The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 19: Spiritual roots are enhanced, Cordyceps blooms

The sound of running water extinguished the firewood under the stove, keeping the date snails steaming in the pot at the optimal heat.

When you open the lid of the pot, the diffuse mist gathers and falls on the hot shell like raindrops, then condenses into a hexagonal frost flower.

The tender snail meat in the shell, stimulated by the cold breath, curled up slightly, locking in the sweet fragrance.

"Please taste it!" Li Qing took two date snails for Ren and Reike respectively.

Renn and his son fell in love with this kind of food cooked with magic. They felt that whether it was snail meat, snail heart, snail yolk, or snail paste, they all tasted extremely delicious.

Li Qing also picked one up, took out the steamed and chilled snail meat, and took a light bite. It was springy and crispy.

It seemed like a peaceful meal time, but Li Qing's heart was filled with turmoil - his water spirit root aptitude had actually improved!

He asked calmly: "Does this date palm snail heart greatly improve the runes?"

Renn put down the shell: "It's okay. Some of the runes are awakened, but the activation is too slow to be used in actual combat. After eating them, you can use the runes normally..."

"You have pretty good qualifications. Maybe it can make the runes clearer? The speed of growth in strength will also be a little faster..."

Li Qing suddenly realized that the runes in this world, after being solidified into a bloodline by the wizard, could also be regarded as a special spiritual root.

Since date palm snail heart can improve rune qualifications, isn't it also reasonable to improve spiritual root qualifications?

He asked again: "Does it have miraculous effects on all runes?"

Lake on the side responded quickly: "Water runes are the best; ice ones like me are okay. As for my father's fire runes, only those with the worst qualifications can feel the benefits."

This is completely different from Li Qing's feelings: it seems that all spiritual roots have benefited, but only the water spiritual roots have truly improved.

Spiritual root testing requires a spiritual measuring platform, but he estimated that the water spiritual roots that he had originally ignored had probably transformed into the lowest-grade low-grade spiritual roots. Although the amplitude was small, it was extremely precious.

In the world of cultivation, there is a saying that spiritual roots are given by God. At least in the Great Zhou Kingdom, this kind of treasure that enhances spiritual root qualifications is as valuable as the Foundation Establishment Pill, and it has a price but no market.

——After all, humans are not grass and trees, how can they be ruthless? Many big bosses have people they cannot practice getting close to. Such spiritual objects are naturally popular.

Li Qing asked again: "Do you still have species like date snails that can improve rune qualifications?"

Ren smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Sir, you think too highly of me. This kind of treasure is well hidden by the great nobles. How can I, a small baron, know such a secret?"

"That's the date palm snail heart. The magic power is a gift from Poseidon. It appears randomly. The nobles cannot monopolize it, so we have a chance to know."

Li Qing thought so, so he didn't ask any more questions. After finishing the date snails on the plate, he got up to inspect the pregnant female snails in the pond.

"Sir, with all due respect, it may not be realistic for you to cultivate date snails imbued with magical power. Many nobles have tried it, but I haven't heard of any successful one yet."

Lake reminded carefully: "This is just like the witch medicine grown by elves. The date snail itself is a mortal species, and the magical power is only accidental and cannot be inherited."

Li Qing shook his head: "Do your best and listen to fate. Maybe God, oh, your Poseidon will take care of it?"

Unfortunately, date palm snails are easy to come by, but those with transformed cores are hard to find. Li Qing has only found this pair these days. Of course, there is only one left now.

"Alas, due to the limitations of the Tianwei Gate, except for alien species such as elf insects whose lives are intertwined, other living creatures with spiritual consciousness cannot be brought back for the time being."

"Otherwise, we can ask the spirit beast masters for help. Maybe they will have a way to retain this characteristic of the mother snail?"

In the dantian, the fragments of the "Tianwei Gate" flickered with light.

Li Qing suppressed the lingering emotions and entrusted the mother snail with the cub to Lake: "I'm going to be here for about a month and a half. Please take good care of me, and I will thank you when I come back!"

He also told Ren about the planting of spiritual rice, and then he flew up, found a desert island, and started to travel between the two worlds.


As soon as he returned to the cave with rich spiritual energy, before Li Qing could stretch, a small thing as big as a finger hit his chest with a "thud".

There was no response from the protective magic power. Li Qing looked down and found the lettuce elf insect Asun nesting on the hem of his clothes, humming "beep babbling".

"Ah Sun, long time no see!" Li Qing held it in the palm of his hand and teased it gently with his fingers.

"Hey! Yeah!" Asun seemed a little angry, shouting hard and not letting Li Qing touch its head.

Li Qing condensed a spiritual energy ball on his fingertips, and while feeding it, he reasoned with it: "I wanted to take you there at the beginning. It was you who couldn't bear to part with the lettuce in the spiritual plant garden and refused to leave!"

"Hey!" A'sun groaned angrily, shaking his head and tail, and complained vaguely through spiritual communication: "It's been too long!" You didn't say it!

Li Qing apologized to it in a good-tempered manner, and finally made Asun happy, and happily ate the spiritual energy balls.

After Asun was comforted, he turned his attention to the spiritual plant garden.

I saw that the originally dense lettuce fields seemed to have experienced a major explosion due to the radiation from the elf bugs.

All kinds of lettuce, tall and short, long-leaved and split-leaf, yellow-flowered and purple-flowered, huddled together in layers. However, the growth of those kinds of spiritual lettuces that have entered the first-level low-grade is still normal.

But only Asun's Cordyceps lettuce plant firmly caught Li Qing's attention.

The part of the Cordyceps exposed above the ground has grown from a person's height to nearly two feet. Among the clusters of tender leaves at the top, two inflorescences are quietly emerging, one is light yellow, the other is light purple, and they are about to bloom, which is very cute.

"A Sun, are you going to bloom?!" Li Qing was very surprised.

According to Ryan, the fairy Cordyceps blooms to sort out the essence of the same species and accumulate potential for later evolution.

Although the fruits and seeds it produces cannot be planted again, they are precious witchcraft medicines and have many magical uses after taking them.

For example, the yellow flower seeds of lettuce Cordyceps are more common and can temper the internal organs; the purple flower seeds are relatively precious and can purify the spirit.

After eating the aura ball, Ah Sun jumped back to the Cordyceps, rubbing the yellow flowers and the purple flowers, trying to make a posture of holding his head high and sticking out his belly, very proud: "Ya ya ya yo!"

Li Qing smiled and held Ah Sun in his palm: "It seems that you have worked hard during this period. It is worthy of praise. I will give you another aura ball."

A Sun showed an expression of happiness that almost fainted: "Ya! Ya!"

The two masters and pets reunited after half a month, and they were very happy.

This joy, along with Li Qing's mood changes, was passed to the red algae spirit insect Ah Zao in the Dantian.

It woke up from the Cordyceps in a daze, rolled in the true essence spirit liquid, and looked up in confusion: "Huh?"

Li Qing then remembered that there seemed to be another spirit insect that had not been released.

While using his spiritual sense to order Ah Zao to take back the Cordyceps in the Dantian, he told Ah Sun: "I brought you another little friend from the spirit world..."

A Sun looked up in confusion: "Ya ya?"

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