The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 16 Treasure Hunt in the Sea, Cordyceps and Algae (Two in One)

Seeing Li Qing waving, Rick hurried to follow.

With the help of the Water-Repelling Pill, the undercurrent in the sea did not affect them. The two moved very quickly and soon swam four or five miles east.

Li Qing swept his consciousness and quickly found the spiritual energy fluctuation that caught his attention.

It was a bright yellow conch, about the length of an adult's forearm, with a rounded mouth, a sharp tail cone, and blunt thorns the size of fingers on the shell.

At this moment, the conch's shell was open, and the soft body was wriggling like a snail, clinging to a stone, eating a sea fish that was larger than it.

The spiritual energy fluctuation that Li Qing sensed was in its shell, and it was now contracting and expanding like a heart pumping.

Its grade was about the first grade. As for whether it was a low-grade resource that was only useful in the early stage of Qi training, or whether it was also useful in the later stage of Qi training, you would have to taste it to know.

"What a big palm snail!" Rick was very excited, "My lord, you are in for a treat!"

Li Qing raised his eyebrows: "Do you know it?"

Rick nodded: "This is a specialty of our eastern sea area, the palm snail, named because the snail meat has a fragrance of dates. This one has a red tail thorn, it is a female snail."

"The snail meat sashimi made with it is fresh and smooth; the snail yellow is boiled in boiling water, and the taste is sandy, moist and salty, very delicious."

"It is said that some palm snails have their hearts soaked in magic power, and eating them can make the runes on our bodies more active..."

Li Qing smiled: "Then we are really lucky. This palm snail probably has this effect!"

Rick's eyes showed some desire: "My lord, please put it away quickly, this guy runs very fast."

Li Qing flicked his long sleeves and put the palm snail into the spirit beast bag that can hold living things: "What a good start. Let's look for it again!"

He followed the fluctuations of spiritual energy and looked for them one by one, and soon got a wave of small surprises.

Five lustrous purple pearls, a fist-sized irregular ore, an alloy fragment with mysterious runes, and two sea fish soaked in spiritual energy.

These things are not particularly precious, but they are all cultivation resources for the Qi training period, but Li Qing enjoys the fun of "treasure hunting".

These two sea fish are also said to be very nutritious, which can enhance the physical fitness of bronze warriors and have some nourishing effects on silver warriors.

Of course, for gold warriors who are similar to those in the late stage of Qi training, it is simply a taste.

Li Qing didn't need it anyway, so he gave it to him when he saw Rick's fiery eyes: "Here, everyone who sees it will get a share!"

Rick quickly twisted a rope with seaweed, strung the gills of the two fish, and held it tightly in his hand: "Thank you, sir! You are so generous!"

Li Qing smiled and said nothing, and took him to the next spiritual energy fluctuation.

On the way, he also caught some palm snails without spiritual fluctuations. Thinking of trying something new, he also put them in the spirit beast bag.

"Sir, you can't go any further!"

When passing a huge rock that looked like it was cut by a knife, Lei Ke stopped him: "The territorial waters of the Earl of Iris are just ahead."

Li Qing didn't even frown: "Oh? Doesn't his sea area allow others to enter?"

Lei Ke shook his head: "That's not the case. But our rules are that all extraordinary items in the territorial waters belong to the local lord."

Li Qing couldn't help but laugh: "Then these I just found are all yours..."

"Sir, you're joking." Lei Ke hurriedly said, "We can't find these things in the sea. We can harvest this pair of sea fish because of you."

"It's just that the Earl of Iris is very domineering and powerful. It's better not to provoke him."

Li Qing calculated in his mind that the earls in this world generally have the strength of level four.

According to Ryan and Rick, the first-level bronze warrior corresponds to the early stage of Qi training, the second-level silver warrior corresponds to the middle stage of Qi training, and the third-level gold warrior is likely to correspond to the late stage of Qi training.

Then the fourth-level earth warrior is at least the combat power of the foundation-building period.

Considering that the rune warriors in this world have little to say about the enemy, Li Qing thought to himself that it would be no problem to escape by using the true essence to cast the foundation-building spell.

However, he has not really built a foundation, and there is no place to replenish the true essence. If you use one drop, you will lose one drop!

Before, he was ambushed by Zhang and Chen and consumed five drops of true essence. Li Qing felt heartbroken when he thought about it, so he didn't dare to waste it casually.

"Well, let's do this for today!" He felt disappointed and was about to turn around and go back to Lettuce Island.

What he didn't expect was that the spiritual energy fluctuation actually came to their side.

"It came to the door by itself." Li Qing smiled and pulled Rick to hide behind a big rock.

Not long after, a fairy worm shaped like a silkworm, with a pink peach color and fiery red lines on its forehead swam over.

The fairy worm was born from spiritual energy, and its movements were not slow, but very flexible.

Behind it, a short man with a thin body and a black body, with a large fish bladder covering his mouth and nose for breathing, swam quickly over here.

