The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 117 Yuanhuang Summer Solstice, Spirit Test Ceremony (Happy Children's Day)

Time is like flowing water, and it is the summer solstice in a blink of an eye.

Just as noon is highly respected by the world among the twelve hours, the summer solstice is also the most valued by the cultivation world among the twenty-four solar terms.

This is because this day is the birthday of Emperor Yuan, and the sun is closest to the earth, which means to drive away evil spirits and diseases, and benefit all things.

The Li family's spirit-testing ritual was held on this day.

In front of the clan's ancestral hall, various rituals before the spirit-testing ceremony have been completed.

On the four-story high platform, from Li Qing onwards, the four elders, and other late-stage Qi-training cultivators, sat on the futon and looked at the surging crowd below.

In the middle of the crowd, there was a spirit-testing platform that was invited out from the family's storehouse.

Clan leader Li Hui walked forward, pinched his fingers and chanted a spell to activate it.

Then a light sound of "咻咻咻" was heard, and the complicated talismans on the spirit-testing platform lit up one by one, and the misty five-color light rose up.

"Wow~" The children who were brought by their elders to participate in the ceremony couldn't help but exclaimed.

Most of them were from the ordinary clans of the Li family. They rarely saw such a scene on weekdays, and they watched it intently for a while.

Li Wei and Li Hu lined up at the back. In front of her was her eldest brother's family of four, and his brother and sister-in-law with their two daughters.

"Sister Wei, do you think Ling'er and Yue'er can detect the middle-grade spiritual roots this time?" Her sister-in-law was a little worried, "Their two older brothers and sisters didn't have this blessing."

Li Wei comforted: "No one can say for sure about spiritual roots. But this year is different from the past. The spiritual veins of the clan have been promoted, and the spiritual land has doubled."

"As for the spiritual root qualifications, this time it won't be as tight as before. You don't need middle-grade spiritual roots. If you can light up twenty marks, you will have the opportunity to enter the clan to practice."

"Ah? Is that so?" Her eldest brother was stunned, with a little unwillingness on his face, "Then will there be compensation for those who were eliminated before?"

Li Wei knew that his eldest brother also had twenty marks back then, and couldn't help sighing: "Tracing back, who doesn't have a few like this? How can we compensate them one by one? We can only look forward."

"Ding——" A powerful bell sounded from the center. Everyone stopped whispering and looked at the spiritual platform together.

After Li Hui activated the spirit-testing platform, he stood aside and raised his voice with his magic power: "Fellow tribesmen, the spirit-testing is about to begin. Please follow the command and come forward one by one to test your spiritual root qualifications."

Then, a tribe member took out a list and began to sing: "Qingquan Town, Xiaoliu Village, Li Jinyu, seven years old!"

A slightly fat boy with a fair face, accompanied by his parents, pressed his chubby hand on the spirit-testing platform.

A halo immediately enveloped him, and his spiritual root qualifications were immediately manifested on the spirit-testing platform.

A burst of white light rose up and turned into twelve sword-shaped marks, which flashed for a moment before dissipating.

Then there were four flashes of light in green, black, red, and yellow.

"Li Jinyu, twelve marks, gold-type lower-grade spiritual root." Another clan member recorded the result of the spiritual test in the book, "Failed!"

The little fat boy's parents suddenly looked distressed, but he himself did not understand the meaning, and looked at the spiritual test platform happily: "Wow, what a cool pattern!"

Li Hui waved his hand and asked the family of three to leave. Soon, the second child came to the spiritual test platform.

"Qingquan Town, Xiaoliu Village, Li Jinting, six years old." "Four marks, failed."

"Qingquan Town, Xiaoliu Village, Li Yuhua, six years old." "Ten marks, failed."


Sitting on the high platform, Li Qing couldn't help but think of the scene when he participated in the spiritual test ritual that year.

At that time, the Li family's spiritual veins were already overwhelmed, and the spiritual root qualifications were very strict. Even for the middle-grade spiritual roots, only twenty places were released.

