Whether the mutation of Qingling Bamboo can be passed on is a question worth exploring.

If it is Qingling grass, it will mature in one year and can be used for medicinal purposes; it will bloom and produce seeds in three years, and the second generation can be planted after harvest.

"But what about the Qingling Bamboo created by the mutation? Will it still bloom and produce seeds in three years? Or, can it still reproduce through seeds?"

Li Qing selected a plant and blessed it with planting spells such as spring breeze and cloud and rain.

However, perhaps it was a mutation that lengthened the maturity period. After Li Qing's set of spells, the Qingling Bamboo was only slightly jointed and the growth was not obvious.

On the contrary, its thatch leaves gradually withered from blue to yellow and fell to the ground, replaced by new young leaves.

Li Qing shook his head: "That's all, the thatch leaves have withered and grown again. I think they can be picked. There is no rush to harvest the whole plant. Let it grow for a while."

With a wave of his long sleeves, he flew back to Hongya Castle in the wind. After feeding the birds that were getting more and more fledged, he set up a ban in the room and sat there forgetting to practice until dawn.

The next morning, Ren, still smelling of alcohol, knocked on Li Qing's door and came to discuss with him the harvesting of Qingling Bamboo.

Li Qing thought for a moment: "The method of reproduction is still unclear, so we won't harvest it directly. Just pick the thatch leaves and use them to refine Qingling Powder. That's enough for the time being."

Of course, Renn listened to him and asked again: "How many days should the leaves be picked? How many should be picked each time?"

Li Qing recalled the details of the spell cast last night and pondered for a moment: "Pick one-third at a time, once a month. The replacement of thatch leaves is probably at this frequency."

Ren asked in detail about the taboos on picking, then hurried out and organized the islanders to go to Qingling Bamboo Garden.

After all, it was the first time to harvest, so Li Qing was a little worried, so he went along.

Just one night has passed, and the appearance of the islanders has changed significantly.

The villagers were in small groups, carrying sacks and walking through the Qingling bamboo bushes. They were doing things quickly and with smiles on their faces.

The serfs stopped sneaking around and straightened out the thatch leaves, carefully folded them and put them into the bag, while they kept counting: "Thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-four..."

Li Qing asked in confusion: "Why are you so motivated?"

A serf with a lame left leg had a bright look in his eyes: "The baron just promised that we who have done the most and the best can send our children to Hongya Castle by the end of the year to participate in the awakening ceremony of the rune warriors. !”

"If Poseidon bless me and my family has a rune warrior, then the whole family will be able to get out of the serf household registration, and life will be easier!"

Li Qing suddenly realized, and a burst of Aoki's magic power popped up to help him dispel the fatigue on his body: "Then I wish your dream will come true!"

The lame serf hurriedly thanked him, and the others also cast ardent glances at Li Qing.

Li Qing did not show any kindness, but approached Reike who came after hearing the news: "What's going on with your awakening ceremony?"

Lake had become accustomed to Li Qing's lack of common sense, so he straightened his head and explained: "There are two types of awakenings for our rune warriors."

"One is blood inheritance. Like Rael, he inherited the fire rune from his father. My ice rune was inherited from my maternal grandmother across generations."

"Whether it is the Iris Islands or the mainland countries across the strait, every noble is the inheritor of this bloodline inheritance."

Li Qing nodded and regarded this rune inheritance as a special spiritual root qualification.

Lake paused: "In addition, the nobles also master an awakening ritual called the Scales of Order."

"As long as you sacrifice a certain amount of witch medicine to a certain mysterious existence, you can receive two blessings: rune sublimation, or rune awakening."

Rune sublimation does not increase the strength of the runes, but optimizes the characteristics of the runes.

For example, Ren's flame rune was once sublimated from dark red to orange, greatly increasing the burning damage to enemies.

The awakening of runes allows ordinary people without rune talent to awaken the runes the day after tomorrow, but they cannot be passed on to the next generation through blood.

Li Qing's heart moved: "It can't be inherited again? Why is the extraordinary system in this world so strange?"

The witch medicine planted by the elves, the mutated animals soaked in magic, and the rune warriors awakened by the ritual... What is the connection between them?

Li Qing buried his doubts in his heart and asked about the time of Lettuce Island's end-of-year awakening ceremony.

Lake was also a little confused: "I don't remember much about the last awakening ceremony. I only remember that it seemed to be the day when heavy snow closed the island?"

He looked at the busy Qingling Bamboo Garden and sighed: "To awaken the rune warriors, witchcraft medicine is needed; to enhance the strength of the rune warriors, witchcraft medicine is also indispensable... Sir, you actually saved our Lettuce Island!"

Li Qing shook his head: "Everyone gets what they need."

The time-travel mechanism of the "Tianwei Gate" is relatively rigid, and the Li family of the cultivation world cannot leave it alone. He always needs capable hands to help farm here.

The declining Lettuce Island, although it has the title of baron, does not have the strength of a powerful lord, so it is a good partner.

"I wonder if this relatively pleasant cooperation can continue for a long time?" Li Qing turned to look at Hongya Castle, "What is the attitude of Viscount Green Rose?"

It was too much of a coincidence that Anna, who had been visiting relatives at her parents' home for more than half a year, returned to the island at this time and brought Lake's fiancée Kailin with her.

If he hadn't sensed malice from the two of them, Li Qing would never have stayed in Hongya Castle.

"Well, maybe this is also an opportunity? The big nobles on the mainland should have more resources and secrets unique to this world, right?"

He suppressed the matter for the time being and devoted himself to harvesting Qingling bamboo leaves.

The area of ​​Qingling grass that was initially planted was less than seven acres. The first round of picking thatch leaves totaled about 600 kilograms, and Li Qing harvested more than 300 kilograms.

Three hundred kilograms of spiritual rice may not look like much, but three hundred kilograms of thatch leaves piled up is quite eye-catching.

Li Qing had no choice but to take out the alchemy furnace and refine Qingling Powder for three days before consuming most of the Mao Ye inventory.

Ah Sun and Ah Zao also stayed up for three days.

Until the early morning of the fourth day, Li Qing put away the alchemy furnace and looked inside the Dantian. He suddenly discovered to his surprise: "A-Sun, the penis has blossomed!"

In the Dantian, a cordyceps lettuce tree as tall as a person is full of vitality, with two low-hanging inflorescences and light yellow and lavender flowers blooming quietly.

Li Qing touched it slightly with his spiritual consciousness, and faintly smelled a faint fragrance, which made his heart sway.

He calmed down and quickly collected the Asun into his Dantian and placed it in a bud at the top of the purple inflorescence.

Asun blinked his eyes, and the green wood magic light flowed around his body, changing the appearance of dozens of lettuces, and then turned into strands of green silk, winding it into a cocoon.

Li Qing couldn't help but feel happy: "Is it possible that Asun is going to..."

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