The staple food of Lettuce Island is wheat, but the soil and climate are actually more suitable for rice growth. Therefore, Li Qing carefully selected and brought rice seeds.

He asked people to plow the land deeply, and then draw fresh water from the creek to flood it, creating soft and wet soil suitable for rice growth, ready for sowing.

He also cleared about six or seven acres of land, sprinkled some water, and sowed the Qingling grass seeds in the field.

"Is this all right?" Rick was a little curious, "I have never heard of such a good witch medicine."

Li Qing nodded: "Qingling grass is easy to keep. Just be careful of birds eating it."

His spiritual medicine garden in the cultivation world is guarded by prohibitions, but he is not going to set up a set here.

On the one hand, it is very expensive; on the other hand, he has to wait at least one and a half months before returning to the cultivation world. The more complicated it is, the easier it is to get into trouble.

Rick nodded: "I will send people to take turns to ensure that there is always someone to take care of it."

Fortunately, there are no rats, hares or other annoying species that like to dig holes on Lettuce Island. It is much easier to guard it.

After planting Qingling grass, it will take time to transform the rice fields. Li Qing followed Ryan and his son and returned to his temporary residence.

Because Ryan's wife was not used to living in a simple village, she took her youngest son to visit her parents on the mainland across the sea half a year ago and has not returned yet.

Li Qing stayed at his house and learned the language and writing of this world. He cultivated to the ninth level of Qi Refining, and his spiritual consciousness was strong, so he learned much faster than ordinary people.

"The disaster of the sky a thousand years ago destroyed the Boggs Witch Kingdom so suddenly that many witchcrafts were lost."

Ryan told him an anecdote: "I heard that they mastered two magical witchcrafts, were proficient in language and writing, and were very convenient for external communication."

Li Qing suddenly became interested: "Where is the Boggs Witch Kingdom? Are there any relics?"

Ryan shook his head: "The area of ​​the witch kingdom is not large. It is said that the entire land of Boggs has sunk into the abyss."

Li Qing sighed with regret: "That's a pity. There are more than a dozen witch kingdoms, but now none is left, and the inheritance is basically broken."

His learning did not start with literacy. Through the telepathy, he can directly compare Ryan's explanation and read the general history of the world.

Like the world of cultivation, this world has no name. Li Qing temporarily calls it the world of elves.

It is said that more than 8,000 years ago, humans had language and writing, and became independent from ignorant beasts.

The language and writing at that time were magical. The wizards thus mastered extraordinary powers, established a wizard kingdom, and became the masters of the world.

About three thousand years ago, a wizard invented extraordinary runes that could be engraved on people, thus giving ordinary people extraordinary powers. Rune warriors were born.

Today, this technology has long been lost. The runes on Ryan and others were all rooted in the blood of their ancestors by ancient wizards, and then activated through body building and breathing methods.

At first, rune warriors were just servants, slaves, and even experimental subjects of wizards.

Until the disaster of the sky a thousand years ago, a creature called the devil came. The fourteen wizard kingdoms were the first to bear the brunt and were all destroyed.

Later, the devil was driven back to his hometown in the abyss by the rune warriors, and the order of this world was subverted. Rune warriors have since become the masters of the world.

"I'm very curious." Li Qing raised the "World History" in his hand, "Even wizards can't beat demons, how can rune warriors win?"

Ryan laughed twice and changed the subject: "In short, this is the era of rune warriors. When you go out, be sure to pay attention to safety."

Li Qing raised his eyebrows: "Why, you still have a witch hunt now?"

Ryan shook his head: "The coastal countries have reconciled with the wizard hermitage. But the Kingdom of Light in the westernmost part of the continent still retains the tradition of burning at the stake."

Rake then added: "But wizards are still unwelcome in the Iris Islands. The old witch was wanted because she angered an earl in the north."

After two rounds of negotiations, Ryan and his son already knew that Li Qing was not a wizard. But are all those burned to death at the stake really wizards?

He has a unique appearance with black hair and black eyes, and his power system is not extraordinary runes. If he really offended the nobles, he might be labeled as one of the evil wizards.

Li Qing naturally listened to the advice and said immediately: "Don't worry, I won't leave Lettuce Island during this period."

After all, there are level 5 wizards and sky warriors on par with them in this world.

Li Qing had previously performed the foundation-building spell: Dead Trees Revived, and was mistaken by the two of them as a level 4 wizard.

What kind of existence is a level 5 wizard? The middle stage of foundation-building, or the stage of forming a pill? Anyway, no matter which one, he can't provoke it at the moment.

After a general understanding of the world's history, Li Qing suddenly found a doubt: "No, why didn't you mention the elves in such a long article?"

"Because the elves only appeared after the disaster of the sky." Rick looked as if it was a matter of course, "This is a treasure given to us rune warriors by the world."

Li Qing naturally didn't believe it. After all, he is not a rune warrior, didn't he still get a lettuce elf worm?

Ryan didn't dwell on it, and took the book to explain to him.

After the catastrophe, the land and the sea were tainted by the magic of the abyss, and crops were difficult to grow. Many people starved to death.

In the Kingdom of Light, twenty-four rune warriors of light attribute held an unprecedented sacrificial ceremony and successfully communicated with the world consciousness.

That day, good news came from heaven. One thousand and one spirit insects were born from the land and the ocean, blessing various crops and protecting mankind through the most difficult period.

"This story sounds quite mysterious." Li Qing frowned, "What level are those twenty-four rune warriors?"

Rick answered without thinking: "They are all the top sky warriors."

Li Qing thought: This is the problem. At most, there are only twenty or so late Jindan, how can they communicate with the world consciousness? The great masters of the cultivation world do not have this ability.

But he didn't care about this for the time being: "You just said that there are also elves born in the ocean?!"

Rake nodded in confusion: "Among the first elves born, there are twelve kinds of seaweed elves and two kinds of coral elves."

Li Qing was shocked: "But isn't coral an animal? How can there be elves like plants?"

Rake couldn't understand his statement at all: "How can coral be an animal? It is obviously a plant..."

What made Li Qing feel even more magical was that according to the "General History of the World", there were seven mushroom elves among the first batch of elves.

This kind of thing that was beyond the scope of cognition made Li Qing decide to temporarily put aside the dispute and shift his attention to geographical knowledge.

Ryan and Rick, father and son, looked at each other, but still followed his meaning and introduced the situation of the Iris Islands.

"The Iris Archipelago consists of five main islands directly under the Earl of Iris, sixteen large islands under the Viscount, forty-three small islands under the Baron, and the surrounding deserted islands."

"The Earl has the strength of an Earth Warrior, the Viscount is awarded by a Gold Warrior, and the Baron, like me, is generally a Silver Warrior."

Li Qing is like a sponge, learning languages ​​and characters while learning various knowledge, and soon he has a general understanding of the world he lives in now.

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