The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 517: That place is too dangerous

   Chapter 517 That place is too dangerous

   She really didn't know about this, even if she knew where the young lady went at the beginning, but according to the young lady's temperament, she was not allowed to listen to others on the road where it was good, and then went with her?

   This is also something that Miss will do.

"You do not know?!"

   Now, Bei Yehan is about to roar.

   This girl actually told him that she didn't know!

If it wasn't for every time he entered the Lianxin Ring, he would see some medicinal pills and magic **** lying around, which were prepared for him by his original intention, and he was afraid that he would not be able to handle it in the dark night holy land; signs of loosening.

   He really wanted to knock Yuner's head off to see what was inside, is it paste?

   "Yun'er, the mistress left by herself, why didn't you follow?" Qionglu also hurriedly asked.

   At least, Yuner has to follow the mistress, how did they explain it five years ago, and how did she respond?

  Why did she take their words as a deaf ear when they left?

   "I..." Yun'er wrinkled her face and lowered her head.

   "My lord, the lady said that the place she was going was too dangerous for slaves to go, so that's why..."

   She wanted to follow, but Miss didn't let her follow, she couldn't follow even if she wanted to. It's not that the Lord doesn't know about Miss's abilities.

   "Too dangerous?" Bei Yehan repeated these three words.

  Where can you make your original heart say the words 'too dangerous'?

   The Realm of Qingping is called the most dangerous place by Xuanji. Could there be a more dangerous place than the Realm of Qingping, and what kind of place would it be?

  Suddenly, his hands on his side tightened, and his eyes became even sharper.

   "Ghost Rune Forest!"

   "Lord, what are you talking about, what ghost Fu Lin?" Qiong Hao raised his head and looked at Bei Yehan in confusion.

  Ghost Forest, isn't that the most dangerous place in the Divine Land? Why did the Lord suddenly mention it?

  Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

   "Lord, are you saying... Mistress... Mistress went to the Ghost Forest?!"

   Are you kidding them?

   How can the mistress go to that place? Even they, if they go to the Ghost Forest, will only be swallowed up. Only then did the mistress cultivate more?

   How could she go to the Ghost Forest?

   "Lord, then... what should we do?"

   Shenlu, with their current cultivation base, it is impossible to enter at all, so how to find the mistress?

   Bei Yehan raised his right hand to stop Qionglu from going on.

   "The original intention is to do things in a proper way. You take Yuner down and live in Nianxin Pavilion."

   Five years have passed, and nothing happened to Chuxin. I think those ghost talismans should have been regarded as 'friends' by Chuxin.

   "This... yes." Qionglu hesitated for a while, but could only answer.


  The night is endless black again.

   In the air, countless lights flashed one after another, but just as he was about to meet a certain woman, he hurriedly turned and slipped to the other side.

   "Mother, what are you looking for, can you just grab a few?"

   The soft and glutinous voice sounded, and the little boy who was held by Sheng Chuxin's small hand opened his big round eyes and looked up at his mother in confusion. Those big eyes were full of puzzlement.

   Watching another ghost talisman slip away from his eyes, he really wanted to reach out and grab it.

   But my mother didn't allow it, so I had to wait.

   He just couldn't figure it out, what to wait for.

  He—the child of Bei Yehan and Sheng Chuxin, named Beiye Xingchen.

   (end of this chapter)

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