The little girl made an oath that was enough to make anyone despair, guarding the forbidden library forever, not going anywhere, and only being alone to spend the rest of her long life.

But at this time, Beatrice didn't know what she was about to face.

Echidona chuckled, she took out a book from the bookshelf beside and handed it to Beatrice: "...this is a degraded version of "Book of Wisdom", you can also call it For the Gospels, I gave it to you, and I gave the other to Roswaal, and no matter what you and Roswaal have done for me, I will also give you something in return."

Beatrice hugged the "Gospel" in her hand, which was the first gift her mother gave her.

"Okay, Beatrice... go back to the Sanctuary, and while you still have time, go and play with Luz."

......Echidona waved her hand, but Beatrice didn't react, and the figure just... disappeared from the library of forbidden books.

When there were only Roy and Echidona in the library of forbidden books again, Roy asked: "...that...who is 'he', did you read it in The Book of Wisdom? What happened to make such an agreement with Beatrice?"

The fragrance curled up, and Echidona's elegant and noble body spread her jade legs and came to sit beside Roy. She poured another cup of coffee for Roy and said softly: "...there is no such thing at all. ..."He", I just said it casually, if I really want to have a definition of "he", it is"

"...I gave Puck to Satila, Beatrice actually wanted to give it to you, but just now, on a whim, I made such an agreement with Beatrice."

"I want to see whether the great elves will always keep the contract, or whether the great elves with subjective consciousness will one day seek freedom because of loneliness, fear and pain, thus breaking the contract."

"...When Beatrice realizes that..."he" doesn't actually exist, and that..."he" is actually by her side, she will truly have her own will, a real become free."

Hearing this, Roy stroked Aegidona's pale and gorgeous face with his fingers, stared at her extreme beauty, shook his head and smiled: " are really a cruel witch, just playing with Bi Tracey's life."

"If you feel distressed, then when Beatrice can't support it one day, tell her the truth and go save her!"

The **** witch Echidona said so.


Chapter 82 The Devil Arrives

I must protect the teacher.

I have to show my worth.


Mezas thought so.

This is the meaning of his existence, even if he sacrifices his own life for this, even if it is just a meat shield for the teacher to get a chance of survival, Roswaal is willing to pay.

Rather than... say it's infatuation, it's better to say that it's the obsession of a man named Roswaal. He is a person who will bury his head and rush forward when he recognizes the truth, and will never look back.

"Teacher, please watch, I will definitely save you, you don't need that man's help, you only need me!"

"'Magic' Hector!"

Roswaal whispered the name of that... the devil who had a relationship with him, and he didn't even realize it himself, but there was a hint of fear in his words.

He walked silently in the sanctuary, and all the villagers who greeted him reluctantly smiled "180"

, Not long after he stopped suddenly, he saw a little loli with long pale red hair hurriedly passing by.

"It's Lucy..."

Roswaal just looked at the girl from a distance and let out a sigh.


Mezas, you are really a coward, and you are not as strong as such a young girl."

A hint of pity flashed in his pale yellow eyes. At this time, Roswaal was not as crazy as he was four hundred years later. Today, he is still a boy with pure nature.

"But the teacher said that her experiment will not kill Luz, just let Luz's soul live in the same body. This shouldn't be considered death."

Roswaal doesn't know much about the relationship between the body and the soul. According to the moral point of view, this method is wrong, but if it exists in the way of life, Leuze will not be in danger of life.

"Forget it, now is not the time to think about this, let's find a way to face the devil, if you give me enough time, I can set up more enchantments to fight the devil, there is not much time now, all I can do is to His own strength is against him."

"...Ha, I really take it for granted. If there is enough time, I am afraid that the teacher can create enough enchantments to defeat the demons. Where do I need my help."

Roswaal laughed at himself.

Regardless of....

Which world magician, magician, what they are best at is actually the positional warfare after the operation, that is equivalent to their magic workshop, and in their own magic workshop, the strength of the magician can even increase several times.

......In the jungle not far from the sanctuary, it is difficult to describe the men and women, the transgender-like demons are standing melancholy under a tree, this is a high place, standing here can make the whole sanctuary. The village of the domain comes into view.

"Have you decided on a battle plan?"

Behind the demon, a beautiful but empty woman is standing there. She seems to be the incarnation of pure white. Her body is covered by a simple white cloth. When people stand in front of her, it is as if Facing an empty land.

"There's no need for something like a battle plan, as long as I walk in and kill all the people I meet."

The melancholy devil resisted the killing intent in his heart, and talked to Pandora, the pretentious witch.

That's right, he also has murderous intent towards the pretending witch, that is the last remaining madness of the dying witch.

"There are not many resistance forces in that village. One is Lugnica's court magister, who is almost a waste. Unknown man, hum, what I am most worried about is the jealous witch in that village, the jealous witch of this generation makes me feel creepy for some reason."

The melancholy devil glanced at the village with his snake-like eyes, and then grinned and let out a laugh, "...Ah, ah, it's so heavy, so melancholy!! These guys are so disgusting, so disgusting. !!”

Facing the demon's sudden madness, the pretense witch didn't care, she just showed a coquettish suffocating smile, and whispered: "...The envy witch is indeed a dangerous person, you don't pay attention to her, As long as I can kill Echidona as much as possible, I have other uses for being jealous of the witch."

"...I promise you to cover Echidona's "Book of Wisdom" for you, and I will **** you to keep your life safe, and you just need to help me test out that man's strength. ."

The pretentious witch is seductive, just like the ancient snake in the Garden of Eden that lured Adam and Eve into the fall.

"Hum hum hum, melancholy melancholy melancholy!!!! What if I accidentally kill that man"

The melancholy devil covered his hair and let out a hoarse cry, startling a forest of birds, and then his extremely melancholy expression turned cold again, and the change in his expression was strangely fast.

"I don't recommend that you kill him, of course if he is really weak enough to be easily killed by you, then I will ask you to break his limbs and bring him to me, and I will lock him in the basement, Get what I want..."

The fake witch's smile is delicate and cruel, with her flawless face, there is an indescribable coquettishness.

"Hehehehe... I promised you that I would break his limbs and bring him to you. Do you need a fifth limb? As a woman, Pandora is interested in a strange man. You have to think of some strange places.”

The devil turned his head and showed a provocative smile at the pretentious witch.

"Then keep his fifth limb. Although I don't like to slice people for research like Echidona, maybe he has other uses."

Regarding the words of the devil, Pandora was not shy at all, but spoke in an indifferent and calm but extremely gentle and cruel voice.

"I see, then just wait for me here, things will be resolved soon, and now is the time to kill while Echidona isn't too prepared."

The Melancholy Demon took a step forward, and his body was like a weightless feather left and right: erratic, and in the blink of an eye...disappeared in this jungle.

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