The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 1689 Donggu Dynasty, Emperor Gu

Facing Tie Rui's emotion, Gu Changhuan nodded,

"But it's not that full-featured. It just makes it easier for the monks here to do some relatively simple transactions."

The Immortal Cultivation Academy was established in the Imperial City, and apart from its teaching function, it still relied on the Imperial City for more functions.

Although Tie Rui has been living in the Beigu Mountains for these years, he spent most of his time in Gu Changhuan's manor, and a few times wandered among the Gu family's teaching peaks. He had not seen much of the world, so he was brought to the imperial city now. He seemed very excited.

Gu Changhuan couldn't help laughing when he saw Tie Rui looking at everything novelly:

"Now that you have reached the late stage of Jindan, you can walk freely in the imperial city without any hindrance. Please just wander around in the imperial city during this time!"

Moreover, during such a special period recently, there would be no unsighted people causing trouble in the imperial city.

Although Tie Rui has lived for almost a hundred years, his mind is still considered immature. He has experienced very few twists and turns in the scenes he has seen. Naturally, he loves fun and joins in the fun like ordinary children. He was very happy to hear Gu Changhuan say this.

Three months passed quickly.

Today is October 15th, the day when the Donggu Dynasty was officially established, and also the day when Gu Changhuan ascended the throne as Emperor Gu.

The enthronement ceremony was held in the Taiji Palace in the capital palace, which was also the place where hundreds of officials would discuss politics in the future.

At this moment, all the officials were waiting outside the Tai Chi Palace, and the ceremonial guards and music were waiting quietly. Gu Changde, who was temporarily acting as the chief officer of Yiluan, looked at Gu Changhuan who was putting a crown on himself, and couldn't help but smile:

“It’s like being born once and getting familiar twice!”

Gu Changhuan put on the crown, stood up and felt the shackles of the robe on his body, smiled and nodded,

"That's not true.

I just don’t know if there will be a third time in the future. "

Gu Ranguo, who appeared out of nowhere, looked at the suddenly aristocratic Gu Changhuan, thinking about this face, demeanor, and imperial attire, it wouldn't be a bad idea to come back a third time.

At this moment, Gu Wanhao walked in and urged:

"The time has come, please ask Emperor Gu to ascend the throne."

Gu Changhuan had a solemn expression on his face and raised his chin slightly. He seemed to be looking down at the world calmly, but in reality he strode out with his toes on the ground.

The imperial uniform with black embroidery and gold embroidery was extremely luxurious, and even the curve of the hem gave it a somewhat formidable aura.

The enthronement of the Emperor of the Xiuxian Dynasty is simpler in terms of etiquette. It is not as complicated as the enthronement of a mortal emperor. Although there is a process of worshiping heaven and ancestors, the whole process can be completed in more than an hour. Even if he ascends the throne in the morning, If we catch up on time, we can still go home and have lunch.

The reason is that the power of emperors in the world of immortality comes from their own strength; there is no need for mortal emperors to come up with so many bluffing theories. The theory that the king's power is granted by God to the son of heaven does not make sense in the world of immortality.

A cultivator, no matter how high his level of cultivation, can only say something like heaven's blessing and good opportunity.

If any immortal cultivator dares to brazenly say that he is a son of heaven, others will definitely laugh at him.

If there is no need for a true son of heaven to compete with so many immortal cultivators, wouldn't it be wonderful to directly transform into an immortal fetus or another true spirit that was born and raised on earth without even having to become an immortal.

Many of these immortal cultivators are just a little luckier than ordinary people and have the opportunity to pursue the road to immortality. If they only rely on a little bit of luck, they will feel that they are the sons of God, and they will not be able to go long on the path of cultivating immortals. .

Even Gu Changhuan, who has a great body, has never felt that he is a son of God or a son of heaven for so many years.

Unless Tiandao likes to kill his own children, that's another matter.


Gu Changhuan stood proudly above the crowd. When he was about to start the last step of offering sacrifices to heaven, he remembered what happened before refining the secret scroll of Gu Dao. He felt that it would be okay if he could take advantage of the situation to establish his authority or promote feudal superstition.

Looking through the pearls of Daqiu Mian at the blue sky above his head, Gu Changhuan bowed his head with his hands in hand, slightly pursed his mouth and raised the corners slightly, and ended with a sentence that was not included in the memorial speech.

"Today, I ask God to bless you: The Donggu Dynasty will rule the world with great power! It will last forever!"

Gu Qingqing, who was appointed as the prime minister, took a deep breath.

She didn't write this sentence!

Many officials and clan members who didn't understand the ceremony didn't think anything of it. They just waited for the rituals and music to start again and everyone to worship again. The process of worshiping the heaven would be considered complete.

But I didn't expect that at this moment, a ray of golden light penetrated the clear sky, like a golden crow falling, and the dazzling golden light penetrated the sky and landed on the national jade seal!

Gu Changhuan squinted his eyes, and the pearls on the big fur crown emitted a soft light, blocking the dazzling light, allowing Gu Changhuan to see the scene in front of him clearly.

I saw strands of golden light continuously pouring into the Chuanguo Jade Seal, as if charging it with energy.

This golden light looked a bit familiar, not like an ordinary glow, but a bit like the golden light of merit shown on the Immortal Diagram.

Gu Changhuan thought so and took a look inside the Immortal Diagram.

The smile gradually solidified.

It's ancestral!

Where is the golden light of my merit and the power of faith?

Why is it gone?

Gu Changhuan was depressed and puzzled.

But you can't have an attack on the spot.

After about six breaths, the golden light gradually dissipated. Many monks present were a little confused about what had just happened. They couldn't help but look at each other and communicate with their eyes to guess.

What should I say the moment the golden light landed?

There is a suffocating feeling of being surrounded by thunder and calamity.

Very unpleasant.

Similarly, Gu Changhuan was in a somewhat subtle mood.

Not only because the golden light of merit and the power of faith disappeared inexplicably, but also because the Tongxiantu did not show what the golden light was. After the golden light disappeared, the imperial seal that was carved out as a decoration did not change much on the Tongxiantu.

But after such an incident, Gu Changhuan and the monks of the Donggu Dynasty later obviously could not just regard the imperial seal as a decoration.

What if he really "received the mandate from heaven and lived forever"?

Gu Changhuan thought so, but raised his hand and flicked his sleeves and turned around neatly, holding the imperial seal that was responded to by the Heavenly Dao in one hand.

"Since our Donggu Dynasty has been favored by the Heavenly Dao, we will surely expand our territory and promote our clan's prestige for thousands of years to come!"

Gu Qingyan and a few other smart people exchanged glances and shouted together:

"The Heavenly Dao favors us, and our clan's prestige will be promoted, and our clan will be promoted forever!!!"

The voice with true energy echoed and spread through the formation prohibition, and all officials understood and bowed:

"The Heavenly Dao favors us, and our clan's prestige will be promoted, and our clan ...

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