The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 250 Chapter 25: The past of the elves, meeting with companions (first update)

Chapter 250 Chapter 250 Elf past events, meeting companions (first update)

After some exchanges, the two parties settled matters regarding tea planting, and also discussed the important matter of reuniting the lineage of shepherds.

Reinhardt and Angela took the tea saplings given by Li Qing to other lands and continued to search for the successors of the tree shepherd lineage.

After flying hundreds of miles, Reinhard looked at his companions in confusion: "Why don't you let me ask about the witch formation?"

Angela rolled her eyes at him: "This kind of magical witch formation must be very precious and important. It's a waste of time and embarrassment to ask about something that is so simple and profound."

Reinhard was speechless for a moment, and after being silent for a long time, he suddenly asked: "Do you think it is possible for him to rise to the top and become a real 'tree shepherd'?"

Angela thought for a long time and shook her head: "I'm not sure. This Mr. Li is indeed unpredictable."

"But Roland, who is from Mingbai's lineage, is not only strong, but also recognized by many old guys..."

Reinhard couldn't help but sigh: "Well, we are all brothers and sisters of the tree shepherd family, so there is nothing to argue about. Isn't it good to just plant trees and raise flowers like this?"

Angela was equally uncomfortable: "In the final analysis, the radicals went too far. They even intervened in the turmoil at Wilderness House."

The two looked at each other, shook their heads helplessly, and followed the relevant clues to find the next inheritor.


Lettuce Island.

Ren was a little puzzled: "Your Excellency, there are obviously several kinds of spiritual tea saplings, why did you only give ordinary seedlings?"

Li Qing shook his head: "The water in the Emerald Ring is very deep, and there are undercurrents surging inside the Tree Shepherd. It's better not to take out anything too conspicuous. Take it step by step."

Ren's heart trembled: "These grown on the island...should we harvest them first and cover them up?"

Li Qing waved his hand: "That's not necessary. I didn't deliberately hide it in the first place. Let's just say Lettuce Island. I don't keep those viscounties very secret."

After the "Tianwei Gate" absorbed the rubble, its functions were greatly improved, and Li Qing no longer had any safety anxiety.

Even if there are other strong people who discover Lingzhi's extraordinary power, he can always travel through time and leave. The worst case scenario is to change places and start over.

He used to worry about Lettuce Island.

Now that the Earthly Immortal Realm has been established, Lettuce Island's defense is enough to protect itself as long as no level five wizard takes action.

Seeing that he was calm and calm, Renn also breathed a sigh of relief: "In this case, I will hold this year's awakening ceremony as usual."

While the two were chatting, a dull sound suddenly erupted from another room not far away.

Ren'an looked helpless and looked at Li Qing: "His Excellency Azao is teaching them how to make alchemy again."

During the three days when Li Qing burned incense and bathed, Azao had become very good friends with siblings Joey and George.

Of course, good friends want to share their fun, so Azao took his two children and started learning alchemy.

Since then, the explosion of Hongya Fort has not stopped for a day. It’s just that the scope of influence is firmly limited.

Li Qing smiled and reassured: "Don't worry, Ah Zao is now equivalent to a fourth-level wizard. It's more than enough to protect their siblings."

Ren said hurriedly: "Of course I'm not worried about this. I just feel a little uncomfortable seeing them ruining things."

After all, the spiritual plants they use to make elixirs are all cultivated by their own participation in the management and care of them.

Li Qing smiled and said: "If you want to learn alchemy, there is no one who doesn't make waste and explode the furnace. I think the two children are quite talented in this area, and they may be able to inherit my inheritance in the future."

After hearing what he said, Renn stopped worrying about it: "Then I will prepare some supplies for them."

After Renn resigned, Li Qing took the list left by Reinhardt and the two and focused on their location.

"Well, two are at sea and two are in coastal countries. It's not too troublesome to contact them."

The most recent of them belongs to a down-and-out wizard whose inheritance has been lost for most of his life and whose origins have been forgotten.

His current residence is Morning Glory Island.

Behind Morning Glory Island stands the wizard of the Dark Swamp. He was also tricked by Count Iris in the previous episode and almost died. Now he has also joined the Revenge Alliance.

But that's not what Li Qing is concerned about: "I remember that his little elf seems to have evolved into a big elf?"

Li Qing has always been very curious about the great elves.

He gathered the remains of two great red coral spirits and Melanie, the great bamboo spirits. But I have never seen a living great elf.

"In that case, let's choose this as the first stop. What's his name? Oh, Sonny, I've decided it's you."

After making the decision, Li Qing did not hesitate, took Ah Zao to say goodbye to the Joey siblings, and flew away to Morning Glory Island.

Morning Glory Island is shaped like a trumpet. It is said that the first Viscount Morning Glory used the power of runes to shape it to please the great elf of Yellow Morning Glory.

Unfortunately, time flies by, and the first generation Viscount and the Great Elf have passed away, and even their names have not been spread.

Once upon a time, the heterogeneous yellow petunia could be seen everywhere on the island, but now only a few scattered ones remain.

On the other hand, the purple morning glory, which was very common in the past, is now in full bloom and has become the main flower on the island.

And all this stems from the fact that a few years ago, the purple morning glory elf Fode successfully evolved into a big elf.

Li Qing landed on a remote coast of Morning Glory Island, his nose twitching slightly. In addition to the slightly salty sea breeze, there was also the fragrance of flowers that made people sneeze.

Li Qing rubbed his nose, blocked out the fragrance of flowers, and followed the guidance of the list information to a dilapidated private house on the island.

Outside the house, there are two rows of agaves, with thick leaves, vigorous and well-maintained.

In the broken house, a mixed natural atmosphere made Li Qing frown.

He walked up and knocked on the door of his colleague: "Dong Dong Dong..."

"Who's there?" A vigilant male voice came from the door.

Li Qing read a codeword agreed upon, and then explained: "The two were too busy, so they entrusted you to me. I will take you to the Emerald Ring next time."

The male voice hesitated for a while, and then "creaked" and opened the door.

He stuck his head out and glanced at Li Qing, and then felt a little ashamed: "Sir, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Li Qing looked up and down and found that this was a middle-aged man in his thirties, with rough skin and a frown.

According to the description on the list, he was undoubtedly Sonny.

Li Qing asked with a smile: "It seems that you are in trouble?"

Sony looked a little scared, but couldn't help telling the truth: "Since those two came to the door, the Viscount has understood my identity."

"The agave witchcraft inheritance I inherited has been lost for the most part, but I can still show it off in brewing."

"Some time ago, the Viscount's brother-in-law took a fancy to my brewing method and kidnapped my wife and two children."

Li Qing was a little surprised: "Didn't you go to Viscount Morning Glory to report it?"

Sony shook his head in frustration: "They told me that the Viscount was very busy and had no time!"

Li Qing felt that there were many complaints for a while, and he didn't know how to evaluate it.

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