The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 56 The King of Blue Clothes Finally Gains His Allegiance

Only when the foundation of Taoism is established can a cultivator take the first step towards longevity.

Li Qing looked inward: in Dantian, the green wood essence was like a mirror lake, with a Taoism foundation in the middle.

On the Taoism foundation, a little man transformed by his spiritual consciousness sat cross-legged, with a leisurely look. His face was the same as Li Qing, but a little simpler and more immature.

In the dark, Li Qing learned that his life span had increased from 120 years in the Qi training period to 360 years. In the human world, it was enough to watch the rise and fall of a dynasty.

He was surprised and slightly surprised: "360 years of life? Isn't the life span of foundation building 300 years?"

This is of course due to the transformed Qingmu Jue and the Qingmu essence refined from it.

"It's not appropriate to call this superior method Qingmu Jue." Li Qing smiled and shook his head, "I have to think of a more profound name!"

Putting away the protective magic circle, magic tools, talismans, etc. that were no longer of much use, Li Qing stood up.

"It is said that the foundation of Taoism will breed a small magical power, and the foundation of Tiandao is even more mysterious. However, the half-month deadline is coming, so there is no need to rush. Let's go back to Lettuce Island first!"

As he said, he looked up at the top of the cave, resisted the urge to use his true energy to blast the top of the rock and fly out of the holy place, pinched the water-repelling formula, and followed the original route out of this "place to enter Taoism".


"Boom boom--" Thunder and lightning flashed above the sea, and the wind and rain were dark.

The fishermen struggled in the water, and they were about to be overturned by the raging waves and sink into the sea to become water ghosts.

Li Qing had just completed the foundation building, and he was in a good mood. When he came out of the sea, he happened to see this scene and couldn't help feeling pity.

The majestic wood essence surged out and turned into a big hand, which "caught" the man from the sea.

The fisherman who was almost unconscious due to choking on water vaguely saw a god standing tall and upright, dressed in green clothes, shining with magic light, and redeemed himself from the shipwreck with one hand.

A fisherman was confused and felt that he was inspired by the gods, and murmured fanatically: "The King of Green Clothes! The great King of Green Clothes has come!"

Li Qing placed the man on an island reef that was sheltered from the wind and rain, and then picked up the sunken ship from the sea and placed it next to him.

"Forget it! It's fate! I'll be a good person to the end!"

His green wood essence flowed, and a spiritual fire was born, falling among the crowd: "It should be able to hold on for an hour or so, which is enough."

After doing all this, Li Qing did not wait for these people to wake up, and went straight into the wind, rain, thunder and lightning, singing.

"Looking back at the desolate place, I return, neither wind nor rain nor clear."


On Lettuce Island, the harvest of Qingzhu rice has come to an end.

This kind of magical rice is not very particular, just use a sickle to harvest, and then thresh in a metal container, and the rice ears do not touch the soil during the whole process.

Ryan stood at the edge of the sky, watching the brothers Rick and Leier weigh and register the Qingzhu rice sent by the islanders one by one, and grant them notes.

The note contains the islander's name, harvest weight, magical rice quality and other information.

"If nothing unexpected happens, the winner today should be Old Joel! His son, who is so simple-minded, can also participate in the awakening ceremony?"

"If you are jealous, just say it! He was not careful when working, and dropped the Qingzhumi witch medicine on the ground, and you still want to get away with it!"

"That's right! The baron didn't whip you, which is very kind! How dare you talk nonsense here!"

The islanders whispered to each other, and cast their envious eyes on the edge of the farmland, a serf with a slightly lame left leg and a missing little finger on his right hand.

Since Ryan set the incentive policy, two serfs and a villager have received the reward of participating in the awakening ceremony at the end of the year.

Old Joel is the fourth. Although his only son is a little stupid, Ryan still decided to give him this honor. After all, the rules cannot be broken.

Li Qing Yufeng passed through the air and sent a message to Ryan to go to the Qingling Bamboo Garden next to him.

Although Ryan was puzzled, he still handed the supervision of grain collection to his two sons and trotted there himself.

The Qingling bamboo swayed in the wind, and the shadows of the leaves danced, a scene of tranquility that was no less than that of a real bamboo forest.

Li Qing used his spiritual consciousness, which had been improved after the foundation building, to sweep every inch of the bamboo garden in a carpet-like manner, but still did not find any abnormalities.

It seemed that the transformation of this piece of Qingling grass into Qingling bamboo was really an accidental magical infection event.

He did not dwell on it, but turned to look at Ryan, who was panting, and could not help but smile: A dignified silver warrior, is he tired after running these few steps?

Ryan stood by the bamboo garden and looked at Li Qing. He felt that he was completely integrated into the Qingling Bamboo Garden and even the surrounding plants and trees.

There was a kind of detached and detached world, and a hint of omnipresent mystery. The contradictory feeling made Ryan's forehead throb with blue veins, and he felt very uncomfortable.

Li Qing glanced at him and smiled, "Baron, did you notice something?"

Ryan gritted his teeth and asked, "Sir, the aura on you is more vast than before. Have you been promoted to the fourth level... wizard?"

Li Qing smiled and nodded, "That's right!" He actually knew that he had just completed a breakthrough and his aura had not yet been restrained, which put such great pressure on Ryan.

A trace of hesitation flashed across Ryan's face, and he finally knelt down on his knees with a resolute "thump": "If you like it, our Lettuce Family is willing to swear allegiance to you and never betray you!"

Li Qing was stunned. He had never thought of such a great gift: "What are you doing?"

After all, in this world, you only need to kneel on one knee to pledge allegiance to the great lord. Ryan's behavior seemed like a serf's dependence on the lord.

Ryan spoke frankly: "Lettuce Island has long been marginalized in the Iris Islands, and there was once a crisis of losing territory. It was your arrival that saved our family!"

"But the witch medicine you gave, as well as the planting method, involve too many interests. So much so that my father-in-law, as a golden warrior and viscount lord, is hesitating whether to intervene."

As he said, Ryan looked up with some trepidation, carefully observing Li Qing's expression.

"Lettuce Island is not a monolithic entity. Several serfs have betrayed their masters and spread the news of the spiritual rice. The earl may have received the news."

Li Qing was naturally not surprised. After all, money can move people's hearts, and with the strict organization of Lettuce Island, it is impossible to keep a secret.

His previous idea was to retreat if things were not harmonious. Now that Tiandao has built a foundation and his strength has leapt, he has the idea of ​​operating a force for a long time.

"But what can you guarantee, your loyalty?" Li Qing looked straight into Ryan's eyes, as if he could see through people's hearts.

Ryan said decisively: "I am also willing to sign the contract you signed with Feng Lei. If you violate it, you can do whatever you want!"

Li Qing had already made up his mind, and he couldn't help but smile when he heard it: "Since you are so sincere. Then I will accept your Lettuce Island as a vassal family!"

"So that you know, I am not a wizard, and I don't know any witchcraft or magic. But if you betray me, I will also have thundering means!"

Thank you [Book Friend 20171207210609555] and [apple.pie] for the 100 points reward each. Thank you for your follow-up reading, collection, monthly ticket and recommendation ticket support, see you tomorrow.

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