The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 4: Named Asun, past events on the island (please read later)

Elf bugs seem to be particularly favored by this world. The dull spiritual energy turned out to be lively and agile under its attraction.

Li Qing circulated the technique and found that after practicing, the efficiency was still above the level two spiritual veins of Tanyuan Immortal City.

Ranran's spiritual energy nourished his damaged meridians, and in just a quarter of an hour, it was comparable to the ten days of rest he had spent before.

Finally, the lettuce stopped growing, and the fairy bug sleeping in the lettuce below slowly opened its eyes.

Green light flashed, and it jumped out from the lettuce and stopped on the top lettuce leaf. Its cute big eyes looked left and right, curiously looking at the three people around it.

The part of the lettuce that was exposed from the ground was as tall as a person. It exuded a faint aura and transformed from an ordinary plant into a spiritual plant.

Renn stopped practicing, the runes on his body disappeared again, and then he respectfully signaled: "Master Wizard, please!"

In previous conversations, Li Qing already knew how the elf bugs identify their masters.

Just put some gem powder on your fingers, let the elf bug bite you, and suck some blood.

But this crude method, which was similar to blood sacrifice, made Li Qing shake his head: "Let's use the method of the cultivation world."

He casually took out a blank piece of talisman paper, activated the magic power, drew a spiritual contract with his fingertips in blood, and then cast a spell to activate it.

The talisman paper spontaneously ignited without fire, turning into a blood-red talisman that shot directly onto the top of the elf insect's head.

The little guy couldn't avoid it at all, and the talisman fell on him in the blink of an eye. It trembled slightly, and its originally ignorant eyes became a little more intimate when looking at Li Qing.

Li Qing smiled and opened his palm towards it. The elf insect jumped and bowed, landed in his palm, and rolled around happily.

This elf insect looks like a silkworm, is cool to the touch, has a texture like nephrite, is green all over, and has dark green runes naturally growing on its back. Every time he breathed in and out, he was breathing in spiritual energy.

On its forehead, there is a circle of red talismans, which is the spiritual contract imposed by Li Qing. In addition to the function of recognizing the master, both parties can also use this to communicate with each other.

"Since you grew out of lettuce, let's call you A-Sun from now on!" Li Qing smiled and nodded its little head.

The elf insect A'sun cupped his fingers in a cute way: "Hey!"

Seeing that the master had been recognized here, Ren pointed to the surrounding lettuce fields: "Master Wizard, to evolve the lettuce elf bug, you need to collect the essence of different lettuces."

"There are more than a dozen different kinds of lettuce planted in our field. If you like it, you can let it go to collect."

"Thank you very much." Li Qing swept his consciousness, found a big leaf lettuce, and put Asun on it: "Come on, Asun, dinner is ready!"

A-Sun was a little confused. After Li Qing signaled several times through the spiritual contract, he opened his mouth and spit out a green shimmer, which penetrated into the lettuce.

The shimmering light did not damage the lettuce, but some essence was extracted from it and absorbed by the asparagus.

Reike looked at Asun with some disappointment and muttered in his mouth: "After working hard for more than half a year, I still haven't raised any elf bugs. If this continues, I will almost not be able to pay the count's taxes."

Li Qingxin got a fairy bug and was in a good mood, so he asked a few questions.

It turns out that as a member of the Iris Islands, Lettuce Island pays an annual tax to the Count of Iris.

When the Lettuce Elf was here before, Lettuce Island could grow nearly fifty acres of lettuce "witch medicine" every year. They only had to pay for the output of one acre of land, and their lives were quite comfortable.

After the lettuce elf died, the witch medicine naturally could not be grown. The earl asked them to pay a tax of one hundred gold coins every year.

One hundred gold coins is actually not much compared to witch medicine. But if you can't produce witch medicine yourself, you have to spend a lot of money to buy it from elsewhere to meet the needs of the island's warriors.

