The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 55 Sixth level of foundation building, I am now entering the Dao

The Heavenly Dao foundation building, of course, does not mean that the Heavenly Dao really favors and builds the Dao foundation for a young Qi-training cultivator.

Rather, it is a legendary state: the mana is pure and polished to perfection, reaching the state of the Dharma with Yuanling, and the mind has an epiphany, and the mana naturally operates to impact the bottleneck of the foundation building.

Compared with actively impacting the foundation and failing, or borrowing the foundation-building pill, the Heavenly Dao foundation building is a perfect achievement. Not only is there no reason for failure, but the built Dao foundation has many wonderful uses.

If he was still in the second-level spiritual vein cave in Tanyuan Immortal City at this moment, Li Qing would definitely not hesitate for a moment.

But this is in a different world where the spiritual energy is weak, and there is no protective array to protect it. If he rashly builds the foundation, who knows if there will be the risk of being "blocked by others".

Should he follow the Heavenly Dao and impact the foundation?

Or calm the mana and wait for the time to come?

Li Qing's mind was racing, and the reluctance of the previous failure and the relief of saving his life all surged into his heart.

Without time to think, he decided to follow his heart: "If you don't take what God gives you, you will suffer the consequences. Today is the day to build the foundation of the Tao!"

"The harvest of this Qingzhu rice is left to you!" Li Qing turned around and told Ryan.

Then, he activated the spiritual contract and collected Chaoyin, who was still laughing foolishly, and the Cordyceps into his Dantian, and then he left Lettuce Island with a wind escape.


To the east of Lettuce Island, there is an underwater cave.

Li Qing quietly escaped by water, climbed the stalactites, and entered a stone cave that was not flooded by seawater. This was what he found when he was treasure hunting before.

He took out the protective magic circle he carried with him, and put various self-defense talismans and magic tools at hand in case of an emergency, then sat cross-legged on the ground and let the magic power flow on its own.

"Hua La La..." The surging Qingmu magic power, like an endless tide, went through the meridians, passed through the acupoints, and went straight to the spiritual platform on the top of the head.

Like the Dantian in the lower abdomen, the Lingtai on the top of the head does not really exist in the human body, but is another place like a mustard seed. The spiritual consciousness of the cultivator is born here.

But the magical thing is that the Lingtai is not here, not there, and it is changing every moment, mysterious and unpredictable.

The first level of foundation building is to use magic power as a medium to anchor the Lingtai and understand where one's own "God" is.

The last time Li Qing built the foundation, he was walking on thin ice and facing the abyss. He carefully tested it a little bit, but still took many detours. Even with the foundation pill to supplement, most of the mana was still consumed.

And this time, the Tiandao foundation building, the mana does not need to be deliberately pulled, and it moves with fate, and naturally wade out the optimal solution.

In the dark, a key point was opened by Qingmu's magic power, and suddenly there was a "heavenly sound" echoing in the Lingtai, which was vast and magnificent, making his consciousness suffocate.

It seemed as if the sky was falling and the ground was gushing with sweet springs. The infinite great principles were revealed, which made Li Qing sigh, "If I hear the truth in the morning, I can die in the evening."

"How can a mere illusion of spiritual consciousness disturb my heart of Tao?" Li Qing sneered slightly, keeping his original heart, letting it change in various ways, just like a dream.

Last time when he built the foundation, Li Qing was almost confused by it. And today, the perception of Tai Chi Yin Fish is still lingering in his heart. Compared with it, this illusion is a bit unworthy of the high-class hall.

Not long after, many illusions dissipated.

A stream of green wood magic power arrived smoothly and turned into a long bridge, connecting Dantian below and Lingtai above, with almost no loss.

"Boom boom--"

This is the magic power falling into the spiritual consciousness, and the qi and spirit are combined, just like the change of yin and yang, copulating in the Lingtai.

Li Qing kept the clear and bright mind and watched its evolution, not daring to be negligent.

Then a drop of pure true essence slowly flowed out between the mana and the consciousness, accumulating in the spirit platform.

This repeated endlessly. The bits of true essence gradually settled into a pool of spiritual liquid.

Anchoring the spirit platform, seeing through the illusion, and transforming into true essence, these are the first three levels of foundation building.

In this way, about half a day passed.

Li Qing's consciousness was already exhausted, and Qingmu's mana also retreated like a tide and no longer flowed into the spirit platform. The true essence spiritual liquid then settled at eighty-one drops.

It doesn't look like much, but compared with Li Qing's last foundation building, which was only twenty points of true essence, it is a world of difference.

And this level is directly linked to the mana cultivated by the practice. Because the consciousness of the Qi training cultivator is fragile after all, the more complicated and superficial the mana is, the heavier the burden on the consciousness is.

And the true teachings of the big sects, practicing the superior method, and the more pure the condensed mana is, they can take advantage of this level.

According to Li Hui, when Li Zhe first condensed his true essence, he only had thirty-nine drops. The true descendants of Yanling Valley only had about forty-eight drops.

Comparing the two, we can see how amazing Li Qing's current eighty-one true essences are!

But Li Qing didn't care about this. Instead, he raised his mind and guided the new true essence along the path opened up by the magic power to achieve the fourth level: returning to the dantian.

The reason why he failed to build his foundation last time was because of this level.

If the magic power is like floating oil, then the true essence is mercury liquid, dripping from the spirit platform, and it will cause a great burden when it enters the meridians.

