The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 260 Chapter 26 A wonderful journey, the fairytale tree house (first update)

Chapter 260 Chapter 260 A Wonderful Journey, Fairy Tale Tree House (First Update)

Of these two great elves, one was born from a banyan tree, and the other was transformed from a high-flying flower.

When they saw Li Qing and other strangers, the two little guys were not afraid at all, and even gathered around them curiously to ask questions.

"Go, go, entertain the guests, don't make trouble." Qiao smiled and drove the two of them away.

The two little guys chuckled and waved their hands to scatter a handful of seeds.

Sonny couldn't avoid it, his head suddenly sank, and he saw a small banyan tree growing out of his hair, with green light shining and full of vitality.

The others avoided it, but Ava took the initiative to reach out and fish out a seed.

Then green vines sprouted in her palms, spiraled around her arms, and finally blossomed into a delicate red flower on her shoulders.

As for the other seeds that were scattered, it seemed that they would not germinate as long as no one was near them. They fell into the humus under the banyan tree, rolled a little, and then disappeared.

Looking at the green light above Sonny's head, Li Qing couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, then raised his hand to take down the small banyan tree.

This small banyan tree is not a young tree, but a scaled-down version of a certain banyan tree, so the leaves are very tiny and look quite delicate.

What Li Qing cares about is the pure spiritual energy contained in the tree - the seeds sown by this big elf are all mature witch medicine (spiritual plants).

The same is true for the Lingxiao flower.

"The great elf is such a wonderful existence!" He couldn't help but sigh.

This caused Ah Zao in his Dantian to wave his little hands and protest dissatisfiedly: "No!"

The two great elves listened to his murmur and laughed together: "Guest, your breath smells so good!"

"You have the blessing of the great elf. One, two, three, wow, you are a lucky sir."

Seeing that neither of them wanted to leave, Qiao had no choice but to stop and introduce them to each other: "Your Excellency Li, and a few colleagues. These two are the treasures of our tree shepherd lineage."

"Russell, the great elf of the banyan tree, is a hundred years old this year. He can grow extremely rare fifth-level witch medicine and is very famous in all witch countries."

Russell is a little boy with light green hair, dark green eyes, and a pair of cicada wings on his back, glowing like mother-of-pearl.

"Edna, the great elf of the Sky Flower, is only fifty years old this year. She can only grow level four witch medicine for the time being. However, she has a high level of understanding and is even expected to practice meditation."

Edna is a little girl with dark green hair, crimson eyes, and a pair of bee wings on her back. She is slender, transparent, round and cute.

After Qiao introduced the two great elves, he introduced Li Qing and his party one by one, focusing on Li Qing: "This sir, is the inheritor of the banyan tree lineage!"

"I'm Edna, nice to meet you all." The little girl held the hem of her dress, smiled and made a lady's bow to everyone.

Russell flew directly to Li Qing's shoulder: "Wow! No wonder you smell so friendly. We are all banyan trees hahahaha..."

Li Qing smiled and nodded to Edna, then stretched out two fingers and shook hands with Russell: "Two great elves, I am very happy to meet you."

Qiao observed this scene carefully, and he couldn't help but let go of his worries.

Elves have the instinct to seek good fortune and avoid evil. After evolving into great elves, they can even distinguish between good and evil in people's hearts.

Not only did the two big elves avoid them, they even joked with Li Qing and his party. It was obvious that they at least didn't have any bad intentions.

So he smiled and made a "please" gesture, and guided a few people to the center of the big banyan tree.

"Buzz buzz..." In a daze, Li Qing and his party seemed to have passed through some kind of thick barrier.

What appeared before our eyes was a fairy tale-like scene.

The big banyan tree became extremely tall, and the space became extremely wide. Every branch glowed with an emerald luster, and every leaf shone with a faint crystal light.

Countless miraculous witchcraft medicines grow in the open space, emitting a dense mist of fragrance, which is sweet but not strong, charming but not vulgar.

On many branches, small wooden houses are built, cleverly integrated with the banyan trees.

In Li Qing's dantian, the talisman of the "Tianwei Gate" small magical power flickered slightly, sending a message to him.

——This place turns out to be an existence similar to a void treasure or a secret realm.

Sensing the arrival of Li Qing and his entourage, many cabins opened their doors and windows. Wizards poked their heads out of it.

Some watched quietly, some took one look and closed the window, and some smiled and greeted Li Qing and his party.

These wizards have just started to meditate. They are very weak, but their aura is very peaceful, and their foundation seems to be quite good.

Joe would sometimes stop and introduce both parties, but most of the time, he just laughed it off.

Li Qing discovered that the further he walked, the larger the tree house became and its shape became more complex. The wizard who opens the window and looks into the distance will also be stronger.

He told Qiao what he had discovered, and received a positive reply: "Well, the location of our tree shepherds' residences is determined based on our strength."

"The outermost circle is the juniors who have just started, and then there are the first-, second-, and third-level wizards. As for the fourth-level wizards like you, they are a little bit special."

While chatting, everyone had passed through the area of ​​the first-level wizards and arrived at the treehouse community of the second-level wizards.

"Mr. Sonny, you can only go so far for now."

Halfway through the walk, Joe stopped and pointed to a few empty tree branches above: "You can choose a place here to build your tree house."

Sonny was stunned for a moment: "How to build it? I haven't made any preparations."

Joe asked him to choose a branch, jump on it and sit down, and then use the agave meditation method to inject magic power into it.

"Whoosh..." The wind blew, and the green light flowed like a tide, and then turned into a warm yellow hut.

Sonny sat by the window, surprised: "I meditated in this wooden house, and the efficiency seems to have increased by 30%."

Since coming to the Emerald Ring Witch Country, their meditation efficiency has been improved several times in succession.

Comprehensively speaking, Sonny's practice in the tree house will be nearly twice as fast as in Morning Glory Island!

Ade and others chatted with him with a smile, and after understanding the wonderful uses of the tree house, they continued to move forward.

It is worth mentioning that Joe did not let Sonny stay in the tree house, but asked him to follow.

"We don't forbid colleagues from moving around. The tree houses are distributed according to their strength only for your safety."

After a while, Joe stopped again and pointed to three branches: "Ms. Ava, and Mr. Belia and Mr. Piero, you three can build tree houses here."

Ava cheered, chose a slightly higher branch, and injected magic power into it. Soon, a colorful tree house decorated with sunflower patterns "grew" out.

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