Once in and out, there is a huge gap. As a result, the soldiers who were originally loyal to Lettuce Island had to fend for themselves.

Fortunately, at that time, there were two lettuce fairy bugs and three other fairy bugs on Lettuce Island, which could grow high-quality fruits and vegetables.

After selling to the shipping merchants, Lettuce Island could barely raise its own expenses and taxes, but life was a little tighter.

"It's all that damn old witch's fault!" Lake cursed angrily, "And that damn Viscount Golden Wheat!"

Upon hearing the words "old witch", Ren's expression changed. He carefully observed Li Qing's face and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he was not unhappy.

Seeing that the father and son were a little worried, Li Qing didn't know what was going on. He waved his hand for them to continue: "What did the old witch and the viscount do?"

Lake then continued to introduce: "The old witch is wanted by more than a dozen counts in this sea area. Viscount Jinmai chased her and came to our island."

The two men fought hard and not only reduced the buildings on the island to rubble, but also flattened the Cordyceps belonging to the five elf bugs.

It suddenly dawned on Li Qing: Baron Renne was a great man, but he lived in a village. It turned out that his home had been demolished.

It's no wonder that after the villagers mistook themselves for wizards, they all shared the same hatred. Who would have a good look when they see the same kind of enemy?

"The cordyceps gave birth to elf bugs and were connected to their lives. Due to their destruction, the five elf bugs died on the spot."

Lake lowered his head with some sentimentality: "You, this Elf Bug, are the first one born after our Lettuce Island was restored and rebuilt..."

When he said this, Li Qing didn't feel embarrassed. After all, he had saved the elf bug by his own ability, but he also felt sympathy.

He looked around and said, "Let's do this. I'll give you a crop first to make up for some losses."

After saying that, the magic power in his body circulated rapidly, his hands pressed together, and a ray of green light flew into the sky.

"Master Wizard, what are you doing?" Renn was a little confused.

Then a thunderous "bang" was heard, and dark clouds suddenly filled the dark night sky. Soon, gentle breeze and drizzle covered the farmland around the village.

The wind blew gently, and the rain pattered on the ground, hitting the lettuce leaves, wheat ears, and grape fruits... crackling and splashing all over the ground.

Lane and his son were pleasantly surprised to find that the lettuce was growing tremblingly, becoming strong shoots and fat leaves.

The dry and flat ears of wheat became plump and plump, and the wheat awns piercing the sky were slightly tilted towards the ground.

The green grapes are gradually dyed into rose red, or lavender, with crystal clear, round and lovely grapes.

Other fruits and vegetables grown randomly have also matured and are in good condition.

Li Qing felt a little distressed in his Dantian, and the Wang Zhenyuan was missing another drop: "This spring breeze turns into rain spell, it is really extraordinary!"

There is no doubt that Li Qing has just cast another foundation-building spell: spring breeze turns into rain, which can accelerate the growth of spiritual plants or directly ripen ordinary crops.

He put this effort into making amends, and also had plans to find allies in the future.

With the debris of the "Tiandimensional Gate", he will frequently travel between the two worlds in the future. Lettuce Island has some strength and status, but it is within a controllable range, so it is naturally an excellent candidate for allies.

Looking at this magical scene, Renn didn't think too much and just thanked him repeatedly: "Master Wizard, thank you so much!"

Reike hurriedly bowed to Li Qing, ran back to the village, and began to notify the villagers to pack their tools and be ready for harvesting at any time.

At this time, the one-thought telepathy spell that Li Qing had just started to use was about to run out of effectiveness.

He smiled and waved to Ren: "Baron Ren, you can go and do your work too. I'm taking care of the elf bugs here, so I don't need you to accompany me."

Ren saluted him solemnly, picked up the harpoon on the ground, and rushed directly to another village in the distance.

Too many crops have matured at once, and only by mobilizing the people of the entire island can we harvest them.

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