
Nayuki Subaru only felt a heart-wrenching pain coming from his heart, which was the same as the pain when his heart was crushed when he told others to return from death.

"Um... ah ah ah ah-"

With the scream of Nayuki Subaru, under everyone's attention, light shadows floated out of his heart. These shadows seemed to be mists. They gathered in the air and gradually turned into a human shape, that human shape. It is unusually erratic, like a black cloud rendered in the air, and although the figure cannot see the facial features, everyone who sees her will subconsciously think that this is Emilia'.


Emilia shouted to the shadow in mid-air with a trembling tone, the figure seemed to be laughing, she gradually fell from the sky and came to Emilia.

Emilia wanted to reach out to grab her, but her palm passed through the shadow,' Satila's hands took Emilia's cheeks and kissed her cheeks gently, Immediately, the shadow completely turned into a mass of black mist that condensed together and poured into Roy's right hand! "Subaru Nayuki, I want to thank you for the return of two thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight times after death. I have been: watching you, worshiping your sacrifices, I finally comprehended the truth and true meaning in the endless cycle of death, and completely transformed the 'death return' into a technique that belongs to me, even if it is After leaving this world, I also have the possibility to apply it!"

"...This is the 'Mercury Technique', which is the 'foundation for the return of eternal calamity', and it is one of the guarantees for me to ascend to the highest level!"

Roy's voice became louder in vain, like rolling thunder in the sky, and the fire in the city was rolled over by this sound wave, as if it had encountered a majestic rain and gradually extinguished.

And as Roy raised his right hand again, a black crystal-like crystal 583 emerged from Nayuki Subaru's body again. This is "arrogance"! Immediately, three crystals appeared in Roy's body. The same crystals are the "jealousy" that Roy has always kept and the "lust" and "gluttony" that he recovered not long ago, and the same three witch factors floated in the sky in the distance, which were in Capella, Felutona and Hughes' lust, anger, and laziness, under the inspiration of the witches of sin, they all left their hosts.

Since then, the witch factors of the seven sin witches have all gathered, and they floated in front of Roy, shining with mysterious and mysterious brilliance.

"Go back, witch's power, you have finished your mission, go back to your true master!"

With Roy's spiritual life, the seven witch factors were connected into a string and entered his heart. These seven witch factors entered the mental world of 'Golden Supreme' and returned to the souls of the great sin witches .

And Roy's aura changed with it, jealousy, greed, lust, arrogance, anger, laziness, gluttony away from him, ethereal, mysterious, distant, and ethereal floating around him, as if he was the incarnation of holiness, with an unsullied appearance. His body was like an angel descending on the mortal world, and a cross-shaped halo appeared on the top of his head, and behind him there was an endless universe, covering the heavens and the earth with wings.

At this moment, Roy's original sins were all cleared away, and he became a true 'sinless body', completing the 'body of the Holy Spirit' and the 'body of the Holy Son'!

Chapter 224 Only victory belongs to me

The holy crucifix angel halo above his head, with illusory wings looming behind him, almost covering the universe, these... It is Roy who eliminated his original sin and completed the "Bible" system of angels. From this aspect, Roy and Aiwass are not much different in essence, Aiwass is an angel in the higher realm.

However, even if they are both angels, there is still a big gap in the same rank. As an angel who existed at the beginning of the world's birth, if she has a usable body in the material world, Aiwass can directly play a role close to the devil. Strength, its existence itself is located between 74, it can be said to be a half-step demon god, Aiwass symbolizes '93', is the embodiment of the occult number 3', and its duty is to protect and pass knowledge.

And Roy takes 'Michael' as a reference, the newly promoted angel of this personality, the symbol number is 7', and the duty is 'bring victory for the Lord'.

'Although it is impossible to compare to Aiwass or Aleister in terms of strength, I have reached this rank step by step. The foundation is extremely solid, and the gold and mercury spells are the foundation of the future, and the future is even greater. Yuanda, compared with Aiwass, I have more possibilities in the future than her. Compared with Aleister, because I can travel through different worlds, I have more time to consolidate the foundation than him. I must Take advantage of your own strengths.

' After completing the body of 'innocence', reaching the rank of angel, that is, stepping on the pinnacle of human beings, and truly qualified to approach the abyss, study the abyss, and even cross the abyss, Roy was also secretly delighted.

Roy is not discouraged that he has spent several times more time than Resta just to reach the pinnacle of human beings. On the contrary, this makes Roy feel that his possibility is stronger than Resta.

Aleister was forced to be helpless. Under the oppression of multiple forces, it took such a fast time to obtain the power to fight against the demon god. Aleister can indeed cross the abyss and become a demon god, but even if he becomes a demon god. , is not much different from other demon gods, and will still be trapped in the incomplete demon **** state of 83. He must attack 92 with all other demon gods, and he must find ways to escape the isolated island of the world and the sea of ​​misery that binds the demon gods.

The reason why Aleister has always maintained the stance of the pinnacle of human beings and has become a demon god, apart from his own disgust for the existence of 'phase', has not failed to make use of his own infinite possibilities, and is trying to deduce it. The bigger one will allow him to surpass the path of ordinary demon gods in the future.

These are what Iwass told Roy, and it also tells about Aleister's ambition and more lofty goals. If Aleister is Roy, he doesn't need to face a high-pressure environment and has enough time for himself. If he is looking for a way, he will definitely make the same choice as Roy. Even if he wastes more time, he should not cross the abyss too quickly, and crossing the abyss is inherently risky.

