The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 34: Spirit insect metamorphosis, covered with scales and horns

Inside the Dantian, the lettuce and cordyceps are full of vitality, and the two inflorescences of light yellow and light purple are opening one after another.

In the purple buds at the top, a strand of black hair is holding a cocoon, swinging leisurely.

Li Qing used his spiritual sense to sense and found that Ah Sun had fallen into a deep sleep. The long breath merged into the operation of Li Qing's magic power, circulating back and forth like the tide.

"Umm..." Ah Zao jumped onto his shoulder, touched Li Qing's cheek, and cried out in worry.

Li Qing smiled and tapped the rune on its forehead: "A Sun is more than a year younger than you, and is about to evolve. How come you can still eat and sleep?"

A Zao sneezed, and a little spiritual fire splashed out of his mouth and nose: "Hmm...?"

Li Qing was worried about A Sun who was transforming, so he stopped teasing it. With a move of his spiritual consciousness, he also put it into his Dantian: "Study hard, you may also transform one day?"

A Zao squatted on the red algae and cordyceps, looked up blankly, and saw the green cocoon hanging high in the sky. A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes: "Hmm?"

Li Qing didn't ask the Ryan family about this. After all, A Sun was born less than three months ago, and it was really shocking that he entered the transformation so quickly.

Fortunately, after three consecutive crossings, Li Qing has accumulated a lot of knowledge about elves, and he can deal with it easily.

"First, a place that is not disturbed and can give the elf bug a sense of security... Well, what place can compare to my Dantian?"

"Second, a large amount of magic power, that is, spiritual energy. There are no spiritual stones in this world, even if there are many elves to help gather them, it is still not enough."

Li Qing took out the storage bag, emptied the spiritual stone reserves calmly, and at the same time practiced the exercises to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

The surging spiritual energy poured into the Dantian, and without being refined by magic power, it spontaneously lingered around the lettuce cordyceps.

The Qingmu magic light of the same origin flickered on the cordyceps, refining the pure spiritual energy and injecting it into the cocoon like a stream into a river.


Li Qing concentrated his mind and seemed to hear the sound of Ah Sun's heart beating.

"Well, next, does it need the master to cheer it up and give it the motivation to persevere?"

Li Qing thought about it, separated a divine thought, surrounded the green cocoon, and constantly cheered Ah Sun.

Unexpectedly, after a while, Ah Sun, who had fallen into deep sleep, actually responded with a cry: "Yaa!" (A bit noisy!)

Li Qing withdrew his consciousness awkwardly and began to prepare the last item: "Prepare delicious food for the elf bug, and prepare to celebrate its success!"

He used Ah Zao's greed as an excuse and went straight to Kailin.

"What food does the elf bug like?" Kailin thought for a while and took out a big box from the boudoir, "Let me look for it."

Since the other party was not shy, Li Qing squatted down and watched her search.

A Zao nestled on his clothes, staring at the dazzling array of elf bug food inside, excitedly shining with golden light: "Wu Li! Wu Li Li!"

Finally, Kailin took out three glass bottles, which stored red powder, green particles and purple liquid respectively.

"You've seen the red turquoise powder before. The remaining two are bluestone and purple cloud grass slurry, both of which are very popular treasures among elves."

Li Qing confirmed from Ah Zao's excited cry that the elf bug really liked them, and decided to take all three: "What do you want me to exchange for?"

Kaylene smiled and waved her hand: "You have helped the Lake family so much, this is my thank you gift to you."

Li Qing's smile faded a little: "Lettuce Island and I have an equal exchange, mutual benefit. How is it worth your thanks?"

Kaylene didn't force it, and thought for a while: "Or, you can give me some Qingling grass seeds. I heard from Lake that you still have a lot."

"No problem!" Li Qing happily gave a big bag.

"Just to make it clear to you first, these probably can't grow Qingling Bamboo. The value of Qingling Grass itself is not as good as your Green Rose Witch Medicine."

Kaelin put it away like a treasure, lifted her skirt and bowed to him: "Thank you, sir, then I will go back to my room first!"

Li Qing also returned to the room, picked up Ah Zao who had pounced on the three glass bottles and put it on the coffee table.

"Huh?" Ah Zao was very puzzled: Didn't you buy it for me?

Li Qing shook his head: "No! This is a reward for Ah Sun! It's not that I treat you differently. If you want to eat, you have to evolve!"

Azao was confused at first, and before he could feel disappointed, Li Qing stuffed a spiritual stone into his mouth, so he started to eat it with stupid joy.

Then, it was a long wait.

Li Qing went into retreat in the room, replenishing his spiritual energy and soothing his emotions according to Ah Sun's condition, and tempting him with delicious food.

In this way, another three days passed.

Waking up from a meditation, Li Qing suddenly found that the faint fragrance he had smelled before had disappeared without a trace.

He looked into his Dantian and found that the two inflorescences of the lettuce Cordyceps had already withered, and two clusters of seed spikes of goose yellow and lavender had formed.

The cocoon woven by Ah Sun had changed from green to grayish white, and looked lifeless.

But inside the dead cocoon, there was a spirit insect dormant! There was vitality sprouting! A miracle was happening!

"Beep!" The light sound of the silk cocoon cracking was transmitted along the divine consciousness.

Then, the green Dharma light gushed out, covering the entire Cordyceps, constantly refining it.

The thriving lettuce Cordyceps began to shrink, and soon it was reduced from a person's height to about one foot.

On the contrary, the spirit insect, which was originally less than the size of a finger, expanded in the cocoon until it completed its transformation and broke out of the cocoon!

"Yin——" A clear cry came from Ah Sun's mouth.

In the dazzling green wood light, a three-inch long, miraculous creature covered in scales, with sharp horns on its head, and surrounded by clouds, soared out from the middle.

Obviously, the Dantian has the properties of mustard seeds and there is no need to worry about being burst, but Li Qing still subconsciously called it out.

"It's not an elf?!" Li Qing looked at A'sun in confusion, "Didn't it say that after the elf bug evolves, it will basically turn into a human form?"

A-Sun tilted his head, his eyes also wide and confused: "Eh?"

Ah Zao, who had been watching intermittently for three days, had already taken the initiative to approach Ah Sun and said hello shyly: "Uh-huh~"

Li Qing reacted, put A-Sun's strange evolution aside, and took out three kinds of elf delicacies: "Come! A-Sun has worked hard, this is a reward for you!"

Ah Sun was so happy that he used the sharp corners to push open the three bottle stoppers one after another. After thinking for a while, he put Ah Zao on the mouth of the bottle and said, "Hey."

Azao was stunned for a moment: "Huh?"

A-Sun proudly held up his chest, not tripping over himself this time: "Hey!"

Seeing that Li Qing had no objection, Ah Zao cheered, jumped into the red turquoise powder, rolled around, and started licking it happily.

A-Sun stopped being modest and picked up a bluestone in his mouth, biting it with great vigor.

Li Qing smiled and watched the interaction between the two, and from time to time he used his spiritual consciousness to scan A-Sun and its Cordyceps: "Since they are not elves, will there be any difference in abilities?"

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