The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 1690: Just the Starting Point

It has been exactly four hundred and fifty years since the Gu family ascended to the spiritual world and the land of spiritual destruction, October 15th, Shenshi.

In the palace of the capital of Donggu Dynasty.

Gu Changhuan sat upright in the chair. He had not yet changed out of his imperial attire, but his eyes had begun to wander.

It’s been a long time since I had the energy to deal with such a situation where nothing could go wrong.

The enthronement ceremony is more tiring than the Mahayana law.

Gu Changhuan thought like this, waved his hand and took out the Immortal Picture, and glanced at the jade seal on the table.

I really want to keep this thing in the palace in the future.

The next moment, Gu Changhuan thought in his mind, put away the Immortal Picture, closed his eyes and pinched the center of his eyebrows.

"I wonder why you two are so secretive when you go out now?"

It’s as if you can’t see anyone coming to my place.

As soon as he finished speaking, the space in the hall suddenly became slightly distorted, and Feihan and Hua Wu appeared in front of Gu Changhuan at the same time.

Unlike Gu Changhuan, who was slightly tired, the two of them hid in the dark and watched the excitement for a long time, and they were still surprised.

Fei Hanzui was faster. He didn't ask Gu Changhuan how he discovered the traces of him and Hua Wu, but directly asked Gu Changhuan what the last part of the heaven-sacrifice ceremony was about.

Gu Qingxuan came up to serve tea at this time. Gu Changhuan took a sip of tea and used his true energy to slightly weaken the feeling of fatigue. He said helplessly:

"That's what happened!

You all saw it too. "

It's not like he made some formation or secret technique. Everything today, just like Gu Dao's secret scroll, has been witnessed by heaven.

Hua Wu and Feihan both knew about Gu Dao's Secret Scroll, but seeing the scene was the first of its kind and they couldn't help but feel surprised.

Hua Wu recalled a little, and then said:

“Even though I saw it with my own eyes, it’s still a bit unbelievable.

In the past, we, high-level immortal cultivators, could vaguely sense something different in the contracts we signed or the oaths we made to Heaven, but this was the first time we saw Heaven's response in such a grand scene. "

Feihan nodded in agreement,

"I have seen a lot, but I have never heard of anything similar happening in the history of the human race."

Gu Changhuan smiled when he heard this.

"Isn't this what you have seen?"

And compared to other major clans in the spirit world, the human race’s heritage is really nothing.

At least until now, the recorded history of the human race in the spiritual world is less than 40,000 years.

If the human race was not born too late, it means that the human race entered this interface relatively late. The power of the human race in this interface cannot be compared with other interfaces that the human race has been cultivating for tens of thousands of years.

But it doesn’t matter, you have to eat the food one bite at a time; what’s more, isn’t he coming!

Although he can't kill all the aliens on this interface like melons and vegetables, he can always make the human race take a big step forward.

Including him, the Donggu Dynasty currently has three Mahayana monks, which is a good starting point.

Yes, the Mahayana forces in the land of spiritual annihilation are just a starting point.

Thinking of this, a wave of anger rushed to his head. Gu Changhuan's expression straightened, and he looked at Hua Wu and Feihan, who were still feeling extremely surprised, and said solemnly:

“Both of them are my trusted and close friends;

Now that the Donggu Dynasty has been established, I still have something to say to you two. "

Gu Changhuan said this, looking at the two people with sincere eyes.

Seeing this, Hua Wu and Feihan knew that what Gu Changhuan was about to say must be very involved, so they both calmed down and looked at Gu Changhuan.

"Junior brother, it doesn't matter if you say it."

"Brother Gu, just say whatever you want."

The two said at the same time.

Gu Changhuan nodded,

"I became a Mahayana monk and established the Donggu Dynasty. In the future, I will definitely want to expand my territory and start wars with neighboring foreign races.

It's just that although I'm good at fighting, I'm afraid there will be times when I can't stand alone.


Before Gu Changhuan could finish speaking, Hua Wu said:

"I'm good at fighting. Although Shen Ye isn't that good at it, he can draw talismans;

Junior brother has been very kind to us and my husband, and we have the fate of senior Zhen Lingzi. Whenever junior brother is in need in the future, the two of us will definitely be there to help.

This is also the responsibility of the two of us as guests of the Gu family. Junior brother does not need to worry too much. "

Feihan also puffed up his chest, not wanting to be outdone and wanted to say something. Then, remembering his not-so-outstanding fighting ability, he quietly retracted a little, showing that he was not very confident:

“Although I am not strong in fighting skills, I can still contain a monk of the same level without any problem;

But in other respects, you can rest assured. If you want to inquire about the collection of spiritual objects, our merchant alliance still has a lot of contacts in the northwest corner of the northern continent. "

Seeing that neither of them were timid, Gu Changhuan felt relieved.


Looking at the two people who were full of fighting spirit in front of him, Gu Changhuan couldn't help but rub his fingers.

His future battlefield is not limited to the northwest corner of the northern continent!

If he could control the ruins of the Barbarian God, Gu Changhuan could directly give a surprise gift package to all the powerful tribes in the northern continent!

Of course, what Gu Changhuan, who was currently in the Land of Soul Destruction, never expected that before he distributed large gift packages to the two powerful tribes in the Northern Continent, the barbarian tribe, which had been in decline for who knows how many years, took the lead and gave them an undeniable gift. The Yu Clan and the Mountain Ghost Clan gave out big gift packages.

But this was hundreds of years later.

The Donggu Dynasty in the Land of Soul Destruction is still developing.

Although Gu Changhuan was given the title of Gu Huang, he actually only listened but did not do many things.

Basically, 99% of the things were handed over to the officials under him or the head of the Gu family.

This is normal. You can't let a Mahayana cultivator do those fragmentary and tedious things, right?

None of the five or six Mahayana forces in the entire human race did this.

Mahayana cultivators only need to guard the territory and resist strong enemies, while other cultivators below the Mahayana have to think more.

The same is true for the Donggu Dynasty. It was supported by Gu Qingyan, Gu Qingqing, Yuqing and other virtual cultivators, and slowly began to operate and get on the right track.

Because the Mitian Realm is still closed to the outside world, there are still many high-level cultivators of the Gu family walking outside. If they want to make some adjustments or establish some systems, they have enough manpower. Gu Changhuan asked them to try to be busy first. After the reorganization of the scattered cultivators, the Xiuxian Academy, and the tax reform are on the right track, the entire Donggu Dynasty will be completely stable.

However, the saying that the upper level opens its mouth and the lower level runs its legs off also applies to the world of immortal cultivation.

Gu Changhuan here slowly asks about the progress every now and then, while on the other side, Gu Qingqing and others have spent more than half of their time on the teleportation array every day in meetings.

Land reform, commercial reform, and scattered reform are all extremely important matters, involving too many resources and people, and they cannot be sloppy at all.

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