Roy closed the "Book of Wisdom" with a slap. After the clairvoyance of the world is completed, Roy does have the ability to go back to the past. All secrets are hidden in his eyes, but the most important part is the most important part. But can't see it at all.

For example, the part about "Depressed Demon" and "Pretend Witch".

"Sure enough, as Echidona said, pretending to be a witch is really restraining her. The Book of Wisdom cannot record the matter of pretending to be a witch, and the authority of the Book of Wisdom in this world is higher than my clairvoyance. It is naturally impossible for a clairvoyant to see everything that is pretending to be a witch."

"...But it can't be said to be completely useless, at least I know the secrets of the Shenlong Polkenica."

Roy put the "Book of Wisdom" on the table, he took a sip of coffee to moisten his throat, and then began to think.

"If I want to complete the 'Golden Art', I need to analyze the "Dragon's Blessing", and if I want to analyze the "Dragon's Blessing", I have to ask Polkenica to apply this blessing to me, But in the past, Polkenica has really used this protection only a handful of times, and each time it was to help him with the power of his servants in the face of a strong enemy."

"...But since Polkenica is getting stronger and stronger, it almost doesn't need this protection, because the enemy doesn't need it at all, even if it is the sloth witch Segmed expelling the dragon seed When you get to the edge of the waterfall, it won't let it use this protection."

Roy felt a headache. If it was a one-on-one match against the divine dragon Polkenica, of course Roy was not afraid of it, but with Polkenica's personality and Longsheng experience, it was obviously a strong man, and he was fundamentally strong. It is not Roy who is stronger than it can threaten to use 'protection' on himself, the pride of this dragon and the self-esteem of the strong will never be threatened.

And if Roy is standing opposite it as an enemy, Polkenica is very likely to use the blessing, but that blessing is definitely not used for Roy, but for others to help It's against Roy.

"That is to say, I have to be on the side of Polkenica and stand on the same front as it, and then I need a powerful enemy who can force Polkenica to use protection on me. …”

In an instant, Roy... thought of a rough plan, a plan that could deceive the divine dragon Polkenica, but there were a lot of restrictions.

"Although there are many constraints, the possibility of success is very large, as long as I can get the conditions together."

Roy put down the cup in his hand, and his brain began to spin rapidly, looking for a way to deceive Shenlong.

He is the same person as Echidona, the **** witch, a person who will do anything to achieve an end, a person who ignores the process and only sees the results, and is sometimes ruthless.

"Hey, although Satila is cute, it makes me think through her, but if I say the three views that fit me the most, it's still Echidona."

Roy sighed, then turned his head to the side.

Echidona, the witch of lust, stood there and said something to Beatrice, and when she noticed Roy's gaze, Echidona also turned her head slightly and glanced at him, with that mature and charming face. A slight smile appeared on it.

"Mother, what are you looking at?"

Beatrice asked suspiciously, she followed Echidona's line of sight, but saw nothing.

Roy's power is still in play. "Seeing the face of God", a power that does not greatly improve combat effectiveness, is Roy's most powerful ability.

"It's nothing, I will continue to tell you about the forbidden library."

Echidona recovered her mind and spoke to Beatrice.

Hearing this, Beatrice also quickly stood up straight and listened.

Chapter 81 You're a full-fledged elf, Beatrice!

Beatrice, who was standing in front of Echidona, was rarely distracted.

She remembered the one she knew in the sanctuary... and has been there: the loli girl Luz who played with her.


That was Beatrice's only friend.

But all this beautiful and peaceful life seems to be coming to an end.

Luz found herself two days ago and told Beatrice that she was about to sacrifice herself for the purpose of Lord Echidna. Although Beatrice believed that it was not an experiment that would kill Luz, Beatrice still had a problem. A thought floated up in my heart, that the two might never see each other again in the future.

It wasn't Leuz's fault, Beatrice thought it would be her own.

Beatrice will not complain about the order given by Echidona, because everything the mother has done is right, and as a daughter, she just needs to accept it well.

But why, Betty's heart is a little sad "Beatrice, are you listening?"

"Ahhh, I'm listening, Mother!"


Echidona knew Beatrice was distracted, but she didn't say anything.

"Although my "Book of Wisdom" is blocked, my intuition as a witch allows me to roughly predict that the devil will soon come to the sanctuary to find me, devour me, and seize my qualifications as a sin witch."

Echidona said this in rather calm words.

Beatrice's face panicked when she heard the words, and she said anxiously: "...Mother mother, who is the devil, do you need Betty's help?"

"Don't talk to me, Beatrice, I'll tell you to listen."

Beatrice quickly shut up and said nothing.

"I am the type that is not good at fighting among witches. Even if I try my best to create traps and enchantments, and with the help of Roswaal's... the ghost who has the blessing of the magic guide, I have a chance to win when facing the devil. It's only 55 to 50, it will waste a lot of my research time."

"...But Mr. Roy decided to block the devil for me. I believe in Mr. Roy's ability, so the crisis of the devil can be regarded as non-existent."

Echidona spoke slowly, and Beatrice listened quietly. At this time, she was grateful to Roy for the first time, because of his existence, the mother would not be in danger of life.

Unlike Roswaal who did not trust Roy, Beatrice trusted him very much because she trusted Echidona.

Although Echidona told her not to speak, Beatrice couldn't help but said: "...Mother, what do you need me to do? Even if it is to use Betty's power to buy you more time, Or dedicate her body as the core of the technique like Luz, as long as it is for her mother, Betty will not have any regrets... Please, please use me well!"

The big elf, whose appearance is the same as that of a young girl, spoke with sincerity, sincerity, and firmness.

"Ha, you're...the same choice as Roswaal..."

Echidona smiled, "...But Beatrice, you have to remember that pure verbal strength and promises can't decide anything, what can really decide is how to do it, whether you have the ability or not. do it."

"But it's a pity, Beatrice, you don't have that power, and it's not your turn to exert that ability now. Just leave everything to Lord Roy."

The words of the **** witch made Beatrice bow her head in disappointment, feeling a little sad.

But at this time, Echidona changed the conversation: "...But Beatrice, you also have your own role, and there is one thing I can ask you for peace of mind."

"What is it, Mother Mother! As Mother Mother's daughter, Betty will definitely do it."

Beatrice once again summoned up hope, raised her head and looked up at the figure that was like a majestic mountain in her heart.

"Beatrice, you are a mature elf. The elf needs to sign a contract with people to survive in this world. Before, I used my magic power to make you survive, but this is not a long-term solution, Parker. I've made it contract with Satila, and you..."

After a pause, Echidona continued: "... just guard the forbidden library for me, and the management of the forbidden library will be handed over to you. Before the time comes, you must be the guard of the forbidden library. Always guard the knowledge here, and don't let anyone take it away."

The forbidden library is all of Echidona's collection, which is her precious collection, and if these books are circulated outside, it will definitely cause confusion, so Echidona needs someone to help her manage the library.

"This is the contract between me and you, well, as a contract, there must be an end time, then this time is defined as when you meet "him", the contract will be automatically voided, you will be free to do anything you want to do."

Echidona said slowly.

"Betty will guard this forbidden library for her mother, and prevent anyone from coveting the knowledge here and taking away the knowledge here!"

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