At this time, Reinhardt felt like this. His brain instinctively wanted to understand what the right hand was, but the human brain could not accommodate the truth contained in the right hand. There is a sting that will tear the soul.

Roy's right hand is the 'right hand of God'. Humans can't look directly at God, no matter what...

Is that the evil **** or the so-called good god.

In that extreme pain 23, Reinhardt yanked out the sword from his waist.

That is the dragon sword "Reid" passed down from generation to generation by the Sword Saint family Astraea! In the name of the first generation Sword Saint Reid, it is also the divine sword cast by Reid's sacrifice. It is Astor The real source of the prosperous and unbroken family of the Rhea family is the 'Juggernaut's protection' inherited by the Astrea family. Its function is to draw out the dragon sword. The opportunity to draw out... the dragon sword to face a powerful enemy, if you draw out... the second time, it will cost your life, but this generation's Reinhardt is an exception, he can draw out... this long sword at will.

As long as the 'Juggernaut's Blessing' is used to draw... the dragon sword, the holder will have the first generation Juggernaut's 'Severing Blessing' and the full power of the Divine Dragon Polkenica. It is produced by the joint action of the Juggernaut and the divine dragon's protection.

Reinhardt's strength is not as strong as he imagined. If he doesn't draw out his dragon sword, even with the countless blessings he possesses, at most, he can only fight with the Bishop of Strong Desire. Although there are many Reinhardt protections, most of them are of little effect, far less than the quality of the witch's protection.

But when Reinhardt draws out... the dragon sword, the power of the dragon, the power of the first generation of Juggernaut, and the experience that Reinhardt possesses will come together, which will allow this... contemporary swordsman to be able to match the envy of the witch. The power of confrontation! "Choke--"

Accompanied by a symphony of gold and iron, Reinhardt did not hesitate this time, and completely pulled out the dragon sword. The power of the divine dragon Polkenica was on him, causing changes in the surrounding celestial phenomena, terrifying. The storm spread with Reinhardt as the center, and the ground beneath my feet cracked open in the storm and was torn into pieces. The Royal Castle of Lugnica is shrouded in it.

Substantial energy was boiling like boiling water, and the storm swept across Roy's side, causing the curtains of his hair to undulate slightly.

"If you are facing other people, Wright, you have indeed gained almost invincible power now. Polkenica's dragon power has greatly improved your physical ability, and De's cutting and protection power has made you face You can destroy all those who have blessings, and the dozens or hundreds of blessings you have obtained from the care of the world also allow you to face any danger, but—”

Roita took a step forward, the 'Holy Right' on his right shoulder shook slightly, Reinhardt just... grunted, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and the astronomical change brought about by drawing... the dragon sword, is then dissipated.

In Reinhardt's eyes, Roy's figure is infinitely high, and he seems to be a mountain that penetrates the sky in front of him. He can't see the edge or the dome. This makes Reinhardt born A sense of his own insignificance made him feel weak in his knees and wanted to kneel on the ground.

"But in front of me, no matter what...

Whether it's Reid's protection, the power of the divine dragon Polkenica, or your favored by the world, they're nothing but brittle paper!"

Having fought together with Polkenica and Reid, Roy has already analyzed and judged the power of those two people, and in the hundreds of death returns of Subaru Nayuki and Reinhardt, Roy has also been observing Reinhardt's power, and has determined most of the blessings he has, and has thoroughly determined the upper limit of the world's favor for him! 'The protection of the world', This is the name Roy gave to Reinhardt's blessing, anyway...for... this child of destiny, as long as he wants to get it, he can get all the blessings, but even if he is The illegitimate child of the world, today Roy will also knock him down and the whole world behind him! "You don't have any chance of making a move, Reinhardt..."

Roy's expression was calm and high, like a **** looking down at mortals, the holy right on his right shoulder swayed slightly, and the five fingers and palm of his right hand were aligned with the sword saint in front of him.

Under that enormous and indescribable pressure, Reinhardt couldn't even speak aloud, he could only try his best to suppress the pain in his brain and prevent himself from fainting.

"Witness your weakness, no matter what...

Whether it's your spirit or your body, you are vulnerable in front of me, let me break your false pride! Reinhardt, look at me, I'm asking you—"

"—Who is most like God!!"

Following Roy's high-pitched command, a supernova-like burst of blazing light suddenly bloomed from that sacred hand, sweeping across the world, covering the universe.

"Ah ah ah ah ah----"

Pain, extreme pain, the many blessings on Reinhardt's body receded like a tide, and the pain when the blessing was shattered and disappeared made this... Sword Saint couldn't help crying.

The power of the divine dragon Polkenica was the first to fade, and the dragon sword Reid on the 'Dragon's Blessing' turned into a phantom of a giant dragon. That was the divine dragon who fought the jealous witch four hundred years ago. With a whimper, the phantom of the giant dragon melted like snow, and the 'Dragon Protection' on the dragon sword was completely shattered.

When the divine dragon's protection disappeared, the luster of this legendary divine sword became dim, and even rust appeared on the sword.

Immediately, the protection of Sword Saint Reid touched Roy's 'right light' as the second layer, and the protection that could cut off all protection was also shattered, and cracks appeared on the dragon sword. After Reid's power was completely dissolved, along with the sound of 'click', the family heirloom that the Astrea family had preserved for 400 years was turned into iron filings all over the sky.

In the end, it was Reinhardt's many blessings who received the 'Light of the Right', no matter what...

What a powerful protection, in the moment of contact with the right light', it will turn into nothingness.

The protection of dodge, the protection of arrows, the protection of light, the protection of old drivers, the protection of night, the protection of the moon, the protection of the sky, the protection of the sun, etc., all of them are broken at the touch of a button. Even the protection of the phoenix cannot appear.

