The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 387 Exchange Value

Afterwards, Chi Jin followed what Guo Changhuan said, and after taking the body refining elixir for a period of time, he used thunder power to temper his whole body. As expected, he felt a sense of relief, and there was no longer any stagnation of true energy during practice.

This made him couldn't help but once again lament the benefits of having guidance from famous teachers.

Winter comes and summer comes, and as everyone in the Gu family is busy and practicing, more than half a year has passed.

On this day, at the gate of Haoranfang City, a middle-aged scholar-like early monk from the Zifu came to Haoranfang City with a group of people.

Most of the people behind him looked very young;

Although they have different faces, they are all wearing the same clothes. At first glance, they are from the same force.

"This is Haoranfang City!

This level of spiritual energy is indeed far better than our Bifeng Mountain!

If you stay here for five years, it won't be a problem to break through to a small level, right? ! "

A young man with peach blossom eyes in the group sighed.

The young man standing next to him shook his head in an exaggerated way, then winked and said to him:

"Changkong, you are so ignorant!

This is Haoranfang City!

After five years here, let alone a small realm, successfully building a foundation is not a problem!

Otherwise, why would I drag you to work in Haoranfang City?

Although this place is a little far from home, there are so many benefits and rewards!

And I’ve heard that Changshu has successfully established his foundation. I think back then, his cultivation level was even lower than the two of us!

Now he has built the foundation before the two of us. It’s true that fools are blessed. "

The young man sighed.

Five years ago, when the family recruited people to go on duty in Haoranfang City, not many people were willing to go;

Now, the position on duty at the store in Haoranfang City is the most sought-after position in the Gu family.

At this time, a little fat man said:

“I don’t know where the store our family has opened is;

I heard that our store in Haoranfang City has more income than all the stores in Jiuqifang City. I don’t know if it’s true or not. "

At this time, the seventh-level female cultivator standing behind the Zifuqi cultivator turned her head to look at the two young men and said:

“Speak carefully;

If you have anything to do, it's not too late to wait until you get to the store or residence to tell me. "

The female cultivator had a slender appearance and looked to be no more than 20 years old, but when she opened her mouth, she sounded like an elder;

This woman is none other than Gu Wanhua, the only foundation-building female cultivator in the Gu family's Wanzi generation.

Logically speaking, she should have concentrated on practicing on Bifeng Mountain until she reached the ninth level of the Foundation Establishment Stage and then advanced to the Purple Mansion. However, she didn't know why she appeared here with Gu Xuanzhan and others at this time.

After hearing Gu Wanhua's words, the Gu family monks unanimously closed their mouths and withdrew their probing eyes.

Seeing that the group of juniors finally calmed down, the leader, Gu Xuanzhan, also felt that his ears were much quieter.

Seven days ago, he took these fifteen juniors from Bifeng Mountain on the road to Haoranfang City;

Because it has been five years since Gu Changhuan and others came to Fangshi, it’s time for a shift change;

Before setting off, he sent a message to the Gu family in Haoranfang City, and Gu Changhuan also wrote back saying that he would send someone to take care of them. However, it had been a while since they entered Haoranfang City, so why hadn't they seen the person to take care of them yet?

Gu Xuanzhan thought so as he scanned the neighborhood in front of him, but found nothing.

Just when he was hesitating, he suddenly saw not far away, a monk from the second floor of the Zi Mansion leading a pair of teenagers towards the entrance of Fangshi in a hurry.

It was Gu Changhuan who brought the twins to greet the Gu family.

Gu Changhuan originally planned to wait for Gu Xuanzhan and others at the entrance of Fangshi earlier, but unexpectedly, just when he was about to set off, a guest from the later period of Zifu came, which delayed him a little.

Therefore, it seemed that he was in a hurry at this time.

The twins followed Gu Changhuan step by step, and their eyes followed Gu Changhuan as he wandered around the crowd.

The entrance to Haoranfang City is one of the most crowded places in Haoranfang City. There are monks coming and going in a hurry. If you want to find someone, you really have to look carefully.

However, when Gu Changhuan and others were looking for Gu Xuanzhan, Gu Xuanzhan was the first to discover the figures of Gu Changhuan and the others.

Gu Xuanzhan's lips moved and he sent a message to Gu Changhuan, and then Gu Changhuan and the other three people quickly walked over.

"Chang Huan has met my great-grandfather and my aunt."

The twins also bowed politely

"I've met my great-grandfather and my great-grandmother."

When Gu Xuanzhan saw the three of them, he was too happy. Before they could finish the salute, he supported Gu Changhuan.

"It's just that we haven't seen each other for three to five years. No matter how polite we are, we are all part of the same family."

Gu Xuanzhan said this.

Then he looked at Gu Changhuan carefully, felt his cultivation on the second floor of Zifu, and then smiled:

"This Haoranfang City is indeed a good place. I see that your cultivation has not only advanced to the second floor of Zifu, but also has a deep aura. I think you will be able to break through again in a year or two, right?"

Gu Changhuan smiled and then said in a message:

"To be honest, Grandpa, I already have the cultivation level of the third level of Zi Mansion;

It's just to attract the attention of interested people that I suppress my cultivation. "

After listening to Gu Changhuan's voice transmission, Gu Xuanzhan smiled even more heartily. At this time, Gu Wanhua, who was standing beside Gu Xuanzhan, looked at the twins and said:

"These two children are Qingzhong and Qingqing!

He grows up so fast!

He actually has the fourth level of Qi training. It seems that there is a successor to my Gu family! "

When they heard that a senior member of the family praised them, the two children were very proud. They smiled and thanked them.

In this situation, the elder monks from the Gu family who are junior in rank and have low cultivation level are naturally unable to get in the conversation. They can only stand there quietly, waiting for Gu Changhuan and others to be lively enough, and then take them to the store or The Gu family's residence.

However, although they cannot speak, they still express their thoughts and communicate with each other by winking.

It’s just that most others can’t understand this kind of communication.

In front of everyone, Gu Changhuan had a brief chat with Gu Xuanzhan and Gu Wanhua, and then said:

"There are many people here, so it's not a place to stay for a long time. I'll take Grandpa and Aunt Wanhua to our Gu family's house first!

The place is quite spacious, so it won't be a problem to accommodate such a clan member. "

Gu Xuanzhan naturally had no objection.

On that day, Gu Xuanzhan and others settled in the Gu family's house in Haoranfang City.

At night, Gu Xuanzhan, Gu Changhuan and others gathered together to discuss the matter of shift changes.

"Among the fifteen people I brought here this time, there are seven who are proficient in the various arts of cultivating immortals. However, among these seven, four are monks in the foundation-building stage. Among them, only Wan Hua is a monk in the late-stage foundation-building stage. The other three are all He was still a monk in the early stages of foundation building.

I am afraid that for a while, it will be difficult to cope with the refining of all spiritual elixirs and magic weapons in all shops. "

Gu Xuanzhan said slowly after taking a sip of tea.

The faults among the monks in the middle stage of the Gu family's foundation building were too severe, and there was nothing that could be done about it. Who said that there were not many generations of the Gu family who stood out!

In comparison, it seems that there are many talents in the long-term generation.

Those generations who are proficient in the various arts of cultivating immortals have mediocre cultivation qualifications;

Take Gu Shiwen as an example!

He has already reached the advanced foundation building stage, but his cultivation level has only barely reached the third level of foundation building. This is the result of the family's efforts to supplement and remind him. If not, Gu Shiwen's cultivation level may be even lower.

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