And the archangel who served behind God just knelt down in front of Roy and cried out in the Enochian language of the angel: "...My God, my loving father, I have sinned against you, and I feel very ashamed and sincerely regret it!"

"Because I have betrayed your kindness and abused your grace, I am determined now, I would rather die than offend you! My God, please have mercy on me and forgive me!"


The angel prayed sincerely, regarded Roy as the Lord he believed in, and recited the four-character name representing God.

In the Ten Commandments, people are not allowed to call God's name directly, and only these four-character syllables are allowed by God to call the Supreme Lord.

In fact, the four-character god's name cannot be recited by people. If someone recites this name, it will become a murmur-like sound.

But only the Enochian language, the language used by the angel to God, can read this human's vocal cords and words, the incomprehensible name.

With the return of the guardian at the rear, God's right hand clenched the Book of Shinto again, Roy was wearing a robe, his eyes were calm, and he became more and more consistent with God.

Vaguely, people could still see the golden world spreading beside Roy.

In that world, if there is a city looming.

The walls are of jasper, and the city is of pure gold, like clear glass.

Twelve gates stand on the city gate as vast as the universe, and the twelve pearls are the glory of the nations.

That is the holy kingdom recorded in the Book of Revelation, the dwelling place of God, and the heaven that human beings dream of going to!

At this moment, Roy suddenly spoke up, like the words of God.

Then people just... see his eyes looking in one direction, the "Holy Right" is... a light grab.

Immediately, in the palm of the "Holy Right", a half-human body appeared. This half of the body did not contain any blood, but instead looked like a kind of flowing metal.

If there are high-level officials of Academy City here, they will definitely recognize that this is the 'Neiyuan Substance'.

And because of anger, it broke through its own limit, and it can be used as the raw material of the main god's spear' material.

Under the power of the "Holy Right", this mass of non-elemental matter was forged into the shape of a gun.

It's just this gun: it doesn't have that gleaming golden color, but a dark metallic color.

Roy just finished building its shape, and then it needs to be forged.

And at this moment, in the trance of everyone, a demon **** wearing a blindfold and one eye appeared beside Roy.

When Othinus saw the 'gun:', his golden hair fluttered and his emerald eyes showed joy, "...Let's go, my 'understander'!"

"Go to 'Uktrahir' and complete the final ritual on the World Tree!"

The two standing together are... the savior of the Crusaders and the great **** of Norse mythology! "Sylvia, try to stop them!! We were all deceived, the real 'gun:' material is not a magic forbidden book catalog, but the body of that capable person!"

In the distance, Orells shouted anxiously.

At this time, Gabriel, who was behind Roy, spread his wings, and the wings covered the sky.

The four oceans of the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, and Atlantic Ocean trembled, and the endless seawater condensed into ice.

The ice rises up like towers, and a huge spell covering the entire planet is... Formed.

The heavy angelic power replaced the air like a poisonous poison.

With the slight changes in the rotation of the planet under your feet, even the planets of the entire solar system flow through mysterious trajectories.

At the same time, a large amount of dirt flew up in several countries in northern Europe, and countless plants all over the world took the land under their feet and uprooted them.

These countless vegetations flew at a very fast speed near the Atlantic Ocean close to the Danish waters, and finally formed a giant tree leading to the sky in that sea area!

Chapter 221 The last step

A few hours ago - "Boom————"

In Academy City, the invaders from the Roman Orthodox Church were fighting with the guards of Academy City, and the roar of cannonballs and the sound of machine guns were heard from time to time.

At the same time, while completing the tasks that Roy gave them, with the information and help of Yu Cai Haimei, they killed the members of ' '.

As one of the few Anbu's in Academy City, the average ability level of the four of '4 is extremely high, coupled with the rich combat experience, and the "betrayal" of Yu Cai Haimei.

The entire '' was almost slaughtered in a very short period of time, leaving only the last leader, Emperor Kakine.

"Boom boom boom boom------"

A series of explosions sounded, it was the bomb from Frenda.

But these... high-power bombs can only stop Emperor Kakine for a fraction of a second.

"Woman, tell me that... bastard... where is the supporter that the master said!"

Mai Ye Shenli had a grim expression on his face, and asked aloud to the short-breathing prison Cai Haimei beside him.

Wearing a pale pink dress and looking like an elegant young lady, Yu Cai Haimei was completely out of touch with the young lady at this time.

Her hair was messy, her face was pale, her slender calf only felt pain, and her lungs were burning.

Like Miyano Shinri, Yu Cai Haimei took off her high heels in order to escape.

Two pairs of snow-white jade feet were running in the alleys of Academy City.

Fortunately, there are sweeping robots in Academy City, and there are no sharp objects on the road. Otherwise, Shiri Mugino and Haimei Yu would have been injured by this time.

"How do I know where the supporters are, I thought you were... supporters!"

Yu Cai Haimei closed her eyes and shouted loudly, she felt that she was approaching the limit.

If she was caught by the angered Emperor Kakine at this time, she would definitely die without a body.

"Asshole bastard!!"

Hearing Yu Cai Haimei's words, Mai Ye Shenli knew that this woman also didn't understand anything.

She looked at Takitsubo Rihou, who was already swaying aside, and suppressed her anger and asked, "...that...where is the second person now?"

"To the southwest, he is already very close to us!"

Takitsubo Riku said with a pale face.

Without even thinking about it, Shirley Maino took out that...prism-like object, that is...the atomic collapse was launched in the southwest direction.

Although he knew that this thing was useless, Mai Ye Shenri was not... someone who would be caught without resistance.

"Mai Ye... hurry up and think of a way, I don't want to die yet!"

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