Flanda cried out with a mournful face.

"Shut up, Frenda!!"

Mai Ye Shenli gave Flanda a vicious look, making her immediately.

I dare not say more.

At this moment, a metal wing suddenly spread out in the sky, and the four of them and Yu Cai Haimei hurriedly stopped their running bodies.

Just a few meters in front of the five people 5, a man with a ferocious complexion, like a hungry ghost, fell from the sky, blocking the way of several people.

"Hoo Cai Haimi... tell me why why betray why!!!"

Academy City's second, Weiyuan matter glared at Yu Cai Haimei, his eyes were like evil spirits, and he looked extremely ferocious and terrifying.

Emperor Kakine is a very contradictory person.

In order to complete the task and accomplish his own purpose, he doesn't mind turning ordinary.

But if he can not hurt ordinary people, he also takes the initiative to take action against ordinary people, and sometimes is quite kind.

He seems to be cold-blooded, ruthless, and affectionate, and he treats everyone in it as a friend.

Once a member was killed, he went to investigate and track down the murderer for days and nights in a row to avenge the... member.

It can be said that Emperor Kakine is a typical contradictory person whose personalities of angel and demon are blended together.

But he didn't expect that someone was betrayed by someone who was extremely tolerant and harmonious inwardly.

Except for him, all the other members died tragically, without exception.

And the person who betrayed was the deputy leader, the prisoner Cai Haimei who he personally cultivated.


A girl with a high-level mentality and a certain ability, looked at Emperor Kakine with a fearful expression.

, Under his greedy eyes, Yu Cai Haimei reluctantly calmed herself down.

She took a deep breath and said with trembling teeth: "...I have never joined, so how can I betray you?"

"...I didn't take the initiative to join from the beginning. All this is just the task of the master, and the master ordered me first!"

"The master asked me to join and gain your trust. As for what the master is going to do, I don't know. He just gave me an order to kill all the members!"

Compared with Emperor Kakine, Roy was even more awe-inspiring to Haimei Prison.

In addition to... the threat of death, that man has other means to make people dare not resist.

It's like her body has long since become the property of that man, and even he can make her body lose the ability to resist with just one finger.

"Haha...hahahaha!! The master's mission is good and good!! No matter....

Who is your master, after I kill you, I will go to him to settle the account!"

In the extreme anger, Emperor Kakine felt that his spirit had been sublimated, and he felt that his mastery of non-elemental matter had reached a higher level.

"Die, Yu Cai Haimei! Go to **** and regret betraying me, betray me!"

"...and you all, die here too!"

Emperor Kakine roared angrily, and the wings behind him made of non-prime matter were... swept away towards Prison Cai Haimei.

Mai Ye Shiri is not...a person waiting to die. She raised her arm and was about to launch an atomic collapse, but the wings of Emperor Kakine were bounced back in mid-air.

"Aha, it turns out that the guy who asked this uncle to save and kill...you guys!"

A manic laughter came, and several people looked in the direction from which the voice came, and saw a thin, white-haired man walking slowly on crutches.

"One way!"

With different moods, several people called out that person's name.

At this time, Yu Cai Haimei knew who the rescuer Roy was talking about.

"Why the first place, you also accepted the task of the so-called master, are you coming here to die?"

Just breaking through the critical point, the Emperor Kakine, who felt that he had a stronger grasp of the non-elemental matter, saw Accelerator and was... arrogant.

His goal was to kill Accelerator, win the first place, and then be qualified to negotiate with the chairman.

Accelerator's presence here at this time is simply great news for Emperor Kagene.

"Waste, idiot, you think you can beat this uncle"

"...You seem to be serious about love and righteousness, but in fact, you treat your subordinates as your own props."

"The reason why you are angry is just because your props were destroyed by others without your consent. You are not taking revenge, you are just satisfying your own selfish desires."

"...But this uncle is different, this uncle already has someone to protect, you can't beat this uncle at all! Aha, ahahahahahaha!!!"

"Die, number two!"

Accelerator laughed madly, and a pair of black wings grew out of his back.

The four of them 4 and Yu Cai Haimei looked at each other, and the five of them turned their heads wisely and ran away, leaving the battlefield to the first and second.

The wings of non-elemental matter and the wings of vector manipulation collided together, and there was a shattered whine from the surrounding buildings.

... Accelerator was standing beside him when Emperor Kakine was lying in the pothole with a twisted posture.

He saw a golden hand that he could not understand came across time and space, tore apart Emperor Kakine's body, and took away his completely unmaterialized half body.

"So this is what you want..."

Accelerator looked at the golden hand and muttered.

In the past, the Emperor Kakine could only manipulate non-elemental matter.

And after he has been elevated, he has been able to transform his internal organs and various organs of the body into non-elemental substances.

Only such a non-elemental substance can become the material for casting the spear of the Lord God.

The reason why Roy acted in such a play was to allow Emperor Kakine to break through himself and become a qualified material.

The second is to confuse Orells, so that he will not focus on Emperor Kakine.

After all, if that... the man who was supposed to be a Demon God knew the importance of Emperor Kakine.

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