Well, in the future, Jiu Yan will be stupid at light, or die at worst.

   However, no matter what, it would not change Yue Qingxue's fate, because the person who controlled the soul would definitely not bring Yue Qingxue's "evidence" back to the Holy Land of Thousand Ghosts.

   After all, Yue Qingxue knew all about ghost corpses and living imprisonment.

   "Look, you're in a hurry, did this girl say it's you? Why do you have to take the right seat?"

   She stared at Yue Qingxue evilly.

   "It seems that in your heart you also think Jiu Yan is a cruel and inhumane person?"

   "You..." Yue Qingxue almost spat out a mouthful of blood when she muttered a word.

   secretly raised her eyes and glanced at Jiu Yan, only to find that his gaze happened to drift towards her, and she was so frightened that her heart trembled.

   "Master, Sheng Chu's heart was intentional, she just wanted to provoke..."

   She opened her mouth to explain, but was interrupted by Jiu Zhun before she finished speaking.

   "If you know it's provocative, why should you be afraid?" Jiu Yan said.

   "I... this servant knows I'm wrong." Yue Qingxue quickly apologized.

   "Saint Beginning's Heart, but I can't see that your eloquence is so good."

   Jiu Yan hooked his lips slightly, his evil eyes swept to Sheng Chuxin, and caressed his chin with one hand.

   "What should I do, this prince is becoming more and more interested in you, how can this be good?"

   "Cut, this girl can't look down on you, get out of here, or you will have to come back and forth." Sheng Chu's eyes narrowed.

   Flicked his hands, and a few array **** were thrown at Jiu Yan.

   With the sound of 'bang bang', Jiu Yan grabbed Yue Qingxue and Yue Qingyan one by one and flew back. The place where they stood just now was already full of fire.

   (end of this chapter)

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