It happened that that year, there were a total of twenty-one people with middle-grade spiritual root qualifications, and someone was going to be eliminated.

The rest of the people had elders practicing in the clan land. Li Qing was the only one who had no cultivators in his family for more than ten generations.

Fortunately, Yanling Valley recruited a group of outer disciples at Xuefeng Lake. Li Zhe was fortunate to be recruited because of his fire spirit root of the upper middle grade. Li Qing then successfully entered the clan to practice.

Of course, looking back now, with his qualifications, if he really had to send someone back home, it would probably not be him.

But the feeling of being at a loss and powerless at that time is still fresh in Li Qing's memory.

"Yangquan Town, Pingxi Village, Li Qingquan, seven years old."

"Thirty-two marks, middle-grade water spirit root, passed!"

Suddenly, a cheer interrupted Li Qing's thoughts.

When he looked up, he saw an old man with a gaunt face, holding an equally gaunt little boy, crying loudly: "Middle-grade spiritual roots! My grandson has middle-grade spiritual roots!"

"He can cultivate immortality!"

"My grandson is a cultivator!"

Li Qing looked at the man and felt that he looked familiar. After a moment of recollection, he suddenly realized: "It turned out to be him!"

This man participated in the spiritual testing ceremony in the same year as him. Thirty marks were detected that year, which was only one step away from middle-grade spiritual roots.

When his two sons and three daughters participated in the spiritual testing ceremony, they all had seven or eight marks, and their spiritual roots were of lower grade.

Now that his long-cherished wish has come true, one of his grandchildren has tested out middle-grade spiritual roots. How can he not burst into tears?

Li Qing sighed and told Li Zhao next to him: "This child, no one in the family practices. When we arrive at the clan land, you can help take care of him."

Li Zhao hurriedly bowed and responded.

Soon, after Li Qingquan, two more middle-grade spiritual roots were detected. One lights up thirty-seven leaf seals, and the other lights up forty-two flame seals.

Twelve other children, with between 20 and 30 marks lit, were also picked out. After the ceremony, they would be recorded again based on the number of people who passed.

"Lushan Town, Huanglu Village, Li Ling'er, six years old."

Soon, it was Li Wei's niece's turn.

The little girl was not afraid of the stage. She followed her father to the spirit-testing platform and pressed her hand on the seal.

Then, a burst of red light rose up and turned into flame marks.

"One, two, three..." Before Li Ling'er finished counting, the flame mark had dissipated, and then a green light rose and turned into a leaf mark.

Like Li Qing, she had the qualifications to practice in both the wood and fire systems.

"Li Ling'er, twenty-one marks, low-grade fire spirit root; fifteen marks, low-grade wood spirit root, to be determined."

The eldest brother of the Li family happily pulled his daughter to Li Wei and whispered, "Sister Wei, with our uncle here, do you think our Ling'er will be able to practice in the clan land? Is it a sure thing?"

Li Wei pulled Li Hu and turned her head away from him.

On the high platform, Li Qing helplessly held his forehead, looking at the clan members who were watching their noses and their hearts, and sighed in his heart: Silly nephew, the cultivators have very sharp ears, and everyone heard your whispers.

Afterwards, Li Yue'er, accompanied by her mother, pressed her hand on the spirit-testing platform.

As the green light rose, thirty leaf marks flickered slightly on the spirit-testing platform.

"Li Yue'er, thirty marks, low-grade wood spirit root, to be determined."

So the family of four happily gathered together.

The two children were still ignorant, and their parents at home had already begun to imagine.

Li Wei wanted to give some advice, but she was afraid that she might be trying to cover up her mistake, so she had to give up.

Fortunately, the clan members who called out the names at the spirit-testing platform helped her out of the awkward situation.

"Li Hu, five years old." Although she didn't belong to a town or village, all the clan monks present knew that Li Qing had picked her up from outside.

Li Qing also perked up and looked at the spirit-testing platform: "Little guy, I wonder what your spiritual roots are like?"

Today is Children's Day. I wish all the adults and children in your family happiness!

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