The Holy Hand Medical Concubine

Chapter 518: What does daddy do?

   Chapter 518 What is Dad for?

   "Since it is to be caught, it is natural to grasp it stronger." Sheng Chuxin lowered his head and glanced at Bei Ye Xingchen, said.

   It has been five years, and she has also gone from the peak of Nascent Soul five years ago to today's calamity, and has entered the early stage.

   It is undeniable that the ghost talisman is the best place to practice. From the first time I entered the ghost talisman, I was abused by the ghost talisman to avoid it everywhere, and it was horrible to see. Now every ghost talisman feels her breath and runs away.

  This is her success.

   "Little baby, you are almost five years old. Do you want to celebrate your birthday this year with your father?"

   she asked.

   Hearing this, Bei Ye Xingchen murmured a little, and thought about it with his little head sideways.

   "Mother, what does Daddy do?" He asked Shengchuxin.

   Sheng Chuxin was stunned by his words and almost didn't react. Didn't she mention Ahan to the little guy before?

  It doesn't make sense. Ever since Xingchen Yaya learned to speak, she taught him to call him Daddy. Over the years, she has often found time to tell him about her experience with A-Kan.

   Then why is this little guy still asking such a nutritious question as 'what does daddy do'?

"Daddy is daddy, just like the fathers of other children, he will love the little baby, teach the little baby to read, read, practice, buy a lot of delicious food for the little baby, fun, and also teach the little baby how to be a human being. ."

   She thought about it and replied.

   Unexpectedly, Bei Ye Xingchen, who was beside him, snorted softly when he heard her place.

   "Hmph, mother, you lied, father is not that good at all, he is here to grab mother from Xiaobao!"

   Don't think he doesn't know, as long as he finds his father, his mother will definitely be occupied by his father. Where else is he?

   Therefore, he has to drag his mother, and he cannot let his father find his mother so easily.

   Holy Beginning Heart: "..."

  Little baby, who told you this, who taught you this, tell your mother, and she promises not to kill him!

   But in the ghost talisman forest, apart from the ghost talisman, there were only her contracted beasts. Apart from them, she really couldn't think of anyone else who could teach Beiye Xingchen to be so cruel.

   This is the rhythm of making Akan's son not recognize his father! ! !

   "How could it be, obviously daddy is here to **** the little baby from mother, and when he finds daddy, the little baby will be distressed by one more person, isn't that bad?"

   "Okay." Bei Ye Xingchen replied unwillingly.

  What mother said was right, but he secretly muttered something in his heart, it was not good, he didn't want to be robbed by father at all, he belonged to mother alone.

   "Mother, look, look, that ghost talisman over there is so bright, hurry up and catch it."

   Holy Beginning Heart: "???"

   They are talking about Daddy's good or bad, don't break the topic, it's not right.

  Although he thought so in his heart, Sheng Chuxin had to admit that what Bei Ye Xingchen said was right. The ghost talisman he saw was really good. If she was caught, she could make good use of it.

   Thinking about it, her right index finger looked at the **** and disturbed, and she threw out a spiritual power, directly entangled the ghost talisman far away, and pulled it in front of her.

   "Squeak, squeak, let me go." The ghost talisman struggled fiercely, trying to escape from the spiritual power of the original heart.

   But, how can it be the opponent of Shengchu Xin, and can only be caught obediently.

   "You witch, when will you be able to leave the Ghost Forest?"

   Ghost Talisman asked bitterly.

   (end of this chapter)

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