The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 1175 Invitation and Token

Si Qiu and Duo Chou both raised their eyebrows when they heard that Xing Wuji actually had the list of items for Gu Dao Trading Company's auction.

It’s definitely a must-see, and it’s also a good way to see how skilled Gu Dao Trading Company is in collecting spiritual objects.

If this Gu Dao Trading Company really only appears once every four hundred years to do business and nothing else, as Gu Changhuan said, they, the Qianfeng Realm God Transformation Forces, would naturally be happy to see its success and even raise their hands to support it.

Just this look shocked both Si Qiu and Duochou.

"Not just elixirs, but even sixth-level talismans and sixth-level magic weapons?

There is even a formation?

Even if you are a god in other interfaces, do you have such great abilities?

Or are we in Qianfeng Realm lagging too far behind? "

While Si Qiu was shocked, he actually said all these words.

Shouyou frowned in shock.

However, these two are still well-informed old monsters who have lived for two thousand years. After the shock, they quickly calmed down. Duochou looked at the list of jade slips and said:

"Such a sixth-level spiritual object cannot be achieved overnight. It seems that Gudao Trading Company has been preparing for a long time. We can feel more at ease."

Seeing what Duochou said, Si Qiu also nodded, then looked at Xing Wuji and said:

"If what he said is true, then you have made a pretty good friend."

Xing Wuji suddenly swelled.

On the other side, Gu Changhuan was planning. Now they have sent invitations and trading company tokens to the two deity-forming forces in Qianfeng Realm, and there are still five forces left.

He rubbed his fingers. From now on, the matter of sending invitations can be completely left to Gu Changyu, Chi Jin and others.

Gu Changhuan thought so.

As for the other three teams, it’s not too late to ask them to send out invitations and tokens when they go to other interfaces.

At the same time, Gu Dao Trading Co., Ltd. and others also gave themselves Tao names, which they would use to travel among all walks of life in the future.

The Dangxing ship stayed near Yunwuze for the same month before setting sail again.

At the same time, a store named Gu Dao Trading Company appeared in Yunwuze.

Although this store is set up in Yunwuze, it is not in the core business district. It is only in a corner of the block. However, the store area is not small, with a total of three floors, plus a five-door courtyard, and the annual rent is quite high.

There is only one counter on the first floor of the store that is a relatively obvious building. The rest of the place is filled with various high-end furnishings. There are bookshelves against the wall, and a tea table with a flowing glass of water on the left side. Very elegant look.

It makes this place look less like a business and more like a tea room.

As for the second floor, apart from two elegant rooms and a quiet room, there is only a small flower hall and an empty warehouse.

The third floor is naturally the auction venue of Gudao Trading Company, but unlike ordinary auction houses, the auction venue of Gudao Trading Company is not large, but the layout is particularly exquisite.

The courtyard at the back is naturally a place for the ancient monks who will be stationed here in the future. The courtyard has everything from a medicine field to a fire room and so on.

However, this is only the basics.

In addition to shops and daily living areas, necessary protection is also standard. If Gu Changhuan hits a sixth-level formation, the entire shop and the courtyard behind it will be completely impregnable.

Even if the cultivator of the Transformation God strikes with all his strength, he can't do anything to this shop.

This is the result Gu Changhuan wants.

As for who to send in the end and how many people to send to station in Qianfeng Realm, Gu Changhuan felt that two Nascent Soul cultivators would be enough to station in the merchant shops on each interface. As for who to send, as long as the treatment is enough, no one would be willing to do it. Come.

After all, this is considered half a sinecure.

As for whether Nascent Soul who is stationed abroad wants to do something great, that is another matter.

With this thought in mind, Gu Changhuan further improved the rules of Gu Dao Trading Company.

In the following months, the Gu family and others drove the Dangxing Ship to deliver the invitations and the tokens of Gu Dao Trading Company to the other gods-forming forces in Qianfeng Realm.

Of course, this process is not smooth sailing. It's just that the Gu family and other gods are powerful in their methods and have the strength in numbers. They can naturally respond calmly to any provocation.

On the contrary, it made this realm's transformation spirit feel a little contested.

There are a total of seven god-transforming forces in Qianfeng Realm. The Gudao Trading Company's tokens on each interface are only nine, which means that after giving the tokens to the many god-transforming forces, there should be two free tokens. ;

But when they first arrived in Qianfeng Realm, Gu Changhuan once gave them a token named Yuanying Yi to show them the way. In other words, after visiting several god-forming forces, only the last piece of Gu Dao Trading Company was left. The token owner has not been found.

Gu Changhuan thought for a while, but still didn't send out all the tokens.

Just leave a token for the Gu family monks stationed here in the future!

Gu Changhuan thought this, and after sending all the invitations, he led the people to count the items from the first auction of Gu Dao Trading Company.

As well as collecting and sorting out the information of the Qianfeng Realm's god-forming monks, etc.

Let’s see if there is a suitable candidate to take on the role of elder of Gu Dao Trading Company. Of course, even if there is a suitable candidate, we will not invite him now and will have to wait for some time.

No matter what, the first auction of Gudao Trading Company must be held beautifully.

One year after Gu Changhuan and others came to Qianfeng Realm, Gu Dao Trading Company's first auction was held as scheduled in Yunwuze.

At the ninth o'clock before the auction began, the token of Gu Dao Trading Company in the hands of the various Divine Transformation cultivators began to flash, and flashed in the direction of Yunwuze, as if leading the way.

The Divine Transformation cultivators of Qianfeng Realm who had already known the inside story naturally did not think there was anything unexpected, but the cultivator surnamed Yi from Yuling Sect was indeed confused for a while.

However, the cultivators who had cultivated to the Nascent Soul Realm were naturally not stupid. After a while, they knew that the token was to guide them to a certain place. After struggling for a while, the Yuanying cultivator surnamed Yi thought about everything that happened when he got the token, and decided to go and see.

Then he came all the way to the outside of Gu Dao Trading Company in Yunwuze.

The cultivator surnamed Yi stayed in an inn near Gu Dao Trading Company for a day, and observed and inquired about the news for half a day before entering Gu Dao Trading Company to inquire. After taking out the token of Gu Dao Trading Company, Gu Changde, who was slacking off at the front desk, immediately returned to his normal state.

After checking the authenticity of the token, Gu Changde introduced:

"The day after tomorrow, our Gudao Company will hold a sixth-level auction. You only need to bring this token to participate in this sixth-level auction.

You don't have to worry about safety and other issues. We will provide disguise masks and formation protection. There will also be our Gudao Company's gods to avoid coercion.

Because Gudao Company's auction house is a membership system, please do not spread this news and you can bring no more than two fellow monks.

In addition, please be sure to keep the token of Gudao Company, because our membership system only recognizes tokens and not people; if the token is taken away by someone, our company will not come forward to recover it.

And without the token of Gudao Company, you cannot participate in our auction."

Gu Changde repeated the last sentence.

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