The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 455 Winning the Championship

When it comes to their own path to immortality, the contestants in the Qi training period always stare at the stage.

Especially when they saw the five elders evaluating the spiritual objects they took out from their storage bags, all of them widened their eyes and became extremely nervous.

He stared at the expressions on their faces and the spiritual objects in their hands without blinking, as if he wanted to take the opportunity to see something from them.

However, there are still some people who are very clear-headed. They directly estimate the value of each spiritual object that is taken out in their hearts, and then slowly calculate and compare it with their own income and the income of their own group. In this way, they can probably guess their own value. Ranked.

Because it was a second-level spiritual vein, and the contestants were only in the Qi training period, the second-level spiritual items they harvested were not many.

On the stage, the five elders had already counted three groups of storage bags. Among these three groups, only the second group had a few second-level elixirs in their harvest.

Therefore, the second group currently has 5,374 points, while the other two groups only have about 3,000 points.

The fourth group has more points than the first three groups, with more than 5,800 points. They have obtained a lot of elixirs, but they have killed more monsters. There are only five first-level high-grade monsters. Only.

The three members of the fourth group were the giant sword monk who killed the monster before, and two other ordinary-looking young men.

After the results were announced, all the contestants looked at them with envy in their eyes.

Facing the envious gazes of everyone, the two young men were inevitably a little proud, but the giant sword monk's expression remained calm.

The next few groups all had mediocre results.

At the head of the group is the fourth group of giant sword monks, followed by the second group.

Soon we arrived at the eighth group of Gu Qingshou and others.

The five elders first checked their group's storage bag. After calculating the various spiritual plants, there were only two thousand nine hundred and forty points;

The other contestants couldn't help but look at them with a bit of contempt, and a few even smiled at them;

However, Gu Qingshou and the other three were not affected at all. They still looked at the stage calmly. At this time, the elders had already begun to count their spirit beast bags.

I saw Gu Shiqing patting the spirit animal bag, and a nest of long-tailed spirit rabbits was poured out with a loud noise.

Suddenly, the eyes of several female cultivators from the Gu family began to shine in the audience.

Even Gu Shiqing couldn't help but touch two long-tailed rabbits that felt great and well-behaved.

Several elders looked at each other. This spiritual rabbit has a very strong reproductive ability and has never been raised in the family. Now that there is such a litter, in a few years there will be an industry of hundreds of spiritual rabbits.

Moreover, the price is not low in the market, and it is very popular among female cultivators. After all, the points cannot be given away.

The elders here were estimating the points of the long-tailed spirit rabbit. On the other hand, Gu Shiqing opened the spirit animal bag again, and a spirit deer with huge antlers appeared on the table chewing spirit grass.

The forest horn deer did not react for a moment. When he realized that he was free again, he wanted to run away, but it was already too late.

With a wave of Gu Shiqing's hand, the deer's hooves were restrained and it suddenly fell onto the table.

Fortunately, the quality of the table was relatively good, otherwise, it might have crushed the tables of the judges and elders.

This is a woodhorn deer!

At this time, the contestants in the audience looked at Gu Qingyan and the other three people with a bit of surprise and surprise.

It turns out that they focused their main energy on searching for spiritual beasts. No wonder they didn't find many spiritual medicines. It turned out that they were cutting grass and cuddling rabbits, just for the sake of it!

However, with just these two spiritual beasts, their points can reach more than 4,000.

These two spiritual beasts are both spiritual beasts that the family needs, but I don't know if they have captured other spiritual beasts.

Everyone thought this and looked towards the stage.

I saw Gu Shiqing standing up, facing an open space, and released all the spirit beasts in the spirit beast bag.

With so many foundation-building monks here, these first-order monsters will never be able to overwhelm them.

I saw a faint flash of light, and a bunch of first-order monsters of different sizes appeared on the ground.

There were several forest horned deer, as well as horse-shaped monsters, chicken-type spiritual beasts, and what surprised everyone most was that there was actually a nest of snakes locked in a cage as high as a person.

The contestants and several elders all looked at Gu Qingyan and the other three in astonishment, wondering how they did it.

The elder in charge of the Spirit Beast Hall nodded slightly. These three boys did a good job and actually got two new spirit beasts.

After that, he would ask the clan leader to reward them additionally.

However, the other elders did not think so much. They estimated the points of these monsters, whispered to each other or exchanged glances, and occasionally nodded.

After some accumulation, the eighth set of points for Gu Qingyan and three others were announced.

The whole place was in an uproar.

"Twelve thousand, five hundred and forty-nine!"

someone exclaimed

"This is too high!"

"What else can this be compared to...

They must win the first place..."

Someone whispered, unable to hide the disappointment on his face.

Gu Qingyan and the other three were extremely excited. Gu Qingyan even bumped Gu Qingshou's shoulder and started to have a drink to celebrate their success.

Although Gu Qingshou was also happy, he was not as sure as Gu Qingyan. He looked around and whispered:

"Don't get too carried away, maybe someone is better than us..."

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

Gu Qingyan put his hand on Gu Qingshou's shoulder

"I've got all the wine ready!

Don't even think about running away.

And Uncle Changhong, come to my place tonight. The three of us will never return until we get drunk! "

Gu Qingyan smiled heartily, but his voice was not too loud.

At this time, the elders have already begun to evaluate the next group of spiritual objects.

A total of twenty-three groups participated in the competition, and it would take a while to calculate all the points of the spiritual objects obtained by these groups.

When the sun reached its peak, the rankings of the group competition were officially announced.

Unsurprisingly, the first place went to a team of three people including Gu Qingyan;

The second place is the group of giant sword monks;

The third group consists of three female nuns;

The rewards for fourth and fifth place are the same;

The remaining groups received no rewards, but the spiritual objects they searched for still belonged to them;

In order to inspire people, the competition rewards will naturally be distributed on the spot.

The Gu family has become extremely wealthy over the years. In addition to 20,000 contribution points for the first place in the group stage, there are also a lot of spiritual objects distributed to everyone.

Moreover, there are several second-level spiritual objects, such as spiritual talismans, spiritual wine, etc., which can be used even by monks in the Qi training stage.

Gu Qingyan took the first place reward from the clan leader Gu Shining and was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

Influenced by him, the patriarch Gu Shining and other elders also smiled slightly.

After announcing the rewards for the group stage, everyone dispersed.

As for why we don’t take the opportunity to calculate the individual results in the group stage, that’s because the individual competition is divided into two parts. One part is a practical competition held in the Qianlong Mountains, and the other part is held in the Family Battle Valley. Promotional competition between monks.

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