The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 13: Three families cease fire, farming in another world

Soon, the great elder Li Yao used the tracing spell to find out the identity of one of the attackers.

He was the great elder of the previous generation of the Zhang family, and it was said that he had been in meditation for five years.

The identity of the other attacker was unknown, and it was impossible to match the corresponding candidate from the existing Zhang and Chen families.

The Zhang family claimed that they had no knowledge of the deceased great elder's "resurrection". Under the negotiation of the Li family, they compensated Li Qing with some Qi Refining Stage resources that he could not use.

As for the other attacker who was in the ninth level of Qi Refining, the two families turned against each other and claimed that the Li family was "framing him".

However, both parties rented the hilltops of Yanling Valley. They were afraid of each other and argued for half a month, but finally signed a ten-year truce contract.

Li Hui looked at Li Qing with a guilty look on his face: "Ah Qing, it's because the clan is not strong enough that we couldn't get justice for you."

"It doesn't matter. The other party will never admit it. Didn't we expect this?" Li Qing frowned slightly, "But clan leader, why are the Zhang and Chen families willing to cease fire?"

In terms of the situation between the two sides, the Li family is undoubtedly at a disadvantage. But after Li Zhe established his foundation, the Li family has begun to rebound.

In other words, if it continues for another ten years, the two sides may be strong and weak. If the two families cannot take advantage of the current situation to completely defeat the Li family, there may be a disaster at that time.

After all, they don't have a foundation-building cultivator themselves, they just pulled the banner of someone else's family.

"Could it be that they still dream that they can raise a foundation-building cultivator?" Li Qing pondered, "I haven't heard that the younger generation of the two families has this talent?"

After all, only when the ninth level of Qi Refining is perfect before the age of sixty, which is the so-called peak of Qi Refining, can you impact the foundation. For the children of small families to reach this step, qualifications, resources, and luck are indispensable.

Li Hui also couldn't figure it out: "Even if someone wants to fight hard, they can't afford this resource now!"

A hundred years ago, the Zhang family was the most powerful in Qinghe Valley, and one of their children had a top-grade spiritual root. His family spent a lot of money on this and secretly bought a foundation-building pill.

As a result, the man failed to break through the barrier, and his foundation was greatly damaged. Later, he couldn't stand the blow and died of infatuation.

The same blow happened several times, and the Zhang and Chen families finally chose to give up and join the nearby foundation-building forces.

Don't look at them bullying others with their power before, suppressing the Li family to the point of suffocation. But after the critical resources were sucked by the "upper clan", it is basically impossible for them to cultivate foundation-building again.

"Forget it, let's put an end to this matter first." Li Hui shook his head, "A ceasefire is always a good thing for our Li family."

"Then I'll go back first." Li Qing stood up, "I have made some progress in alchemy these days, and I will be in seclusion for half a month. You don't need to inform me when the clan discusses matters."


After returning to the cave, Li Qing opened all the restrictions and went to the spiritual medicine garden to take a look at Ah Sun.

At this moment, in his dantian, the shadow of the "Gate of Heaven" was flickering, flickering with a clear light, and it was time to cross again.

In the past few days, Li Qing asked the family members to help collect some new varieties of lettuce through the Merit Examination Pavilion.

Ah Sun lay on one of the plants, absorbing the essence comfortably, and was quite happy. Thinking that it was meaningless to take it over, Li Qing simply left it here.

He took a deep breath and touched the shadow of the portal with his spiritual sense: "I hope I can gain more this time!"

The next moment, he disappeared in the quiet room.


On the deserted island, a seagull was startled by the sudden appearance of Li Qing, and hurriedly flapped its wings and flew away.

Li Qing looked around, not quite used to the sudden silence of the aura: "Well, let's continue to go to Lettuce Island."

Soon, Lettuce Island came into view.

Thanks to Li Qing's "Spring Breeze and Rain", a large number of high-quality crops were ripened, and this year's taxes were paid in advance. Lettuce Island was free of burdens, and now it is speeding up the restoration and reconstruction of the island's facilities.

Of course, the first thing to rebuild is the castle of the Ryan family, which is a must for a lord.

But the lord does not need to build a castle by himself. Li Qing swept his spiritual sense and found Ryan and his son on a beach.

The two were exercising their own abilities. Runes emerged around their bodies, flames surrounded the harpoon, and ice crystals blessed their fists and feet, looking fierce.

Seeing Li Qing landing, Rick was a little excited: "My Lord, you are back!"

There was still a language barrier between the two sides. Li Qing sent two telepathic spells and communication became convenient again.

Ryan briefly talked to him about the sale of fruits and vegetables: "The big merchants are very satisfied and gave a very sincere premium. Our island will not worry about not being able to pay taxes for the time being..."

Li Qing was not surprised. After all, in the world of cultivation, ordinary plants grown by cultivators with magic are also willing to pay a high price for ordinary plants.

He explained his purpose directly to Ryan: "I have several witchcraft seeds here, and I would like you to arrange someone to plant them."

"We will share the harvest of planting equally. If elves appear, I will have priority. If there are duplicate varieties, I can leave it to you."

Ryan hesitated: "My Lord, if you want to raise elf insects, you must plant the same crops on a large scale. But without the same kind of elves, witchcraft cannot be planted on a large scale."

This is an unsolvable paradox.

Li Qing took out several large bags of spiritual plant seeds: "Don't worry, I chose varieties of witchcraft medicine that ordinary people can grow and cultivate on a large scale."

When he first learned about the spirit insects, he had an idea.

The spirit insects bred by ordinary crops can only promote the growth of ordinary crops, and they need to evolve into elves before they can be transformed into witchcraft medicine.

What if it is a natural spiritual plant, for example, a spirit worm is born in the spirit rice, can it promote the growth of the spirit rice?

Even further, after it evolves into a little elf, can it optimize and improve the first-level low-grade spirit rice to a medium-grade or even higher quality?

This idea is a bit crazy!

With the knowledge of Ryan, the island baron, it is simply unheard of. But when both sides think about it, they feel it is worth a try.

Li Qing had asked Rick before that it is currently summer here, hot and humid, and the temperature will not drop significantly in autumn, and it will not get cold until winter.

Jinjing rice, Hongya rice, and Qingzhu rice are the most common "late rice" spirit rice varieties in the cultivation world, which are suitable for planting now. The requirements for the spiritual environment are not high.

In addition, there is Qingling grass. This can be planted all year round, and the spiritual energy required is extremely weak. It can sprout by throwing it into the soil.

After hearing what Li Qing said, Ryan and his son also became interested: "Is it really that easy to take care of? Then let's try to plant it first."

The seeds that Li Qing brought this time can plant about three acres of each. Considering the sluggish spiritual energy here, if the plant density is reduced by half, twenty-four acres of land will be enough.

The crops that Li Qing had ripened before, except for the grapes, which are perennials, have been harvested, and the straw has been burned into ash to fertilize the fields.

In order not to mess up the season, the new crops have not been planted yet, which is convenient for Li Qing.

Ryan's action is very strong. He directly stopped the construction of the castle and quickly mobilized the villagers of the small village and the serfs of the big village.

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