The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 1176 Closed Loop

After listening to Gu Changde's words, he was ecstatic at first, and then broke into a cold sweat.

When he left Gu Dao Trading Company, his heart was in a state of confusion, and one can imagine how complicated it was.

On the other side, Gu Changde continued to lie back on his rocking chair. He looked at the soulless appearance of the monk surnamed Yi and smiled: Tianlai Novel Network

"This Gudao Trading Company's membership token is a blessing or a misfortune for ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators.

Tell me, is this..."

Chang Huan did this on purpose?

Gu Changde concealed the second half of the sentence, but given the kind of person Gu Changqing was, he naturally understood what Gu Changde meant.

I saw him lightly tapping the spiritual sword in his hand, and the spiritual sword made a clear sound.

“No matter what Brother Seventeen thinks, this is an opportunity for those who are ambitious;

Even if the token of Gudao Trading Company falls into the hands of those timid people, the worst case scenario is that it can be put in the auction house.

Whether it is a blessing or a curse, although there is some luck, it is also inseparable from personal choice. "

Gu Changqing's expression was a little indifferent. His feelings for others outside the Gu family had never been so rich.

Gu Changde nodded in agreement and turned to talk to him about other things.

Naturally, he was talking about his experiences in Qianfeng Realm and the upcoming sixth-level auction.

Gu Changqing doesn't talk much, but for Gu Changde, as long as someone is willing to listen to him, it will be fine. Of course, Gu Changqing must be a special existence to Gu Changde, so Gu Changde will not forget to pay attention when he talks at length. Gu Changqing's reaction.

Of course, with Gu Changde's current cultivation level, he can already freely control his own special abilities, and naturally there will be no problem of affecting the consciousness and mental state of the people around him because of his too much words.

But this doesn’t mean that many people like to have a chatty person around them.

Chatterbox is the exception.

As for Gu Changqing, he has long been used to it.

After all, counting on the fingers, including the time in the Xuantian Tower, it has been a thousand years, and in this thousand years, the two people have been together for a hundred years, so it's not okay if they don't get used to it.

While Gu Changde and Gu Changqing were fishing aside, Gu Wanchang and others were counting and inspecting the spiritual objects needed for the auction.

The counting of the spiritual objects was quickly completed. Everyone looked at the spiritual objects with anticipation, but there was some hesitation on Gu Changcheng's face. When the counting was over and everyone left, Gu Changcheng looked at Gu Changhuan, a little uneasy. ask:

"Brother Seventeen, do you really want to take out one of the Liuhe Thunder Talisman for auction?

Isn't this a bit risky? "

Gu Changhuan said indifferently,

“It doesn’t matter, it’s just a picture;

The first auction held in Qianfeng Realm must bring out some refreshing and unexpected good things.

Gudao Trading Company will be one of the important foundations of the Gu family for generations to come, so there is nothing wrong with running it with some care. "

After hearing this, Gu Changcheng pondered for a while, nodded, and had to agree:


If Gu Dao Trading Company does not deviate from the right track, plus what I said before, the blood of my Gu family will bloom everywhere in tens of millions of years;

Even if one of them suffers a heavy blow one day, it will not have any impact on the overall situation. "

By that time, the Gu family will be like centipede insects, dead but not stiff.

Gu Changcheng said, his eyes filled with light.

Gu Changhuan thought about that scene and felt very sighing.

If this is the case, it is only much better than migrating monks and mortals to other interfaces to retain fire.

But when it came to Gu Changcheng's plan, Gu Changhuan looked at him and asked:


Have you finally laid out your plan? "

Facing Gu Changhuan's question, Gu Changcheng nodded and said:

"This matter is not trivial, so I took a little longer to think about it. Fortunately, Uncle Shining helped me a lot. If I were on my own, I probably wouldn't have thought so thoroughly."

Gu Chang laughed happily. He took the jade slip handed over by Gu Changcheng and said:

“As the saying goes, a good man has three gangs;

It is very difficult for a true lonely person to achieve a career. Just like I decided to establish Gudao Trading Company in a flash, don’t I also need your help?

Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to do so much on my own.

As for the length of time, it’s just more than a year, so it’s nothing. I planned the Gudao Trading Company for a long time before it became practical. "

As Gu Changhuan spoke, he looked at Gu Changcheng's plan.

After reading all about Gu Changcheng's plan, Gu Changhuan closed his eyes and thought for a while.

Gu Changcheng's plan is very detailed, but it is not difficult to understand. To put it simply, it is to send out individual Nascent Soul monks who are ambitious in the family and want to expand the territory, put them into an interface, and then give them a batch of spiritual objects. , allowing it to develop freely;

If the force that formed the force can survive alone for a thousand years or advance to become a god force without the help provided by the Gu family and Gu Dao Trading Company, it will be considered a success.

If successful, you will receive additional rewards from the Gu family;

And if the dispatched Gu family monk dies, or gives up on forming a force and goes out on his own during the process, it will be considered a failure.

If he failed, he would naturally be punished, but it would only be three times the amount of the spiritual object originally gifted.

Of course, rewards will be distributed through Gu Dao Trading Company. As for punishment, Gu Dao Trading Company is responsible for arresting people and punishing them after they return to the Gu family's base camp.

To put it in a more vivid way, these Gu family monks who were sent to other worlds are like individual rings, and Gu Dao Trading Company is the rope that connects them.

In contrast, other families or sects want to transfer and preserve the fire to other interfaces, but it is difficult to find their whereabouts after the transfer; it is far less convenient than the Gu family with Gu Dao Trading Company.

Gu Dao Trading Company does not only exist to transfer the Gu family fire. Whether it is Gu Dao Trading Company, Gu Changcheng's plan, or even the Gu family, they are all independent carriers, but they can support and grow each other and cover each other.

If one day the Gu family suffers a disaster and loses one of them, it will not be a complete loss. Even as long as there is one that is completely preserved, it is possible to make a comeback.

This is a closed loop.

Thinking of this, Gu Changhuan smiled and said:

"This plan is very good.

So far, we have done everything we can. How the Gu family will be in the future depends on the younger generations of the Gu family."

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