The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 77: Seven Wishes Blessing, Fungus-Born Elves (First Update)

Ryan was stunned: "Bless seven times? How do you say that?"

According to the records left by Rapunzel Island, the blessing of the awakening ceremony is a one-time deal.

After the unknown existence accepts the sacrifice, the lord will first designate the person to receive the blessing, and then He will use the bonfire to exert His power.

This power will be released together. Ordinary people have the opportunity to awaken the power of runes, and rune warriors have a small chance to improve the original runes.

Usually, this power blesses a limited number of people and has some strange connection with the territory. For Rapunzel Island, twenty places are appropriate.

If there are fewer people, the blessing power will be wasted. If there are more people, they will be too scattered. That's why Ryan will release seventeen places.

——Anna and Kailin already have rune blood, so they don't need to awaken through this ceremony.

The unprecedented experience made Ryan a little stunned, but he quickly came to his senses and asked carefully in his mind: "May I ask the great mysterious existence, how to define the seven blessings?"

The mysterious existence did not respond, but only gently urged: "Time, is about to end..."

Ryan wanted to ask a lion, but was afraid that being too smart would backfire. After thinking for a while, he pointed at himself and said: "Please help me improve the rune."

"Yes." A flame rune shot out from the campfire and melted into Ryan's body, just right embedded in the chain of Ryan's twelve runes.

"Hoo-hoo--" The flame gently lingered around him, and suddenly transformed into the form of a firebird.

Ryan felt his whole body lighten, and the blessing was completed: "So simple! Last time it almost cost me half my life."

He then pointed to Rick: "Please help him improve the rune."

"Yes..." The voice paused for a while, and an ice rune flew out of the campfire and escaped into Rick's body.

When the rune first entered the body, it was like a headless fly, running around in Lake's meridians. It took a long time before it suddenly collapsed.

Lake moaned comfortably, and the ice fighting spirit directly took shape, manifesting a kind of divine bird with ice crystals all over its body.

Ryan was finally shocked: "It's all successful? The probability of upgrading runes before was less than 10%."

He suppressed his excitement, pointed at Leier, and asked to upgrade the rune again.

"Yes." Another fire rune popped out. There is no need to elaborate on the process. Leier also succeeded without any pain.

Ryan calmed down and looked at the 17 islanders who participated in the awakening ceremony under the stage. He was a little embarrassed, and finally chose his relative: "Please help him awaken the rune."


Ryan was stunned, and was about to change someone, but the voice was a little impatient: "I know your wish."

As he said that, a plant rune, a water drop rune, and a lightning rune flew out one after another and shot into the bodies of three of the 17 people.

With the vision of plants sprouting, water mist and lightning, three bronze rune warriors became so easily.

The remaining fourteen obviously did not have the qualifications to awaken.

"One more wish!" The mysterious existence seemed to be urging.

"Huh, it's a good thing I didn't make a wish for everyone to awaken." Ryan was very grateful and was about to choose another person from other islanders to awaken.

Suddenly, the bonfire shook violently, and a strange rune shot out from it, passing over the people in the square, and flew to an unknown place.

"Seven wishes have been fulfilled." The voice seemed to chuckle and then disappeared. The bonfire on the high platform seemed to be blown out by someone.


On the barren mountain, Li Qing watched the whole process quietly: "Why is it a little different from what Ryan said?"

When the last rune flew out, Li Qing almost thought he was discovered and was about to touch the "Gate of Heavenly Dimension".

Fortunately, the direction in which the rune flew out was slightly offset, and it seemed to go to... "Pingyang Mushroom Field?"

He couldn't help but be stunned. Seeing that the vast and lofty consciousness had been withdrawn from the sky above Lettuce Island, he no longer paid attention to the high platform and flew towards the Pingyang Mushroom Field.

Even without moonlight, the mushroom field on a snowy night is not dark. On the contrary, the Pingyang mushroom that emerged from the thin layer of snow is now glowing with a little golden light.

But what attracted Li Qing was not this fairy-tale beauty, but an inconspicuous mushroom on the edge of the mushroom field.

This Pingyang mushroom looked a little shriveled, the top cap had dispersed, the stem was loose, and there were tiny spores scattered around.

Li Qing frowned and calculated the time from its appearance: "Is this the first batch that was missed?" At that time, Li Qing was still in the world of cultivation.

Like most mushrooms, after the Pingyang mushrooms have erupted their spores, their essence will dissipate and they will no longer have edible and medicinal value.

But now, this Pingyang mushroom, which is about to fall into the mud and turn into dust, has lived a "second life" by chance.

"Sir, you are here!" Ryan, who hurried over, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Li Qing.

Li Qing congratulated him: "Everything went well, and you got what you wanted. Did you gain a lot today?"

Ryan smiled brightly: "Upgrading three runes at a time and awakening three rune warriors, this is an unprecedented harvest on Lettuce Island."

According to the previous records, if it can add up to three, it can be considered a blessing from the sea god.

"But it doesn't seem to match what you said?" Li Qing asked directly.

Ryan was also puzzled: "It wasn't so easy to bless before. And the way to upgrade runes is also different. I have never heard of Lei'er's fire bird and Lei Ke's ice bird."

"The most important thing is that there has never been a time when seven wishes are given directly. Most of them can only be taken by luck."

Li Qing had no way to compare and did not embarrass himself. He pointed at the Pingyang fungus and said, "Let's take a look and give you this last blessing."

Ren looked along, confused at first, and then sensed something: "Sir, this is..."

Li Qing nodded slightly: "This Pingyang bacteria has given birth to fairy bugs!"

This Pingyang fungus is nearing the end of its life, but the mycelium underneath hides tenacious vitality.

Among the mycelium, an elf bug the size of a broad bean was holding a rune, like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw.

This elf insect was already scattered, but with the nourishment of the runes, it showed signs of solidification. The two complement each other and give birth to new vitality bit by bit.

Renn couldn't help but be overjoyed: "Congratulations, sir! I have obtained another precious spirit bug!"

Li Qing observed his expression and felt full of sincerity. He was silent for a moment, and finally smiled with relief: "I'll leave this elf bug to your family!"

Ren was stunned for a moment: "Sir, according to the original agreement, only duplicate elf bugs will be given to us. What's more, the entire Lettuce Island is now under your protection."

Li Qing smiled: "Since they are all under my protection, what does it matter to whom the elf insect is given to?"

"What's more, this is the opportunity you got by risking the awakening ceremony. How can I have the nerve to take it for myself?"

Of course, there was one more thing Li Qing didn't mention: He didn't dare sign a spiritual contract and stuff this elf insect blessed by a mysterious existence into his Dantian.

In this case, if the Pingyang fungus fairy bug cannot be brought back to the world of cultivation, then it is better to leave it to the Lane family to cultivate the Pingyang fungus here.

Ren soon figured out the key, but he was still very grateful and bowed to Li Qing: "Thank you for the gift!"

Li Qing raised his head leisurely and looked at the high night sky: "This is not my gift!"


On a desert island in the distance, Lake picked up Anna, Kailin, and three birds guarding the place, including Feng Lei.

Anna looked at her son with excitement and danced to share her joy: "Rike, I have awakened the ice rune! I can practice fighting spirit!"

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