The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 398 Supervisor Selection

After listening to Gu Shifeng's words, some nodded in agreement, while others fell into deep thought, but no one objected to his suggestion.

The War Hall is a must-have for any family with solid foundation and strength. The Gu family has prospered over the years. There are even three monks in the Purple Mansion Stage, and the number of monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage is unprecedented. From this point of view, it is logical to establish the War Hall. thing.

It's just that this war hall is no small matter. It's one thing to set up a war hall, but who is better to take the position of the war hall elder?

The status of the elder in charge of the war hall is very high, which is not comparable to that of ordinary elders. He is ranked among the top three in the ranking of elders in the entire family.

So who is better to hold such a high-power position?

The elders present, you look at me, I look at you, you can't help but feel a little eager to try, and the eyes they look at others are a little more inexplicable.

Gu Shining, who was sitting in the first place, naturally took in everyone's expressions. He waited for a while and suddenly turned his attention to Gu Shiyang, who was sitting in the back.

"What does Elder Shiyang think of Elder Shifeng's proposal?"

Gu Shiyang has been managing Baizhan Valley, and he has a good understanding of the specific combat effectiveness of the monks in his family.

The burly Gu Shiyang obviously didn't expect that the patriarch would suddenly ask him this question. After all, he had nothing to do in previous family meetings, but he still answered Gu Shining's question quickly.

“In the past two years, although there have been a lot more monks in the family, there haven’t been many more clan members who often come to Baizhan Valley.

There are even some monks who have never set foot in the Valley of Hundred Wars. "

There are even one or two foundation-building elders who have never been to Baizhan Valley.

Of course, Gu Shiyang said the last sentence in his heart.

“It seems that while the family’s treatment has been better, it has also pampered the younger generation of clan members.

As a cultivator, there are actually people who have never fought with others.

If this continues, when we Gu family monks have conflicts with other monks, won't we become fish on the chopping board and be slaughtered by others? "

Gu Shining held the teacup, took a sip and said calmly. m.

Many of the elders present nodded in agreement, and one or two Foundation Establishment elders averted their eyes with some guilt.

Immortal cultivators compete with people and heaven. If they leave their family, they may encounter risks everywhere. Unless they stay at home for the rest of their lives, they will not perform tasks that require leaving the family. Otherwise, even from Bifeng Mountain to Jiuqifang On the road to the city, you may encounter risks.

As for a cultivator who has not experienced actual combat, no matter how high his cultivation level is, he will still be limited to three points, not to mention that most of the cultivators in the Gu family only have the cultivation level of Qi training period.

He has low cultivation level and no actual combat experience. In this case, if he encounters a monk of the same level with evil intentions, it will not be a problem to be killed directly by a few moves.

At this time, Gu Shiqing spoke

“From this point of view, it is urgent to establish the war hall;

The world of cultivating immortals is full of dangers, and the clansmen cannot stay on Bifeng Mountain all their lives. Instead of letting them bleed and lose their lives outside and ruin their lives, it is better to teach them how to fight at home;

My Gu family will provide preliminary training in cultivating immortals and various arts to all members of the clan;

I thought, let’s start from today and include fighting as part of our teaching;

Or maybe it stipulates the number of times the tribesmen can go to the Baizhan Valley to fight magic every year. "

After listening to Gu Shiqing's words, someone nodded in agreement. Gu Shiyang thought about it and said:

“There is nothing wrong with including martial arts as a part of teaching, but forcing family monks to fight in the Baizhan Valley may cause negative feelings among the tribesmen, lead to cheating in martial arts, and waste manpower and material resources;

Let me tell you, it is better to raise some more ferocious low-level monsters and let the little guys fight the monsters, which can also be used as an assessment. "

After Gu Shiyang finished speaking, two more elders added some more, but in any case, the matter of establishing a war hall and testing the family's children in fighting skills was a certainty.

As for who will serve as the elder in charge of the war hall, no candidate has been determined.

Of course, there were also people who proposed themselves, but Gu Shining did not accept the offer.

In addition to being able to handle a wide range of affairs, the elders in charge of the war hall also need to have superb fighting experience and strength in order to make the tribesmen yearn for them and convince them.

If an elder with mediocre fighting experience is sent to manage the war hall, others will look down on the Gu family.

After all, the war hall represents the top combat power of a family.

If the person who leads these top combat forces is a puss, these "top combat forces" will naturally be looked down upon by others.

“The position of war hall supervisor and elder is extraordinary, and it is difficult to assume it without a certain level of strength;

Let’s stop here today!

After all the elders go back, they should also think about who among the family members is more suitable to serve as the elder in charge of the war hall. "

After refuting the elder's self-recommendation, Gu Shining said this.

In fact, he had a more suitable candidate in his mind, and that was Gu Changhuan, but Gu Changhuan was now a monk in the Zifu period, and to be the elder in charge of a church would be somewhat incompatible with his status and cultivation level;

Moreover, with Gu Changhuan's character of being afraid of trouble and not fond of worldly things, he probably would not be willing to be the elder in charge of the war hall.

However, Gu Shining still planned to ask after the meeting.

What if Gu Changhuan is willing?

After everyone heard what the clan leader said, they also understood that the elder in charge of the war hall would not be born among them. After saying goodbye to each other, they left the meeting hall.

Seeing everyone disperse, Gu Shining stood up and walked out.

Not long after, Gu Changhuan met Gu Shining.

"Clan leader, please sit down."

Gu Changhuan looked at Gu Shining who came suddenly and was a little confused. The clan leader suddenly came to him. Could it be that something happened to the clan?

Could it be that the head of the Fang family caused some trouble in the city?

Thinking of this, a coldness flashed in Gu Changhuan's eyes.

After Gu Shining sat down, he explained his intention.

After Gu Changhuan heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"It turns out that the family wanted to form a war hall, and I thought it was the old man from the Fang family who had done something wrong.

It won't take long for me to plan to travel. I'm afraid the elder in charge of the war hall is not suitable for me. "

Sure enough.

Gu Shining was slightly disappointed and said:

“Although the head of the Fang family made some moves, it was still relatively easy to deal with;

It’s just that the elder in charge of the war hall...

To be honest with the meritorious elders, none of the elders with positions in the family are suitable for this position. "

After all, there is no one who can fight.

Gu Changhuan nodded. The difficult life of the Gu family back then had something to do with the mediocrity of most of the monks of the younger generation. Even now, it seems that, excluding him, the monks of the older generation are much better than those of the younger generation. .

He thought for a while and said:

"Although I don't want to hold the position of elder in charge of the war hall, I have a candidate here who should be the most suitable."

Gu Shining asked without even thinking about it

"Who is it?"

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