A phoenix is ​​just... just disappearing.

Reinhardt was deprived of all elements of victory. If his victory depended on this world, then Roy's 'Holy Right' would shatter even this world! Throwing away violently, Reinhardt fell to the ground and was extremely weak. Subaru Nayuki had exhausted more than 500 reincarnations, but the Sword Saint who couldn't let him use both hands, but he couldn't even hold a single move in front of Roy. After all... Victory was taken away, and defeat was ushered in.

Chapter 226: Return, Earth, Water, Fire and Wind!

Reinhardt's body that was knocked flying was lying on the ground, his expression a little dazed, he raised his hand to grab something, but in the end he fell down again powerless.

The sword saint of the... kingdom breathed violently, feeling the empty body, the feeling of... full of power completely disappeared, and now he is so powerless, even the dragon sword handed down from the Astrea family's ancestors to this day. Reid's all turned to dust.

He is the strongest Juggernaut in the history of the Juggernaut family, and it can even be said to surpass the first generation, but he is also the most shameful Juggernaut in the Juggernaut family, because even the family heirloom that has been passed down from generation to generation is lost in his own hands .

In the end, he still didn't accomplish anything, he didn't fulfill his responsibilities as a knight, he didn't protect his loyal master, he didn't fulfill his responsibilities as a hero and a swordsman, and he didn't protect the royal city and the palace.

'I'm really... weak... Reinhardt, who was lying on the ground, smiled silently, sighing for his fragility of spirit and his persistence. He was upright and righteous. Everyone is polite and good, no matter what...

Whether facing nobles or commoners, he will always show a smile to help, but now that I think about it, it is just because of his arrogance with power, because he has unmatched power, so he can face everyone equally, but In fact, the man named Reinhardt has no idea about the real suffering of the people.

Reinhardt and Subaru Nazuki are actually so similar, although they face different environments and situations, they both have arrogance.

"These are the seven deadly sins, the original sins that human beings are born with, even if you don't admit them, but they are there!"

The sound of footsteps sounded, and Roy took two steps forward and walked to Reinhardt, looking down at this... contemporary swordsman.

"But you are lucky, Reinhardt, at least you have a chance to make up for your regrets. I hope that in the future you can truly recognize yourself, be humble, just and sympathetic. I hope you can really hone yourselves. Your own spirit and become a strong person, not relying on the strength obtained by luck!"

Roy stared at Reinhardt and said softly, he actually likes... this... Juggernaut, but... he is too stubborn and conservative, and sometimes he makes decisions that are too selfish, such as It is simply... irresponsible to the people and the country for Felt to participate in the election of the king.

"Nayuki Subaru didn't kill Felt, she was saved by me, at least your responsibility as a knight has not been lost."

Roy's words made Reinhardt's eyes suddenly light up. For him, this was already the luckiest among many unfortunate news.

Not far away, Nayuki Subaru sat paralyzed on the ground. He watched the invincible Reinhardt fall to the ground so weakly and was defeated by a single move. He wanted to laugh, but he felt the same way. Not funny.

Five hundred times of reincarnation, it was difficult for Reinhardt to use both hands, and it was almost impossible to kill him under his protection, but now this desperate swordsman is just like an ordinary person He didn't even have the strength to resist, making people feel happy and full of fear and despair.


Crowley, this witch is really powerful and outrageous, but what does this have to do with me, because he is Emilia's father.

He thought to himself mockingly.

Just when the surroundings fell into silence and everyone was absent, Roy turned his head to look at Emilia, then looked around, and glanced at everyone who was either hiding or standing here, with an expression on his face. Seriously said: "...Now is the right time, the four histories that the false witch Pandora has been false, it is time to correct it!"

In the east, a morning sun is slowly rising from the horizon, and the brilliance sprinkles on Roy's back, making it more sacred and grand. Below, he flew to a height of several hundred meters, his body turned into a thunderous flame, and he broke through the clouds in an instant, from the King City of Lugnica to the great plain in the distance.

On that great plain, a pure white tree rose up from the ground. It had a thick trunk, and it took hundreds of people to hug it.

This tree is exactly the fantasy tree that Roy asked Fryugel to plant four hundred years ago! Roy flew to the top of the fantasy tree like an angel. He opened his hands as if to embrace the universe, sharp, peaceful and full of Standing on this thousand-meter altitude, the holy gaze seems to be able to see the whole world into the eyes.

He has the halo of the cross on the top of his head, the wings behind him pierce into the void, and on his right shoulder there is a holy hand that carries all the mysteries of the Crusade. The man solemnly declared: "...Restore it to its original appearance, this distorted history and world!"

Roy raised his hands slightly, and as his voice fell, countless beams of light shot up from the entire country of Lugnica, and the dense beams of light penetrated the sky and the earth. If you look at it from a high altitude, you will find these... ......The places where the beam of light shoots are all churches. These are the Cross Church churches that Roy built in the country using the wealth of Lugnica's treasury for four hundred years! Although there are not many people in this world who believe in cross religion, and Roy has not preached for the existence of witches, but not believing in cross religion does not mean that 'God' does not exist, these...... Churches This is the need of the ceremony, it is a symbol.

These...the beams of light rising into the sky are as high as: several thousand meters, exceeding the height of the fantasy tree. When these beams of light reach the highest point, the top of the beam of light spreads out, forming a Roots of dense and sacred silk threads began to spread, overlap and weave according to the designed shape. In a very short period of time, a huge magic circle covering the entire planet stretched across the sky.

......This is the ceremony site that Roy spent four hundred years building. If the humanistic burning that Roy performed was a cover of time, then this ceremony site that enveloped the planet is ...coverage of space.

At this moment, no matter what...

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