"Bless you, Poseidon! It's a fairy worm! The one chasing behind is the slave who collects pearls for the count. They come from the distant sea area in the south. They can't practice runes, but they are particularly good at holding their breath and diving."

Rick pulled Li Qing's sleeve excitedly, and watched the fairy worm escape to his own sea area, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the pearl-diving slave didn't even look at the sea stone that separated the boundary, and chased the fairy worm and rushed to the waters of Lettuce Island.

Li Qing glanced at Rick: "It seems that the rules here don't count?"

Lake's face turned red, and he glared at the slave fiercely. The ice runes on his body lit up and then darkened, and finally he was discouraged: "I don't know if this guy has any companions, and if he has reported it to the earl..."

The implication is that they don't care about the out-of-bounds slaves or the elf bugs.

Li Qing shook his head: "Since I can't stop you, then I will accept this elf insect!"

He pulled Lake and used a water escape technique to come behind the slave, which was a magic spell: "Let's go!"

Lake was startled, and before he could stop him, he saw that the man had unknowingly made a detour, and instead of following the traces of the elf bug, he was chasing the waters of another viscount to the west.

"Don't worry, I didn't kill him!" Li Qing comforted, "He lost the elf bug himself. Even if the earl asks for guilt, he can't blame your family."

Lake didn't expect that the matter would be solved so easily. He smiled and said, "Sir, let's go after the elf bugs!"

Li Qing used the Water Escape Technique, followed the spiritual energy fluctuations of the elf bugs, and found it quickly.

It was hiding under a pile of gravel at the moment, with only two eyes exposed, carefully observing the direction it came from.

Li Qing didn't worry too much and landed directly in front of it: "It's quite good at hiding!"

The elf insect froze and slowly closed his eyelids, turning a blind eye and hearing Li Qing's arrival.

Li Qing was dumbfounded: "I really thought I was hiding it quite secretly..."

As he said that, he condensed a ball of pure wood-attribute spiritual energy on his fingertips: "Here, I'll treat you to a meal!"

For elf bugs nourished by spiritual energy and bred by vegetation, this is a rare delicacy.

The elf bug remained motionless. After a long while, it felt Li Qing's kindness and then cautiously emerged from the gravel.

"No!" The little guy looked up at Li Qing, then looked down at the aura ball in front of him, and finally bit it in a very spineless manner.

It eats very quickly. Not long after, a fist-sized ball of spiritual energy was swallowed. Its soft belly did not swell at all.

After enjoying the delicious food, this little guy was no longer afraid. Instead, he gently pushed Li Qing's fingertips and made a clear "Ouch" sound.

Li Qing felt its closeness, smiled and took out a spiritual contract talisman. With a surge of magic power, the talisman spontaneously ignited in the water, and then turned into a blood-red talisman and submerged into the elf insect's forehead.

The elf bug did not dodge, and quickly completed the spiritual contract of recognizing its master.

After harvesting the second fairy worm, Li Qing was in a good mood and fed it another ball of spiritual energy: "Where is your Cordyceps? Spit it out and let me have a look, and then I can think of a good name for you..."

Witnessing Li Qing's harvesting of elf bugs with his own eyes, Lake felt a little uncomfortable, secretly cursing himself for being so timid that he didn't even dare to deal with a slave, so much so that he didn't dare to take the elf bugs around him into his own.

After all, Li Qing's previous meaning was very clear: I took action because you didn't dare to ask for it.

He was in a daze when he suddenly saw Li Qing flicking the elf bug: "You haven't even gotten back the cordyceps, so why are you running so hard? That means the pearl hunter is too stupid. He just waits for the bugs. Sooner or later, you will have to surrender yourself." Snare..."

It turned out that this little thing was being chased by the pearl divers in a hurry, so he panicked and fled to Lettuce Island. He ignored his hips and left behind the cordyceps that shared the same fate.

Fortunately, the only person who discovered it was a pearl-diving slave, so he was not worried about the Cordyceps being harvested.

This world seems to be very friendly to fairy bugs, and ordinary birds, animals, insects, and fish will not harm them.

Only humans! There are often "accidental injuries".

Li Qing turned around and asked Lake: "I'm going to find Cordyceps for it. Will you come with me or go back to the island by yourself?"

"Sir, I will come with you." Lake gritted his teeth, "Since even a slave doesn't pay attention to the rules among nobles, then I have nothing to worry about."

Li Qing nodded slightly: "It's not that I have to provoke Earl Iris, it's just that there is no reason to hand over the elf bugs to me for free."

What's more, the chance of being soaked in water like a pearl-fishing slave is actually quite small for someone who is an earl and is building a foundation.

After making up their mind, Li Qing and the others, under the guidance of the elf bug, passed the dividing sea stone and entered the waters of Earl Iris.

"Huh? Something's wrong!" Li Qing concentrated on sensing for a while, "The spiritual energy in this sea area is more active than yours."

