The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 18 Loss-making business, something strange is going on in the snail’s heart

It takes time to spit out sand from date snails, so Li Qing is not in a hurry to think about part-time cooking.

In the following days, he would either be on the island, teaching the Renn father and son and other villagers how to grow spiritual rice; or he would go into the sea to hunt for treasure.

Unfortunately, elf bugs are not just cabbage. The conditions for the birth of elf bugs in the sea seem to be even more harsh. Li Qing picked up a lot of seafood, but there was still only one elf bug, Ah Zao.

Because most of the resources he harvested were only needed in the early and middle stages of Qi training, Li Qing only tried and stopped without expending too much energy.

However, the cultivation of spiritual rice has encountered new problems.

In terms of climate alone, Lettuce Island is suitable for growing rice, but the soil fertility is still a bit lacking.

Li Qing had no choice but to ask Ren to mobilize the serfs, go to the sea to dig mud, and then go to other bird islands to pick up bird droppings, and then use planting magic to ferment and fertilize the fields.

But problems followed one after another: grain seeds and seedlings with spiritual energy were particularly favored by seabirds.

For this reason, Ren had to stop the construction of the castle and mobilize the entire island to prevent bird damage. He was very busy.

But the most disturbing thing is not these.

Li Qing half-crouched on the ridge of the field, pulled out a yellow and wilted seedling, and analyzed it carefully with his spiritual consciousness: "It should be because the spiritual energy activity is too low."

In this elven world, the aura is very weak. The operation efficiency of cultivation techniques is only one-tenth of that in the cultivation world. Casting spells is equally effective with half the effort.

The spiritual rice varieties selected by Li Qing indeed have very low demand for a spiritual environment, but they still have some symptoms of acclimatization.

On the other hand, the tender green grass growing out of the Qingling grass is really pleasing to the eye and is not affected by the environment at all.

To improve the growth status of spiritual rice, the only way is to increase the concentration of spiritual energy, which requires setting up a restrictive array and increasing costs.

Li Qing did some calculations and couldn't help but said silently: "I still have to lose money?!"

Ren next to him observed his words: "Sir, I heard that there are people planting rice on the peninsula further south in the mainland. With your ability, maybe you can go there and trade a rice elf?"

Elves evolved from elf bugs and can catalyze mortal species into witch medicine and promote their growth. Although these spiritual rice are not "inspired" by the rice elf, they should be of some benefit.

Li Qing was unmoved. On the one hand, the stay time is limited; on the other hand, the risk of traveling to the south is uncontrollable.

The most important thing is that his purpose is not to grow these acres of spiritual rice.

Instead, elf bugs that can promote the growth of spiritual rice are bred from them, so that after evolving into elf, a more advantageous variety can be cultivated.

There is a saying in the past life that seeds are the chips of agriculture. This sentence is also a wise saying when applied to spiritual plants.

This is a long-term calculation. If it succeeds, the profits will be immeasurable, and the resources for Li Qing's second foundation building will be almost at his fingertips.

Having made up his mind for the long term, Li Qing gritted his teeth under Ren's worried eyes: "Go ahead and plant!"

He took out the few spiritual stones in stock and simple formation materials, and spent a full ten days to finally lay out a "minimalist version" of the spiritual gathering array that covered all the spiritual fields.

This magic circle can only gather spiritual energy rigidly. It cannot adjust the concentration or purify the spiritual energy, and it has no supporting protection or warning restrictions.

But Li Qing is just a spiritual planter and alchemist, and is not proficient in formations. He is able to achieve this level thanks to his years of travel and adventure.

Li Qing wiped the sweat from his forehead and pointed to several gaps in the spirit gathering array: "The daily management and protection of the spirit field requires villagers to enter and exit through these paths and not to trespass randomly!"

Ren looked at the seedlings that had turned green, carefully recorded the location of the gap, and complimented: "Sir, you are really powerful. The witch formation you arranged can even be used by ordinary people!"