'Although the upper limit of power in this world is not high, it has helped me complete the foundation of gold and mercury, and helped me eliminate my own original sin. This is the greatest use of the ark. Every world has unknown knowledge and may become its own. What is needed, those who really want to be able to reach 11's own self are definitely not something that can be achieved by going to the so-called world with a higher upper limit.

'Roy has such a clear understanding that the power belongs to himself, the so-called 'oneself', that may be a kind of enlightenment in the realm of thinking, even in the daily world without any extraordinary power, there are Possibly, the upper limit of the world is not absolute. In the highest realm, the entire multiverse is treated equally.

This multiverse is actually so fair...but Roy, who has not even reached the level of the devil, doesn't want to think about those... long.

He returned to his senses and looked forward, looking at Reinhardt.

The halo of crucifixion on his head and the wings behind his back that could cover the world disappeared, and Roy once again turned into an ordinary human, but now he is different in essence from the past, immaculate, pure, sublime, great, every one Those who looked at him seemed to be able to see the holiness in the essence of his soul from his heavy pupils.

The terrifying aura that made Reinhardt feel repressed disappeared, the country's swordsman and Roy looked at each other, his expression still had a bewildered feeling of being beaten, and cracks appeared in his perfect chivalry.

Seeing this, Roy hated that iron could not be made of steel: "...Mr. Reinhardt, look at your despicable appearance now, look at the wailing of your weakling, yes, that's who you are now. .. a real weak, your once strong is like a joke, compared with him, he is more like a strong.


Roy pointed to Nayuki Subaru, who lost the power of death return and arrogant witch, Nayuki Subaru has completely turned into an ordinary person, he is no longer qualified to face death, but this... 'Pride Bishop' is close to three. In the return of death a thousand times, a strong heart has been cultivated. Even if everything is suddenly lost, Nayuki Subaru has not shown all his ugliness. Compared with Reinhardt's appearance of losing his calm and self, the two are tall. Judgment.

From the very beginning, Roy did not think that Reinhardt was a strong man. All his powers were external powers, and they were clumsy and full of loopholes. He was just a tool man, who was called by the words 'knight' and 'hero'. The tool man manipulated has no will of his own at all.

The external strength concealed the fragility of his heart, and after realizing that he could not defeat his external strength, Subaru Nayuki accurately found Reinhardt's weakness, and revealed his weakness to the world like a cocoon.

Having experienced nearly 3,000 death returns, Subaru Nayuki is just like Roy was taught by Skaha back then. Even if he didn't master the power, he sharpened his heart.

Although Nayuki Subaru took the wrong path, he was too paranoid and crazy, and the final outcome was only defeat.


I don't know what purpose you have, Mr. Roy, but you deceived me, deceived this country, and you usurped the power of the kingdom, which should belong to the king!"

"...you yourself have the power to stop this, no matter what...

It's the fire, no matter what...

It was the series of evil deeds committed by Subaru Nayuki, but you turned a blind eye, and even helped him to perform evil, tell me, Lord Roy, why did you do this, you obviously have the power to stop everything and make everyone The power of happiness, why not stop it!"

"As the supreme bishop of the Witch Sect, why did you allow your subordinates to do so many wicked and wicked acts over the past four hundred years!"

"Are you righteous or evil!"

Reinhardt's hand was on the dragon sword on his waist, and his eyes were burning with raging anger. He didn't want to pay attention to the envy of the witch, because it happened four hundred years ago, but these four hundred Over the years, as the highest bishop of the Witch Cult, Roy had to bear the lives of countless innocent people who died under the Witch Cult. As a knight, Reinhardt thought he had to punish the sinful brother in front of him.

If he doesn't do this, then Zhao will not be a knight anymore, and the man named Reinhardt will lose everything.

He was like a drowning man who grabbed the last straw, and wanted to use the Witch Cult and Roy's "evil" to atone for his sins.

"Justice or evil, Reinhardt, you are still so naive, you are born with sin, and I have eliminated all my original sins, no matter what...

Whether it is a righteous act or an evil act, it will not pollute my body, nor will it pollute my heart, so that I will not be shaken in any way, I am neither righteous nor evil, what I symbolize is only victory'!"

"...If the blessing of this world is... the source of your strength, the body that hides your fragile heart, then I will smash it today, and let me smash your fragile body. Break it, even if the world stands in front of me, I will surely 'victory!'

Roy questioned Reinhardt. Above his right shoulder, a golden right hand slowly stretched out. He was golden in color, flowing with sublime, and the lines on his hand were clearly visible, as if every trace contained hidden traces. truth of the world.

That's Roy's 'Holy Right'!

Chapter 225 Destroying the 'Blessing of the World'

The chapters were sent to the wrong book, and it seems that the number of chapters is also wrong, but this volume is almost finished, no matter... I have been running outside for the past two days, and the update may be slower, but this volume is almost over.

"What's this"

When the dazzling golden hand appeared in front of everyone, Reinhardt only felt stinging pain in his eyes, tears streaming down the corners of his eyes, and his brain was as painful as a needle stick, so he could not wait to let him cry loudly.

If it wasn't for his firm will, at this time, he would have been rolling frantically on the ground with his head covered.

Holy, vast, holy, serene, merciful, etc... Emotions surged in Reinhardt's brain and soul, as if there were hymns in his ears, and countless angels were flapping their wings, praising the supreme being .

That is the greatness that human beings absolutely cannot understand. It is the highest level that human beings will collapse even if they look at it. The human brain will understand whatever is seen, but when the human brain sees this right hand, because it is incomprehensible, it will be born in vain. A sense of collapse.

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