The Home Improvement Store Employee Building An Agricultural Village In Another World
The Home Improvement Store Employee Building An Agricultural Village In Another World - Masaru is an ordinary middle-aged guy who does construction work on convenience stores and home centers.Reincarnated in a young body, bunch of low-quality skills but a
The Home Improvement Store Employee Building An Agricultural Village In Another World - Masaru is an ordinary middle-aged guy who does construction work on convenience stores and home centers.Reincarnated in a young body, bunch of low-quality skills but are good for his own profession, decides to do construction again, girls with rabbit ears, slow life.
- 1 1 Prologue, don't gamble too much.
- 2 2 Welcome to the Fantastic World
- 3 3 The tea is delicious.
- 4 4 Get protection!
- 5 5 加護を得よう【後編】
- 6 6 From the very beginning, Mr. Tempre is a lost chil...
- 7 7 第一村人発見!(された)
- 8 8 one's first fight
- 9 9 うさ耳達と仲良くなろう
- 10 10 兎人族の集落
- 11 11 As expected, it was cheetah!
- 12 12 Let's look for something delicious.
- 13 13 Let's make a toilet.
- 14 14 材料探しの旅に
- 15 15 It was written in the Bible of life that bad guys ...
- 16 16 a thief's hideout
- 17 17 今度は漁村。
- 18 18 Knights? Is that good?
- 19 19 目的でしたっけ?
- 20 20 夢は寝てる時だけで十分ですが?
- 21 21 【side story】Goddess's melancholy
- 22 22 the tragedy in a small village.
- 23 23 酷い仕打ち1
- 24 24 酷い仕打ち2
- 25 25 【side story】村人と騎士小隊の憂鬱
- 26 26 appeal
- 27 27 荷馬車に揺られて
- 28 28 【Summary】In the case of Coastal Knights platoon co...
- 29 29 男は馬鹿な生き物で、女は強い
- 30 30 guild card
- 31 31 1 in Parliament
- 32 32 議会場にて2
- 33 33 3 in Parliament
- 34 34 鍛冶場に行こう
- 35 35 鍛冶仕事をしてみよう
- 36 36 役に立つ物を作ってみよう1
- 37 37 馬車を改良しよう
- 38 38 【side story】月と女神と恋心
- 39 39 いざ尋常に決闘なのです!
- 40 40 a briefing for the beasts
- 41 41 対戦
- 42 42 【side story】彼の秘密
- 43 43 出立と出逢い
- 44 44 return meeting
- 45 45 神々の報酬
- 46 46 Easy Mode Development Using Skills
- 47 47 技術とは…。
- 48 48 Continuing: Let's make a toilet.
- 49 49 【side story】ジータ少年の想い
- 50 50 [Congratulatory 50th Anniversary] Listen to my son...
- 51 51 I confess! Actually...
- 52 52 A little game?
- 53 53 元いた世界
- 54 54 虫の恐怖1
- 55 55 Fear of bugs 2
- 56 56 安い神託
- 57 57 Norm Forest
- 58 58 森のクマたん
- 59 59 また遭遇!?
- 60 60 Toward the reunion
- 61 61 作戦会議
- 62 62 雨の中の生態系
- 63 63 【side story】the moment of sisterhood
- 64 64 To the Norm Village
- 65 65 魔法と科学
- 66 66 countermeasure
- 67 67 vs魔熊戦1
- 68 68 vs. Magic Bear Battle 2
- 69 69 凱旋
- 70 70 家に帰ろう
- 71 71 Another uproar...
- 72 72 追跡
- 73 73 Negotiating? I won't.
- 74 74 獲物
- 75 75 建設と失敗
- 76 76 お引っ越し
- 77 77 王都へ
- 78 78 謁見
- 79 79 降臨!
- 80 80 今度は交渉するよ
- 81 81 石と工兵
- 82 82 buying and selling
- 83 83 extraction
- 84 84 spending money
- 85 85 ただいま帰還中
- 86 86 ただいま帰りました!
- 87 87 そして………。
- 88 88 one of Masaru's daily lives.
- 89 89 …とあるマサルの日常その2
- 90 90 …とあるマサルの日常その3
- 91 91 予兆。
- 92 92 Reporting & Countermeasures Conference
- 93 93 方針
- 94 94 チャリオット
- 95 95 出陣!
- 96 96 真夜中のお茶会
- 97 97 騎士と王都
- 98 98 earnestness
- 99 99 [side story] The last of the bazaarca
- 100 100 【100話記念】嵐のような静かな夜
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