The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 251: Second-level witchcraft, meeting the great elf (please order the whole book)

The Emerald Ring is a very powerful party among the several major wizard countries in the world today.

Although the tree shepherd lineage lost control of the Emerald Ring, it is still very important.

As a result, after the fourth-level wizard of the tree shepherd came to "recognize his relatives", Sonny was embarrassed.

Li Qing didn't know what was going on, but he thought: "This trend should not be allowed to continue!"

After all, these people dared to detain Sonny's wife and children today, and they might dare to go to Lettuce Island tomorrow and name him and cause trouble.

He originally planned to communicate with Sonny about the wizard heritage first, to see if he could supplement his own meditation method and deduce the path to the fifth level.

After talking with Sonny, he would meet the host, Frank, the Viscount of Morning Glory, and pay a visit to Ford, the Purple Morning Glory Elf.

But after this happened, he had to take Sonny to the Viscount's mansion to seek justice.

"Sir! The Viscount is the owner of Morning Glory Island, and he is very powerful. Would it be bad if we go to him like this..."

When the time came, Sonny was a little hesitant.

Li Qing frowned, looked at him, and finally found helplessly that this guy was a serf who had been domesticated long ago.

Even though he had some wizard heritage, he was afraid of the nobles from the bottom of his heart, so he completely lost his spirit. When he encountered something, he could only sigh and let others manipulate him.

"No wonder Frank's brother-in-law dared to trouble you." Li Qing shook his head.

He estimated that if he hadn't come here, Sonny's heritage might have been swallowed up by someone. And he himself had no choice but to be silenced.

To put it bluntly, the shepherd called all the branches this time to strengthen his momentum. For such a small branch, as long as the heritage is still there, no one will care who will go in the end.

"Alas, to put it bluntly, you still have to start from strength and status to deal with these nobles."

Even though he felt a little sorry for their misfortune and angry at their lack of struggle, since he was here, Li Qing was willing to take this trip.

He glared at Sonny: "Look at your useless appearance, hurry up and follow."

Sonny was stunned by his eyes, and felt that his spiritual sea was violently shaken, and then he rose with boundless fear.

But he had one thing, Mu Qiang, after being scolded by Li Qing, he immediately put himself in his position and followed him happily.

The Viscount Morning Glory Mansion is located in the southeast of the island.

Li Qing took Sonny to walk slowly and walked over there.

What surprised Sonny was that no matter the pedestrians on the road, the serfs in the fields, or the patrolling rune warriors, they seemed to be unable to see him.

Li Qing felt his doubts: "It's just a trick. The simplest application of witchcraft. Similar methods are known to every wizard."

Sonny stammered for a while, and did not dare to ask further questions.

This made Li Qing even angrier, so he simply stopped talking to him.

The closer he got to the Viscount's mansion, the more diverse the varieties of purple morning glory became.

Among them, there were ordinary plants and witchcraft medicines equivalent to first-level spiritual plants, not to mention. There were also two other witchcraft medicines equivalent to second-level spiritual plants, which made Li Qing very interested.

One of them was the same size as a camphor tree that had been around for years, and on its dense crown, purple morning glory was in full bloom.

Countless bees were "buzzing" in it to collect honey.

Li Qing had a vague feeling that the honey brewed in this way was enough to be ranked as a second-level medium-quality product.

Sonny followed his gaze and looked over: "Sir, that is the sacred tree planted by the Viscount."

"He allowed us to pick up the fallen flowers and cook them back to eat, which can increase our witchcraft power, and the seeds can also be used to extract oil..."

Li Qing looked at his grateful and even glorious expression, and couldn't help but choked.

He thought for a while, and finally said: "The whole plant of morning glory is poisonous, and the seeds are the most poisonous. The only thing in its body is the nectar, which is a great tonic because of special cultivation..."

Senny was a little unconvinced: "But we all eat it on our island, and no one has been poisoned to death."

Li Qing saw that he was arguing for the lord and was not afraid of himself, and was even more speechless.

But the other party's whispering still aroused his interest.

Aoki Zhenyuan turned into a sharp needle and took a drop of blood from Sonny's arm.

Li Qing casually used a medicine identification technique and was amazed: "Good guy, how many years have you eaten morning glory? You have developed resistance to the poison!"

Senny felt his back straightened after hearing this: "I said that the Viscount would not harm us."

"Shut up!" Li Qing directly silenced him.

Another morning glory witch medicine that attracted Li Qing's attention was a simple earthy yellow.

It still maintains the state of a vine, but does not climb tall trees and fences, and only grows close to the ground.

Its flowers also attracted a lot of bees. And the bee colony was obviously much stronger.

According to Li Qing's assessment, the nectar of these morning glories, after being brewed into honey, is enough to rank among the second-grade top-grade.

What surprised him most was that this earthy yellow morning glory was non-toxic and had mild energy. Even mortals who had not practiced could eat it, but most of the energy could not be retained.

He thought about it and released Sonny: "What is the story of this morning glory?"

Sonny scratched his head: "Since Lord Ford was promoted to a great elf, this ugly morning glory has appeared."

"It tastes bitter and astringent, and it can't be cleaned up no matter how it is blanched, so soon no one eats it."

Li Qing raised his eyebrows: "Do Frank and Ford value them?"

Sonny didn't know anything.

"It's useless!"

Li Qing and him walked all the way, and felt that he had no expectations for the other three colleagues.

Although the journey was not long, Li Qing secretly used a spell similar to "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch".

Finally, the mansion of Viscount Morning Glory was already in sight.

He used his spiritual sense to sense that the fourth-level wizard Vanshilo in the Dark Swamp was not there.

He knew the two strongest people in the whole mansion: Viscount Frank and Wizard Donaldo. The former was a golden warrior, and the latter was a third-level wizard.

He looked back at Sonny with pity: "Frank is inside, he is not busy at all, and even has time to drink red wine."

"He just doesn't want to see you!"

Sonny couldn't help but be dumbfounded: "How, how is it possible?!"

Li Qing ignored him, waved his hand and ejected two green lights, which turned into two banyan leaves, containing pure magic power, and flew to the mansion in front.

Soon, the whole Viscount's mansion became noisy.

After a while, the main door of the mansion opened suddenly.

Frank and Donaldo hurriedly but gracefully walked out, bowed respectfully towards the empty space in front of them, and said, "Greetings, Lord Tree Shepherd!"

Li Qing then removed the deception: "Your Excellency, Viscount, and Donaldo, long time no see!"

Behind the two of them, a somewhat arrogant child flapped the butterfly wings behind him and flew in front of Li Qing.

"Ah! You smell so familiar!"

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