The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 15 Planting magical rice and exploring the ocean

The next morning, Li Qing ordered people to drain the water from the field until the soil was moist but not waterlogged.

"Generally speaking, rice seeds need to be soaked, germinated and many other processes before planting. It is best to grow the seedlings first, so that the seedling rate will be higher."

Li Qing spread out three kinds of spiritual rice seeds and casually explained the planting method: "Of course, if you use special spells, it will be much easier."

Ryan and his son skipped the so-called "spells" and took notes seriously. After all, they had half of the millet harvested, and they couldn't expect Li Qing to help cast spells for the second crop.

Seeing that they listened carefully, Li Qing also patiently taught them a lot of tricks and answered some questions.

"Okay, that's all for today." Li Qing waved his hand, signaling the crowd to make way.

He slowly walked to the ridge of the field, waved his long sleeves, and three bags of spiritual rice seeds flew up under the support of the wind: "Go!"

The sound of "swoosh" breaking through the air came one after another.

Under the influence of Li Qing's magic power, the dense rice seeds were scattered evenly and rhythmically in the fields like flowers scattered by fairies.

Li Qing chanted a spell and made hand gestures, and a green light shot straight to the sky.

After a while, dark clouds gradually gathered in the sky, covering the field. Soon, the slanting wind blew the drizzle and sprinkled it slowly.

The wind and rain were soaked with a faint spiritual energy, covering the ground mistily, nourishing the spiritual rice seeds in the soil.

But what sprouted before the spiritual rice seeds were the grass seed roots that had not been cleaned up in the ground.

They had never felt such a strong spiritual energy, and they grew wildly, trying to grab all the nutrients in the ground.

"If you don't use magic, these weeds won't grow so fast." Li Qing still had the leisure to teach Ryan, "You can arrange manual weeding."

Ryan hurriedly wrote a few more lines in his notebook.

Li Qing smiled and made a few finger gestures. A circle of green magic ripples spread towards the farmland in front.

"Shua shua shua..." The lush weeds were deprived of vitality in an instant when they encountered the green halo. They quickly turned yellow, dehydrated, and shrank until they turned into powder and scattered in the fields.

However, the spiritual rice seeds half-buried in the soil were not affected by this spell at all. Instead, the spiritual energy fluctuations in them became more active.

A quarter of an hour later, the clouds cleared and the rain stopped. The warm sunshine fell on the ground. The fragrance of the soil filled the fields.

"The step just now is to use magic to replace the soaking step." Li Qing smiled and walked to the edge of the field, picked up a seed, "Look, their vitality has begun to sprout."

Rick took it curiously, observed it carefully for a long time, and found nothing, so he put it back in the field: "What's next?"

Li Qing looked around, and his consciousness took in all the spiritual rice seeds in the field: "Next, we can start germinating..."

Unlike soaking seeds with rain and dew, germination is a relatively delicate job.

Li Qing's expression was solemn, and his finger gestures were performed along with the oral formula. The surging magic power surged out of his body and turned into a fist-sized green light ball.

"Go!" Li Qing waved his hand lightly, and the light ball flew into the air, "swooshing" and shooting out thin threads, accurately tying each seed.

Perhaps it was a gifted talent, or maybe it was because he had lived two lives, Li Qing's consciousness far exceeded his peers, so he could complete such a delicate job.

If it were any other cultivator at the peak of Qi training, nine out of ten would not be able to do this.

The gentle mana flowed along the filaments, merged into the spirit seeds, and gradually stimulated the embryos to sprout.

"Zila", "Zila", "Zila"...

The sound of the sprouts squeezing the husks was barely audible, but even ordinary people around could hear it faintly if they pricked up their ears.

Li Qing kept an eye on the growth of the spirit grains at all times. Whenever a grain was about to break the skin, he would cut the corresponding silk thread.

Finally, when the embryo of the last grain seed was awakened, Li Qing smiled, waved his hand, and threw the shrunken green light ball into the Qingling grass field.

With a "pop", the light ball exploded, and the Qingling grass seeds sown yesterday began to sprout slightly.

"Is this the end?" Rick squatted down to observe the seed just now, "It didn't sprout?"

Li Qing smiled: "It's just like hatching chicks. I just help them, not help them break out of the shell. It's not okay to force the growth of seedlings."

After that, he clapped his hands and told Ryan on the other side: "Please arrange more manpower in the next few days to prevent birds from stealing. When the seedlings grow to one inch high, it will be much better."

Ryan nodded seriously.

Li Qing knew that he was an old man, so he didn't say much. He walked to the beach with his hands behind his back.

Ryan needed to arrange various matters in the territory, and the task of accompanying him still fell on Rick.

"What are you doing at the beach?" he asked curiously.

Li Qing pointed to the vast ocean in front of him: "Didn't you say yesterday that elves would also be born in the ocean? Didn't anyone go to the sea to look for them?"

Rake scratched his head: "That being said, even water-based rune warriors can't breathe in water. Just holding your breath and diving, or carrying a fish bladder, to find elves is too inefficient..."

"I was born more than 20 years ago, and my family only got a green algae elf worm, and traded it to other nobles."

Li Qing asked: "What about wizards? Don't they have any diving potions, spells, etc.?"

Rake was a little confused: "I haven't heard of it. Maybe? Maybe not? We rarely deal with wizards."

Li Qing stopped struggling: "I have a pill called Water-Repelling Pill. After taking it, you can move freely in the water within a quarter of an hour. Are you willing to go with me?"

Rake's eyes lit up: "I am willing!"

Li Qing took out a bottle of Water-Repelling Pills that he had recently refined, took one pill himself, and gave the rest to Rick: "One pill every quarter of an hour, pay attention to the time limit!"

He performed the telepathic technique again and instructed: "After entering the water, don't talk. If you want to say something, just communicate it in your mind with your mind."

After that, Li Qing changed into a first-grade robe made of shark silk that could move freely underwater, and jumped into the sea lightly.

Rake quickly swallowed a Water-Repelling Pill, stripped his body to only a pair of underwear, gritted his teeth, and jumped into the sea.

When he first entered the water, Rick subconsciously wanted to hold his breath, but found that a stream of fresh air was generated from his throat to his lungs, circulating in his body without any external help. People can move in the water without much restraint.

He couldn't help but exclaim in his heart: "This is so amazing!"

The sea waters of the Iris Islands are clear and transparent.

Water plants of different forms are swaying in the water, red, green, brown, and in different colors, competing for beauty, not inferior to the flowers on land.

Small fish of various gradient colors shuttle between them. There are also beautiful mantis shrimps, ferocious sea crabs, delicate conches, transparent jellyfish...

"I used to go to the sea with my father and collect pearls and seaweed." Rick stared at it, "This is the first time I have the leisure to appreciate such a beautiful scenery."

Li Qing has seen too many such scenes in the world of cultivation. Apart from anything else, the scenery of Xuefeng Lake is unique in Qinghe Continent.

He looked around, and his spiritual sense swept the surrounding sea area. He did not find any danger, but he sensed the fluctuations of spiritual energy.

"In this world, the resources in the sea are indeed richer than those on the islands and reefs." Li Qing nodded slightly, but he was not in a hurry to be happy.

He waved to Rick, signaling him to follow, and swam towards the nearest spiritual energy fluctuation.

PS: The author revised the text, and if the number of words in a paragraph changes too much, the paragraph comment will disappear. It is not deleted by the author.

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