The flowing true essence oppresses the meridians and swells the acupoints, like an uncontrolled beast, rushing around and being unreasonable.

Once the acupoint blockade is broken, the new true essence will dissipate on its own and return to the invisible, and the foundation will naturally come to nothing.

To achieve this level, either the meridians and acupoints must be shaped to be more resilient, or sufficient true essence is needed to support the loss.

Li Qing himself was an alchemist, so he naturally took a lot of elixirs to protect meridians and acupoints, and even took inferior foundation-building elixirs to protect him.

However, the power of the medicine had its limits, and the twenty or so points of true essence were too weak to support the loss along the way, resulting in failure.

But now is different from the past!

The damage to Li Qing's meridians and acupoints, as well as the accumulated hidden injuries, had been repaired and strengthened during the last spiritual fire body refining.

If the eighty-one drops of true essence had spirituality, they would not run around randomly. They flowed along the optimal long bridge of the magic power structure, like a rushing river, and merged into the dantian below in an unstoppable manner.

"Boom!" A thunderous sound came in a trance.

When the brand-new true essence fell into the dantian, it was like water entering an oil pan, "exploding" the remaining magic power in it and making it surge and rise.

Under the influence of the true essence, the Qingmu magic power, which was originally quite majestic and condensed, began to purify and aggregate, changing towards the texture of the true essence, and was soon consumed.

The transformed Qingmu Jue then operated, and a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth poured in continuously, but it still seemed to be unable to catch up.

"After all, it's not in the world of cultivation, let alone the second-level spiritual veins."

Li Qing sighed, looked inward at his dantian, and found three elf insects huddled together in fear: "Use the Cordyceps to gather spiritual energy quickly, don't hesitate!"

The tide of the new contract was still a little scared, but Asun and Atzao did not hesitate, and immediately connected the Cordyceps to attract the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.



Thunder roared and lightning raged over a sea area in the east.

The wind rolled up the dark clouds, and the waves called in the angry foam, a vast scene.

The majestic spiritual energy of heaven and earth, changed its gloomy nature, swept the storm, and poured towards this side, like a dragon sucking water.

Suddenly, three more spiritual tornadoes were generated nearby, circling and interweaving, stirring up the wind and rain, adding a bit of hideousness.

"Boom!" A bolt of lightning struck vertically, setting off a raging wave, and overturned a wooden boat that went out to sea to fish.

"God of the Sea! Please calm down!"

"The dragon of disaster, the dragon of disaster is coming!"

"Help! My Laura, wait for me, I will definitely come back alive!"

No matter how good the fishermen are at swimming, facing the overwhelming power of heaven and earth, they can only struggle in vain to fight for even a slight chance of survival.

"Gululu..." The exhausted fishermen have choked on water several times.

Facing the waves that are higher than one wave, everyone closed their eyes in despair and made the last prayer to the gods they believe in.


Inside the cave, a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth flowed in, and the condensed Qingmu Zhenyuan filled the Dantian, and began to erase the last remnants of the last failure of foundation building.

"Hualala——" Zhenyuan rushed like a rushing river, rushing towards the bottom of the virtual shadow of the Tianwei Gate.

The little Zhenyuan left before was like a thin snow in boiling soup, and it was swept away immediately.

The fifth level of foundation building, mana liquefaction, was completed in one fell swoop.

The three elf insects, who were frightened by the scene and closed their eyes, fell into the newly born Qingmu Zhenyuan together with the Cordyceps, without a single bump.

"Ah?" Ah Sun opened his eyes curiously.

I saw a stream of Zhenyuan transformed into a huge green lotus, holding them up steadily, and wandering around with the circulation of Zhenyuan.

However, the three Cordyceps were still in the Zhenyuan, drifting with the flow.

It touched Ah Zao with its horn, and patted Chaoyin with the tip of its tail, signaling them not to be afraid.

"Hum?" "Gu Ka?" The two little guys opened their eyes, and seeing that there was indeed no problem, they happily played with Ah Sun again.

Li Qing let them play in Dantian, and devoted himself to the last stage of foundation building. That is, building the foundation of Taoism.

He closed his eyes slightly, and his consciousness surged, rolling up all the knowledge and insights he had gained since he set foot on cultivation.

From the originally ordinary Qingmu Jue to the superior method that is now far superior to the true teachings of the major sects.

From the cultivation of spiritual plants to the refining of elixirs.

From the struggle in the world of cultivation for a decade to the spirit insects obtained in the other world.

From the Gate of Tianwei to the phantom of Qingmu, and then to the faint sound of the tide this time...

All the perceptions and methods, at this moment, turned into the resources for Li Qing to condense the foundation of Taoism.

"Build the foundation of Taoism, today!" He opened the storage bag and swallowed the Xuanjing Fruit given by Li Fang.

This fruit is beneficial for condensing the foundation of Taoism. If it were in Tanyuan Immortal City, Li Qing would not be able to use it to build the foundation of Tiandao. But now in the other world, it is too late to dream, so Li Qing did not care about the resources.

Silently, under the phantom of the "Gate of Tianwei" in the middle of the Dantian, a simple high platform suddenly appeared.

Li Qing's consciousness fell from the spiritual platform and turned into a three-headed doll phantom on the high platform. He sat cross-legged and sighed: "After wasting sixty years, I am now entering the Tao..."

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