The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 3 Plant Spirits, Dead Trees Revived (Seeking Investment)

What Li Qing had just cast was a side-spell in the world of cultivation: telepathy with one thought, which can achieve heart-to-heart communication when there is a language barrier, allowing both the caster and the receiver to communicate smoothly.

Because this spell involves the use of spiritual consciousness, if the soul of the subject is not strong enough, he will feel dizzy.

However, the world of cultivation has already unified its language. Except for savages in remote areas, this spell is basically not used, so Li Qing did not think of it immediately.

The middle-aged man was stunned for a while. After Li Qing asked again, he finally realized: "Master Wizard, I understand what you said."

The title "Wizard" made Li Qing raise his eyebrows. He accepted it temporarily and repeated the previous question: "Where is this place?"

"We are here on Lettuce Island. It belongs to the Iris Islands and is ruled by the powerful Earl of Iris." The strong man answered quickly.

At this time, the young man came back to his senses from the impact of telepathy, with a bit of fear in his fierce eyes.

Perhaps knowing that Li Qing had no ill intentions, or perhaps understanding that the number of people was meaningless in front of Li Qing, the young man thought for a while and drove the other villagers back home.

Li Qing ignored him and communicated directly with the strong man leading him, and soon learned the general situation here.

The strong man's name is Renn Rapunzel. He is the lord of Rapunzel Island and a baron of Earl Iris. He has the strength of a silver warrior.

The young man is his son, named Lake Rapunzel, who has just become a Bronze Warrior. If nothing else happens, Ren's title will be inherited by him.

The other people at the scene are all his relatives, so they are qualified to live here.

On the other hand, the larger village in the distance was populated by ordinary freedmen and serfs, belonging to the lower class of the island.

Li Qing listened silently and quickly obtained relevant information, but did not inform his name. As a strong man, he has this power.

There are "wizards" in this world after all, and God knows if they can use curses by name. It's better to be careful when sailing the ship of ten thousand years.

But compared to the wizard, he was more interested in the lettuce behind him: "What is this that can trigger the spiritual energy of heaven and earth?"

Ren blurted out with some confusion: "This is the elf insect that is being conceived. Don't you recognize it, Master Wizard?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt that his words had offended others, so he hurriedly added: "I guess with your strength, the elf bugs under your command are all directly enshrined by others, right?"

Li Qing did not pretend to be fat, but asked directly: "This is indeed the first time I have seen this elf bug. Please introduce it to me."

Ren was a little surprised, but he still explained patiently.

It turns out that the plants in this world have a magical quality: some individuals will breed fairy bugs, which can double the yield and improve the quality of the surrounding plants of the same type.

This is similar to the grass and tree elves in Li Qing's perception, but the biggest difference is: "Does this little thing only have a lifespan of ten years?"

The grass and tree elves in the world of cultivation all have long lifespans. It is no problem to put them in the cultivation sect and send away several generations of immortals who have eight hundred years of life.

Ren nodded affirmatively: "Well, no matter how many years the plant that gave birth to the elf bugs originally lived, it only has a lifespan of ten years. Fortunately, they still have hope to evolve."

If the elf bugs are raised with high-quality gems and then collect the essence of enough types of similar plants, they will have a chance to evolve into elf bugs.

The elf's lifespan is directly increased to one hundred years. If given the opportunity to evolve into a great elf, its lifespan can reach two hundred years.

The ability of small elves and big elves to "farm" is much better than that of elf bugs. Ordinary plants can even be grown into "witch medicine".

"Our Lettuce Island originally had a Lettuce elf." Renn shook his head depressedly, "It's a pity that it can only recognize its owner three times in its life. When my father passed away, it also died."

Lake on the side looked at the lettuce with some expectancy, but hesitated to speak.

Li Qing understood what they meant, they just wanted this newborn elf insect, but he was limited by his strength and did not dare to bring it up.

But when he saw this kind of magical species for the first time, he didn't want to give up. He simply opened the skylight and said frankly: "This elf bug has some congenital deficiencies, and there is little hope of survival."

"If you have a way to treat it, then I will leave it to you. If not, I will accept it." As he said that, he stopped the Yunyu Technique.

When he saw the two people guarding the field, Li Qing knew that this lettuce belonged to an owner. He has always convinced people with reason, so naturally he cannot do anything cunning and plundering.

Ren and En were overjoyed at first. They squatted down to check the growth of the lettuce, and soon discovered the clues: "The quality of Cordyceps is insufficient! Damn it, aren't there a lot of gems buried as fertilizer?!"

The father and son looked at each other, and in the end they could only stand up in frustration: "Master Wizard, I will leave this elf insect to you."

Li Qing then smiled slightly, walked forward, communicated with the pool of true energy in his Dantian, and said the formula and finger formula at the same time: Spring comes with dead wood.

A ray of cyan light shot out from his fingertips and engulfed the lettuce.

The lettuce was covered with a layer of green light, and the few dead leaves hanging on the tips of the lettuce fell completely, causing Ren and Ren to exclaim.

But soon, under the nourishment of green light, the lettuce half-buried in the ground became moist and plump, and then grew and became thicker.

On the tip of the lettuce, a small cluster of young leaves sprouted quietly, and then quickly opened up. In the blink of an eye, they spread out in layers.

"Level 4 wizard?!" Ryan looked at Li Qing in shock, and the harpoon in his hand fell to the ground with a clang.

Li Qing frowned slightly and barely suppressed the injury caused by the foundation-building spell.

The effect of the dead tree coming back to life is just as the name suggests. Like the cloud and rain spell in the Qi Refining Period, it is one of the most popular spells in the Foundation Building Period. It can be used to plant and take care of various spiritual plants.

Li Qing had previously used the spells used for planting in the Qi Refining Period in turn, but the effect was not good.

He didn't want to miss the magical creature like the elf worm, so he had to spend some of his true energy to cast the dead tree coming back to life on it.

Fortunately, the foundation-building spell was very effective, and the lettuce, which was originally dying, grew vigorously in an instant.

The sluggish spiritual energy of the world in the four fields then surged towards this side like a tide.

The father and son of Ryan were ecstatic. They didn't care about Li Qing's presence. They took up their positions directly. Runes appeared around them and intercepted some spiritual energy.

Li Qing was stunned at first. Seeing that the surging spiritual energy was far more than what was needed for the growth of lettuce, he sat down cross-legged.

While guarding against the two people's sneak attack, he practiced the Qingmu Jue and refined the intercepted spiritual energy into his own magic power.

"It seems that this spirit insect is about to be born?"

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