The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 386: You actually killed me? !

   Chapter 386 You actually killed me? !

   "Saint Beginning Heart, sooner or later you will be in the pocket of this prince."

  The distant voice came, and the three of them had disappeared before their eyes.

   "Aunt Master, your array ball is really powerful." Xing Liaomu quickly slapped Sheng Chuxin's flattery when he saw that he was gone.

  If he can also do these array balls, it will be an easy task to fight monsters in the future.

   Sheng Chuxin rolled his eyes at him, but did not speak.

   The array ball she is doing now can only hurt mortals at most, what is so powerful.

   If it was really powerful, it would have blasted out Jiuye's soul hidden in Jiu Yan.

   It's just that Jiuye is still afraid of her formation ball, because after all, it is by Jiu Yan's side, and it is not as strong as him. If he is bombed, he will not even have a place to stay.

   "Give him something to eat."

   Walking to Jiu Qi and Jiu Qi's side, she threw a pill in front of Jiu Qi and said coldly.

   "Sacred Beginning Heart!"

   Jiuqi fixed her eyes on the pill in the grass, and a voice in her heart was shouting wildly.

   It's all her, it's all because of her that the eldest brother became like this, and the second brother was injured.

  If there is no woman like Shengchuxin, everything will be fine.

   "Shengchu Xin, why didn't you die!"

   She picked up the pill with trembling hands, and looked at Sheng Chuxin with scarlet eyes.

  If she could kill Sheng Chuxin, she would not hesitate, but, she doesn't have that ability!

   Sheng Chuxin just chuckled and didn't take Jiu Qi's words to heart at all.

   turned around, she walked towards Bei Yehan.

   "Akan, let's go."

  The fibrous roots are still waiting for her to find, and she doesn't want to waste time on other things.


   Sheng Chuxin and the others left, and Jiu Qi stared at their backs with resentment until they disappeared.

   bowed her head and looked at the nine bandits who fell into a coma, her gaze seemed to be poisoned.

   "The eldest brother has changed, and so has the second brother." She muttered to herself.

   stretched out his index finger, and his fingernail lightly brushed the bloodless face of the nine bandits.

   "Without my eldest brother, what should I do when I go home? The second brother is injured again? What should I do?"

   A dim light flashed away in her mind, and the medicine pill in her hand was tightly squeezed, but it was not put into the mouth of the nine bandits.

  I don't know when, there was a dagger in my hand.

   A sharp light flashed in his eyes, and the next moment, the whole dagger pierced into the heart of the nine bandits.


   The nine bandits were woken up in pain and stared at Jiu Qi with wide eyes.

   "You actually killed me?!"

"Hee hee, I'm just going to kill you, so what? Big brother is gone, if you don't die, won't you put all the charges against big brother's disappearance on my head?" Jiu Qi laughed nervously. .

"Second brother, don't worry, Qi'er won't let you die in vain, I will tell my father that it was Mo Shang and Sheng Chuxin who joined forces to kill you, causing the eldest brother. In the end, he won't even leave you with the body, and father will find you. Sheng Chuxin avenged you."

   "You..." The nine bandits distorted their entire faces in pain, gasping for breath.

   If Jiu Qi really dared to do this, it would definitely destroy the entire Jiu Family.

"you dare!"

   "Why don't I dare? Who told Sheng Chuxin to die, and I can't kill her."

  Only if the father thinks that Shengchuxin killed Jiu Yan and the nine bandits, will he gather the strength of the nine families to deal with Shengchuxin, then her revenge can be avenged.

   "Second brother, you didn't understand what they said just now. That person controlled the eldest brother just for the sake of Sheng Chuxin. I did this to avenge the eldest brother. You should also support me in doing this."

   The nine bandits opened their mouths, their strength had been drained, and slowly closed their eyes.

   (end of this chapter)

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