The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 371 A fairy comes

Gu Changming also tactfully expressed that if he found a suitable weapon refiner in the future, he would hire him, but for now, he was still very satisfied with Tong Bubai.

Overall, Gu's Xianyuan Grocery Store is still in a state of steady growth.

In the past few days, in addition to handling store affairs and checking jade slips, Gu Changhuan also found time to visit Wanbao Taoist. After all, Wanbao Taoist visited him in person before, maybe there was something important.

However, after meeting Wanbao Taoist in his store and talking to him politely, Gu Changhuan learned that Wanbao Taoist didn't know from someone in Haoran Sect that it was him who cured the ancestor Haofeng with the elixir, so he wanted to ask him to try to treat a fourth-level elixir.

Gu Changhuan smiled secretly and said that Wanbao Taoist was well-informed, so he agreed without hesitation.

Wanbao Taoist was so excited that he immediately took Gu Changhuan to check the elixir.

Then, in a secret room, Gu Changhuan saw a spiritual medicine with yellow-green leaves soaking in a bowl of milky white liquid.

Gu Changhuan sniffed lightly and smelled a sweet scent in the air.

Then he looked at the shallow bowl containing the Sanxi Sanbu grass and said:

"Brother Wanbao is really generous to soak the fourth-level spiritual medicine with that thousand-year spiritual milk.

It is rare to let the spiritual medicine dry up to this extent simply because of insufficient spiritual energy.

Is this the Sanxi Sanbu spiritual grass?

It is said that the elixir refined from this spiritual grass is so toxic that even a half-step Yuanying can hardly resist it. However, in recent years, I have not heard of any force cultivating this kind of spiritual grass.

Brother Wanbao is really lucky to be able to purchase this spiritual grass."

Wanbao Taoist smiled proudly at first, then sighed and said:

"To be honest with you, brother Gu, this Sanxi Sanbu spiritual grass has indeed been extinct in my East Wilderness for hundreds of years.

A few days ago, a casual cultivator was blind and mistakenly sold this spiritual grass to my store as another fourth-level spiritual grass;

This is also a good thing, but the trouble is that The casual cultivator was a big and strong man who had no knowledge of spiritual medicine cultivation. He placed the fourth-level spiritual medicine in the jade box without knowing to put some medium-grade spiritual stones to maintain it, which caused the spiritual medicine, which was already in poor condition, to become like this.

So I could only get some thousand-year spiritual milk, dilute it and soak it in the spiritual medicine, so as to preserve a trace of vitality of this spiritual medicine, and wait for Brother Gu to come and restore the vitality of this spiritual medicine, and then offer it to the sect.

Brother Gu should also understand that the reward for offering a living fourth-level spiritual medicine to the sect is far from that of a dead spiritual medicine.

If this spiritual medicine can be revived this time, I am willing to give half of the reward in the sect to Brother Gu.

So, I hope Brother Gu must do his best! "

At the end, Wanbao Taoist looked at Gu Changhuan with hope, fearing that he would say that the vitality of this spiritual medicine had been lost too much and it was hopeless.

Because, the two fellow disciples of Haoran Sect he had found before all said so. Gu Changhuan was his last hope.

Gu Changhuan looked at the spiritual medicine and said with a serious expression:

"Brother Wanbao asked me to do this. I will try my best.

But... "

"But what?"

Taoist Wanbao was relieved at first, and then asked hurriedly.

Seeing him like this, Gu Changhuan waved his hand

"Brother Wanbao, don't be nervous. I just have an unwelcome request."

"Brother Gu, just say it."

"If I can save this Sanxi three-step spiritual grass, I hope Brother Wanbao can give me two seeds of this spiritual medicine.

As for the half reward, I really don't dare to take so much.

Just one quarter is enough.

I hope Brother Wanbao can help me." Gu Changhuan said so.

Taoist Wanbao heard what Gu Changhuan said, hesitated a little, and agreed.

It takes an unknown amount of time for a fourth-level spiritual medicine to grow. Even if the Gu family has this kind of spiritual herb in the future, it is still unknown whether it can be used;

What's more, it is unknown how long it will take, and it is unknown whether he can live to that time. What's the point of worrying so much.

Then, Wanbao Taoist left the secret room after another instruction.

Gu Changhuan smiled slightly, waved and closed the door, and then his spiritual sense swept the entire secret room. After finding nothing wrong, he cast the Deliverance Spell on the Sanxi Three-Step Spiritual Herb.

More than a quarter of an hour later, Gu Changhuan walked out of the secret room.

He looked calm, and it was hard to tell whether he succeeded or failed.

"Brother Gu, what's the result?" Wanbao Taoist asked anxiously.

For more than a quarter of an hour, he had been suppressing his uneasy mood and did not use his spiritual sense to detect the situation in the secret room.

It must be said that in terms of how to behave, Wanbao Taoist, who is not a well-known ordinary Purple Mansion cultivator in Haoran Sect, is much better than the head of the Zhang family that day.

Gu Changhuan smiled,

"Brother Wanbao trusts me so much, how can I let him down?"

Wanbao Taoist was overjoyed to hear this, and thanked Gu Changhuan again and again, then walked quickly into the secret room to check the fourth-level Sanqi three-step spiritual grass.

The spiritual medicine that had been cured by the Du'e technique had now returned to its dark green color and emitted a faint fluorescence, which was completely different from the almost withered appearance before.

After confirming that the spiritual herbs were intact, Wanbao Taoist took two seeds and put them in a delicate jade bottle, then walked out of the room and personally handed the jade bottle to Gu Changhuan. He looked at Gu Changhuan with a smile in his eyes, and said very sincerely:

"This is what I promised to give to Brother Gu before. Please wait a few days for the reward.

Oh, Brother Gu helped me so much this time, I must hold a banquet to reward Brother Gu."

Wanbao Taoist said, and began to order the shop assistants to make arrangements.

This arrangement, of course, does not mean setting up a table in the shop, which is too troublesome and inefficient. What Wanbao Taoist said about setting up a banquet is to order the assistants to go to a restaurant called "Youxianlaiying" under the name of Haoran Sect and order a table of good food so that Wanbao Taoist can entertain Gu Changhuan.

This "Youxianlaiying" is also the favorite place for the purple mansion cultivators stationed in Haoran Market to meet up.

Before Gu Changhuan could refuse, Wanbao Taoist had already ordered the waiter around.

He had no choice but to accept.

"Youxianlaiying" is the number one restaurant in Haoran Market. Most of the cultivators who come here are cultivators from powerful forces, and casual cultivators rarely come here.

It can be said that the customers of Youxianlaiying are all families, sect disciples and other customers with generous spiritual stones.

For some children of small forces and casual cultivators, if they are lucky enough to have a spiritual meal in Youxianlaiying, they can be used as a topic of conversation for a period of time.

Not to mention the children of families and sects who love face. For them, if there is a big event or an important matter, they must choose this place to hold a banquet to show their worth.

Therefore, even though the spiritual meals in Youxianlaiying are ridiculously expensive, there is still an endless stream of guests coming and going.

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