The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 261 Emerald Dream, Golden Dreamland (Request for full order)

Beria and Piero from the wizard hermitage were a little hesitant: "We don't plan to return to the tree shepherds, can we have our own tree house?"

Joe laughed: "Since you practice the inheritance of our tree shepherds, you are a family. Even if you don't come back often, how can you miss your 'home' here?"

Beria and the others looked at each other and felt very moved. In the end, they couldn't resist Joe's invitation, so they each chose a branch, injected magic power, and built a tree house.

Li Qing watched this scene quietly, and couldn't help but admire this stroke of genius: "This is how people's hearts gather..."

It has been a thousand years since the disappearance of the Emerald Ring, and many branch inheritances have fallen apart. There is no recognition left for the tree shepherds.

But now, with the company of the great elves and the completion of the small tree house, they have unknowingly earned the recognition of the branch wizards.

"In time, the tree shepherds may really be able to regain their glory." Li Qing judged in his heart.

After the small tree house was built, Ava lingered in the house for a long time, and finally jumped down reluctantly after completing all the interior decorations.

Although Belia and Piero said that they would not return, they seemed to be equally enthusiastic in decorating the house.

After they all came down, Joe continued to lead everyone inside.

Soon, the wizard in the tree house above had reached the level of a third-level wizard.

So, it was time for Ade and Jenny to build a tree house.

As a couple, they chose two adjacent tree branches, and the two tree houses also "grew" together harmoniously.

The two tried to meditate for a while and were surprised to find that: "The efficiency of practice has increased four times!"

Li Qing noticed something, and while the few people were chatting, he leaned on an aerial root and began to practice the banyan tree meditation method.

Suddenly, rich natural elements rolled in, pouring into the spiritual platform like a river pouring down.

This natural element is extremely pure, and it can be directly absorbed by the meditation image, that is, the banyan tree, without almost any refining.

Indistinctly, Li Qing seemed to see a lush banyan tree, casting a hazy glow in the turbulent void, sheltering a small piece of land.

When the banyan tree collided with the turbulent void, various mysterious ways and principles appeared, making people unable to help but immerse themselves in it.

Li Qing shook his mind slightly and broke free from this state: "So that's it."

This space is exactly the banyan tree that protects the Emerald Ring. When a wizard meditates in it, there is a certain probability that he will trigger the spiritual world of the banyan tree and immerse himself in it.

This kind of encounter is both an opportunity and a risk. If you are not strong enough, you will easily indulge in it, and eventually your soul will be lost, leaving only a walking corpse.

What's more, even the body will be integrated into the banyan tree, and it will become a part of the banyan tree unconsciously.

This is very similar to the so-called "Taoism" in the world of cultivation.

The existence of the tree house is to protect wizards from "Taoism". The further in, the weaker the protection, the faster the efficiency of cultivation, and the higher the cultivation required for wizards to settle down.

Qiao smiled and looked at him: "You are worthy of being the inheritor of the banyan tree lineage. You can enter the Emerald Dream so quickly."

"Emerald Dream?" Li Qing's eyes flashed with doubt.

Russell, who was sitting on his shoulder, shook his little feet: "Emerald Dream is the destination of all souls in the Emerald Ring!"

The so-called Emerald Dream is the big banyan tree that protects the wizard country. It gathers the spirits and souls of all wizards for thousands of years to build a spiritual world.

When the wizard soul enters it, it can naturally observe the deepest "Tao" of the entire wizard country, but it is also easy to "go astray", which is a double-edged sword.

After Ade and Jenny adapted to their own tree house, Qiao took out a golden oak leaf and injected his magic power.

Suddenly, an illusory portal was formed, and he stepped in first: "Dear guests, please follow me!"

The two big elves flapped their wings and avoided the portal.

Russell smiled and waved his hand: "Mr. Li, that's the gathering place of the Golden Oak lineage, we won't go with them!"

Li Qing didn't force it, smiled and said goodbye to the two of them, then stepped into it. Sonny and the other six people also hurried to follow and entered in a line.

The Golden Oak lineage, as the name suggests, is the branch of tree shepherds whose meditation image is the golden oak.

As soon as he stepped into this portal, Li Qing was dazzled by the omnipresent golden light, and he almost couldn't open his eyes.

I saw tall golden oak trees growing on the ridges, the trunks were dark yellow, gradually turning bright yellow towards the branches, and finally growing golden leaves.

Fortunately, the wizards here still have good aesthetics. The tree house built on the tree branches is as colorful as the outside, which is dotted in it, but neutralizes the original local tycoon-like gold.

Reinhardt seemed to have received Joe's letter and was waiting in front early.

Seeing Li Qing, he smiled heartily: "Sir, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are naturally more favored!"

Li Qing nodded and smiled: "I also want to thank you and Angela for giving me the opportunity to meet these colleagues. I learned from each other and gained a little."

Reinhardt looked indifferent and did not comment.

Sonny, Ade's family, as well as Belia and Piero, all came forward to greet Reinhardt.

Reinhardt smiled reservedly: "Colleagues have come from afar, let's first attend the banquet of our Golden Oak lineage together."

After the greetings, he enthusiastically took Li Qing's hand and walked towards an open space in the distance.

There, small tables shaped like tree stumps were scattered in an orderly manner, and they were already filled with various fine wines and delicacies.

Many wizards shuttled among them, toasting and drinking, enjoying the joy brought by the delicacies.

"Let's follow." Qiao led the others to follow, "Today is the birthday of the Golden Oak lineage, there are many good things at the banquet."

"Birthday?" Li Qing asked Reinhardt curiously, "What kind of festival is this?"

Reinhardt proudly pointed to the golden oak trees around: "Sir, have you found that this place is different from the outside world?"

Li Qing frowned slightly, and his consciousness swept around under the wrapping of magic power, and then he was surprised to find: "These golden oaks have their own separate spiritual world?"

Reinhardt smiled even more: "Yes. With the joint efforts of our Golden Oak lineage wizards, we successfully imitated the Emerald Dream and established the Golden Dream Field..."

"Its magic may not be comparable to the Emerald Dream for the time being. But we believe that with the passage of time, it will have unlimited possibilities."

Li Qing looked at the other party in surprise: "You want to set up your own business?!"

Reinhardt shook his head: "No, unless it is absolutely necessary. Just guard against the back-up of the radicals."

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