Although it was still far inferior to the world of cultivation, the huge difference in spiritual energy activity between the two adjacent sea areas still caught Li Qing's attention.

This difference feels groundless, not like some kind of treasure radiating influence from near to far.

Rather, the internal difference between the two seems to be a sudden change like a cliff jump after being separated by sea rocks.

But Lake couldn't sense the difference: "Aura? Are you talking about magic power? Isn't it the same rigid silence here?"

Li Qing couldn't help but frown: the rune warrior's sense of spiritual energy is indeed far less sensitive than that of the monk. But you shouldn’t be unaware.

But this is not the point. He came here to recover the cordyceps.

The elf insect shook its head and tail in Li Qing's hand. After hesitating for a while, it looked towards the north and made an anxious voice, "No! No! No!"

Li Qing used his spiritual consciousness to communicate with it: "You mean, your Cordyceps was taken away?"

The elf bug nodded quickly: "No!"

Li Qing didn't care about anything else, and used his water escape technique to the extreme, chasing the Cordyceps in the direction where it went.

Along the way, various spiritual energy fluctuations reflected in his consciousness. Obviously, the spiritual energy products in the Earl's sea area are much more abundant than those in the Lettuce Island sea area.

But Li Qing was not distracted, and focused on tracking the Cordyceps, and soon caught up.

To his surprise, the one who took the Cordyceps was not another pearl-diving slave, but a second-level silver warrior.

Like the pearl-diving slave, he also had a large fish bladder covering his mouth and nose to breathe in the sea.

He thought it was a direct subordinate of the Earl of Iris, and was thinking about how to get the Cordyceps back from the other party without alarming the Earl.

But Rick looked surprised: "Why is Baron Birch here?"

Li Qing thought about it and matched this person: "Is this the one who is at odds with your family?"

Rick nodded fiercely: "It's this guy who took advantage of the situation. If you hadn't helped to ripen the crops before, our family would have almost been unable to pay taxes to the Earl because of his trade blockade."

"Then is he here because he is close to the Earl?" Li Qing asked.

"No!" Rick shook his head with a complicated expression, "He should have sneaked in too."

"Is that so..." Li Qing couldn't help but laugh, "Then I'm relieved!" As he said that, a turbulent undercurrent swept towards Baron Birch.

Baron Birch was only close to the fifth level of Qi training, how could he withstand Li Qing's ninth level of Qi training.

He rolled several times in the water, and after stabilizing his body, he found that the Cordyceps in his hand was gone.

Baron Birch was very angry! But he didn't dare to make a sound, for fear of making too much noise and disturbing Earl Iris, so he could only leave in dismay.

After all, the air in his fish bladder was almost used up.

"So easily, the Cordyceps was recovered?" Rick felt a little incredible.

Li Qing smiled without saying anything. If he hadn't been concerned about the Earl, with his strength, it would have been easy to kill Baron Birch head-on.

He glanced at the Cordyceps in his hand and found that it was a red seaweed. The rich wood spirit was slightly tinged with fire spirit. It was just like Asun's Cordyceps, and they had all been upgraded to spiritual plants.

"A fire Cordyceps growing in the sea? Is there an underwater volcano in the Iris Earl Sea?"

Unlike Asun's tall lettuce Cordyceps, this red seaweed Cordyceps was only the size of a fist.

Its roots were shallow, and its five thick fleshy leaves were surrounded by a handful of soft and slender silk veins, which looked quite cute.

"Well, since you are a red seaweed, I'll call you Azao from now on." Li Qing nodded at the red seaweed spirit worm and decided happily.

Azao tilted his head, a little confused: "Hmm?"

Li Qing smiled and gave it a ball of wood spirit, and the little guy started eating happily, which was considered to be tacitly accepting his new name.

"It's a mistake. You're so greedy. I should call you Achan." Li Qing watched it finish eating, then took the Cordyceps back into its body, and then took the Elf Worm back into the Dantian like a nesting doll.

In this way, today's treasure hunt in the sea came to a successful conclusion.

Li Qing was in a good mood and took Rick back to Lettuce Island. When they reached the boundary of the sea area, he caught a date palm snail that had crossed the boundary, the kind with spiritual fluctuations.

The tail spine of this snail was purple. According to Ryan, it was a male snail, and the snail paste was also very delicious.

In the Dantian, the somewhat confused Elf Worm Azao didn't care about being afraid of the phantom of the debris of the "Gate of Heavenly Dimension" above his head, and was attracted by the Wang Zhenyuan.

"Wu Li! Wu Li Li!" It happily spit out the Cordyceps and completely immersed itself in the liquid Zhenyuan.

The soft silk floss swayed with the fluctuations of the Zhenyuan, absorbing the Zhenyuan spirit liquid slowly and quickly, and then slowly releasing it.

With each breath, the originally verdant true energy actually began to glow faintly.

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