Li Qing was silent for a while and nodded: "Well, after all, I have to be away for a while. If it is too subtle, it will be easy to do bad things."


On the day when the "Tianwei Gate" debris was restored, the date snail finally vomited out the mud in its stomach.

Li Qing came to the pool and was surprised to find that the date palm snail that was the first to be caught had already been pregnant with the snail in its body: "Well, God has the virtue of good health, so I will let you live for the time being."

He fished out another male snail with fluctuating spiritual energy, and lost a lot of its snail paste: "It's just you! Now that you have completed the inheritance of the family line, you can go on your way with peace of mind..."

Thinking that one date snail was not enough to eat, Li Qing took a few more ones that had no spiritual energy fluctuations and started cooking them directly in Ren's yard.

"Sir, you actually want to do it yourself?" Ren and Lake were shocked.

Although there is no such thing as a gentleman cooking in a distant place in this world, nobles still regard it as an unseemly thing to cook in person.

Li Qing smiled: "I have also learned some cooking skills. I heard Reike say how delicious these date snails are, and I couldn't help but feel a little bit nervous."

After that, he swept his consciousness away, expelled the date snail's ignorant spiritual consciousness, and recited the rebirth mantra again, which he didn't know if it was useful or not - this was a rule passed down from ancient times by the spiritual chef.

It is said that at that time, there was still the cycle of life and death in the world of cultivation. The Dao did not prohibit killing, but it prohibited destroying the souls of living beings. Anyone who violated it would be punished by heaven.

As for now, Li Qing feels that the spiritual chefs are just pursuing a sense of ritual.

After using the water purification spell to clean the date snails inside and out, Li Qing put a few ordinary ones directly into the pot and steamed them over high heat, leaving only the ones with only aura fluctuations on the delicate white jade plate.

He recalled the cooking methods of those spiritual chefs, wrapped the conch meat and conch paste with magic power, and took it out completely from the conch shell.

Although the spiritual energy mainly permeates the heart of the date palm snail, its meat and paste also benefit a lot.

The pink and delicate snail meat is like a pool of pudding, shaking and shaking. Li Qing used an ice blade to slice it into cicada wing-like sashimi and neatly stacked it at the mouth of the snail.

The snail paste was held by the magic power, and then passed through the spiritual fire of alchemy, and then condensed into a translucent paste, which was spread on the shell to cool.

After a simple but delicate treatment, Li Qing took out three dipping saucers and poured in the sauce and vinegar brought from the cultivation world: "Please!"

At first, Ryan and his son took the fork and spoon slowly, and just tasted it, and then they kept "slurping".

Rick closed his eyes from time to time to savor it: "Tsk tsk tsk, this taste is so fresh that I almost swallowed my tongue!"

Li Qing took a little on the jade plate to taste, and felt that the taste was okay, but that was all.

The essence of the whole coconut snail is in the beating red heart. Even if it is taken out of the snail meat, it still rises and falls rhythmically.

What surprised Li Qing was that he couldn't help but salivate when he smelled the faint fragrance of the coconut snail, and he had a strong appetite for the snail heart.

Ryan was a little jealous, but he still suggested sincerely: "My lord, this coconut snail heart soaked in magic power is the most delicious when eaten raw! It also has a better effect on the rune improvement."

Li Qing originally planned to share the food with the three of them. After hearing what he said, he didn't pretend to be humble. He used clean water to condense cold dew, slightly chilled the snail heart, and then picked it up with jade chopsticks and put it into his mouth.

The tight muscles were bitten by the teeth, and a stream of runny juice flowed out from it - this must be a pool of blood and sweat nurtured by the coconut snail.

Li Qing tasted it carefully, and after every taste bud was properly taken care of, he slowly swallowed it into his throat.

Suddenly, a clear breath spread from the stomach, although it was faint, it vaguely penetrated into a hidden corner of the body.

"Hey! This snail heart..." Li Qing was a little doubtful and tried to use a water spell.

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