The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 420: Herb Spirit Pond

From what Yan Qinghuo said before, they encountered the wolf demon at a second-level spiritual vein thousands of miles away from here.

This second-level spiritual vein is certainly not the lair of the two-headed wolf of the cracked wind, but it should be not far from its lair.

About an hour later, Gu Changhuan left the newly excavated cave alone.

When leaving the cave, Gu Changhuan brushed the spirit beast bag with his hand, and a white light disappeared into the forest.

After circling the mountain, Gu Changhuan took out the map drawn by Qingtu for him and frowned.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly turned into a beam of light and headed southwest.

In the cave, the Yan brothers were sitting in meditation, and they had no doubts about Gu Changhuan's going out.

In order to find the lair of the two-headed wolf of the cracked wind as soon as possible, Gu Changhuan's flight speed was very fast, but he did not fly very high. He looked inward at the Tongxian map and concentrated his attention. After finding four or five third-level spiritual veins by mistake, Gu Changhuan finally found the lair of the two-headed wolf of the cracked wind.

That was a large area of ​​a third-grade upper-grade spiritual vein. If you count carefully, it is almost three times larger than the Bifeng Mountain.

Now, all the wolf demons above the third grade have been killed or injured, leaving only a few immature two-headed wind-breaking wolf cubs still active in a piece of land in the center of the spiritual vein.

Gu Changhuan's spiritual sense swept through the forest, and he felt relieved after not finding any more three-grade two-headed wind-breaking wolves. Then he came to the ground and saw a few two-headed wind-breaking wolf cubs playing and biting.

They are still only first-grade.

When the wolf demon cubs saw a stranger coming, they all growled threateningly at Gu Changhuan, but they were also afraid of the powerful aura around Gu Changhuan and did not dare to attack.

Gu Changhuan looked at these two-headed wind-breaking wolf cubs, the largest of which was only half a meter tall, and suddenly thought about something.

If nothing unexpected happened, these two-headed wind-breaking wolf cubs could grow to the third-grade lower grade. If they could be tamed, it would also be a great force for the family. ŴŴŴ.

It is just a wolf demon, and it may not be easy to tame it.

Moreover, it will take a lot of spiritual objects to successfully train these wolf demons to the third level.

However, if the cubs are taken to the auction, they will be enough to be the finale product.

As long as these cubs are taken out of here, there will be no loss.

Gu Changhuan, who has made up his mind, found an empty spirit beast bag, and then took out a stack of spirit talismans. A small magical power covered all the wolf cubs, caught them one by one, attached spirit talismans, and then threw them into the storage bag.

Of course, there are naturally cubs who want to resist, but the spirit talismans imprisoned the spiritual power in their bodies. With only the pure physical bite force, they couldn't even bite Gu Changhuan's skin, so it was naturally futile.

A series of actions were as clean and neat as flowing water. In just a dozen breaths, all seven wind-breaking two-headed wolf cubs were collected by Gu Changhuan in the spirit beast bag.

Gu Changhuan also checked the qualifications of some of these wolf cubs and found that none of them had too poor qualifications, but none were particularly outstanding enough to become the wolf king, which made Gu Changhuan feel a little pity.

After dealing with these wolf cubs, Gu Changhuan began to search the entire spiritual vein with a bit of excitement in his eyes. As expected, he found a lot of third-level spiritual objects, three of which were spiritual medicines that Gu Changhuan had never had before;

These spiritual medicines and plants were certainly not the treasures that Gu Changhuan was looking for.

Although these spiritual medicines were also rare and could be used to refine valuable pills, they were still not comparable to the treasure that Gu Changhuan was looking for;

At this time, Gu Changhuan looked inward at the Tongxiantu and carefully identified the marks on it, fearing that he would miss something.

Just when he walked to a cave, his expression suddenly became happy!

Then he walked into the cave without hesitation.

This cave is more than five meters high and ten feet wide. There are spiritual herbs growing on the walls of the cave that emit a faint glow. However, there is a fishy smell in the cave. Obviously, a two-headed wolf with a cracked wind lived here before.

This cave is very deep. Gu Changhuan walked for a while before reaching the end.

The end of the wolf demon cave is not a flat land. One third of the area is a pool of slightly green water.

Gu Changhuan walked to the edge of the pond, looked at the water carefully, and muttered to himself

"It turned out to be the Hundred Herbs Spiritual Pond;

No wonder the Wind-Splitting Two-Headed Wolf could recover from its injuries in such a short time;

I thought it had taken some spiritual medicine that could make bones grow flesh!

I didn't expect it to be the Hundred Herbs Spiritual Pond. This was a pleasant surprise. After all, the effect of the Hundred Herbs Spiritual Pond is incomparable to ordinary spiritual medicines.

We must find a way to move this pond away. It is really a waste of resources to keep it here to heal the monsters."

As he spoke, Gu Changhuan frowned.

As one of the ten spiritual ponds in the world of immortal cultivation, the Hundred Herbs Spiritual Pond is naturally very famous;

It is said that no matter how severely a person or a cultivator is injured, as long as he still has a breath left, throwing him into the Hundred Herbs Spiritual Pond can save his life;

Moreover, if an immortal cultivator with an old illness that has damaged his foundation enters it, his illness can be eliminated and he can expect a great road.

Of course, these are relatively reliable rumors, and there are some unreliable ones, such as drinking a drop of water from the Baicao Spiritual Pond can make you immortal and enjoy eternal happiness, etc.

In the notes of Zhen Lingzi, these spiritual pools were also briefly mentioned.

The ten spiritual pools in the world of immortal cultivation each have their own magical uses, some can heal injuries, some can temper the body, and some can strengthen the soul and expand the meridians;

The spiritual pool has a miraculous effect, and there is no bad effect when using it. Naturally, many forces want to own it, but the conditions for the formation of these spiritual pools have been unknown, so so far, there has been no man-made ten spiritual pools;

So these spiritual pools are more precious;

In addition, these spiritual pools are like spiritual springs and can be moved, which leads to many sects in the spiritual world competing with each other on the number of spiritual pools they have, in order to show the foundation of the sect.

However, spiritual pools are rare in the world. Even if the spiritual world is vast, among the human race, if a sect can have five or six spiritual pools, it is considered a lot, not to mention their small world.

If the Yuanying ancestor of the Yan family is safe and sound, this secret realm will most likely fall into the hands of the Yan family;

By then, this Baicao Spirit Pool will naturally belong to the Yan family sooner or later, but I think if the ancestor of the Yan family knows the existence of this spiritual pool, I am afraid he will be very happy!

After all, if his blindness was really caused by being possessed by a demon, this hundred herbs spirit pond could still cure him.

Gu Changhuan thought about it for a while, and then turned his attention to how to move the spirit pond here.

His cultivation was insufficient, so he could only rely on some external forces, such as... array formations.

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